240 发简信
  • 回忆里的糖

    《光阴 - 念童年》 年少不知愁滋味,有伴同行乐分享。 疯玩追跑汗涔涔,时至忘归扮乖样。 溪面尤宽水亦清,夏日炎炎嬉水欢。 采菇觅螺鲜满载,借灶...

    17.6 851 5 49
  • 多说无益

    总是试图通过语言去表现, 又或是赢得他人的认可或喜欢, 这是潜意识的行为, 也是内耗的根源。 今又十足体会了一把, 多说无益,反受其害, 之所以...

  • Gave up daily update yesterday

    What I have given up is the thing that I can’t do it, it is also what I ...

    0.6 84 0 3
  • He doesn’t trust me

    Along the road when I came back, I can’t help image the happiness when I...

    0.7 91 0 3
  • Accident meet

    Recently i set up plan that i want to insist on for a long time. For ins...

    0.4 60 0 2
  • Fixed mind

    There are two different mind patterns, I thought that I was the person w...

    0.6 87 0 3
  • Good for adults, bad for baby

    I choose a movie that is suitable for kids to watch, its name is 《Mr Pea...

    0.6 69 0 3
  • Self blame

    I have a big finding in this holiday, that is I always blame myself seri...

    0.4 67 0 2
  • Who is the teacher?

    As a mother who has a 3 years old boy, I always intend to teach my boy s...

    1.4 96 0 4