5年前, “化书成课”技术开发成课,推向市场; 无数次的打磨,面市前课件修改29版。 5年, 《化书成课》从诞生至今,影响上万人; 全国各地开了50期私房课 培养了上千位学员...

5年前, “化书成课”技术开发成课,推向市场; 无数次的打磨,面市前课件修改29版。 5年, 《化书成课》从诞生至今,影响上万人; 全国各地开了50期私房课 培养了上千位学员...
1 收到一个粉丝的留言,他说最近很讨厌碎片化阅读,因为他发现很多看过的东西根本记不住。有时候觉得某个观点很不错,他就会收藏起来,但是收藏后几乎不会再看。他问我有什么解决办法。...
在培训中,很多学员跟我说: 我看了很多书,我平均每周看2本书; 我用了快速阅读法,能够30分钟之内就读完一本书; 我每次看书都会记录好几十页的读书笔记,我所选择的书都是对我目...
你有拖延、虎头蛇尾、难以自律吗? 你的孩子有磨蹭、心不在焉、作业拖拉、聪明的孩子学习成绩却不尽如人意吗? 你的伴侣有嘴上映衬你,却迟迟不行动吗?“等一会儿”是ta的口头禅...
Do your utmost to be empty-minded and hold fast to tranquillity. All things grow, I see...
The ancients followed the divine law, subtle, delicate, mysterious, communicative, too ...
What cannot be seen is invisible, What cannot be heard is inaudible, What cannot be tou...
Praise and blame disturb the mind; Fortune and misfortune affect the body. Why is the m...
Heaven and earth are ruthless, they treat everything as straw or dog. The sage is ruthl...
Thirty spokes radiate from a hub. When there is nothing in the hub, the wheel can roll....
Can body and soul united never sever? Can the controlled breath be softened as a baby's...
Don't hold your fill but refrain from excess. A whetted and sharpened sword cannot be s...
The five colors may confuse the eye. The five sounds may deafen the ear. The five taste...
The highest good is like water Water benefits everything by giving without taking or co...