1. Introduction The main idea behind text mining is “turn text into numbers”. 1.1 Areas...

1. Introduction The main idea behind text mining is “turn text into numbers”. 1.1 Areas...
1. Bayesian Machine Learning What is Bayesian machine learning? 简单来说Bayesian Machine Le...
目录1 Dimension reduction 1.1 Principal Component Analysis (PCA) 1.2 Nearest Neighbors ...
目录0 前言1 K-means2 Hierarchical Clustering3 Gaussian Mixture Model 0 前言 Clustering是一种unsu...
目录0 前言1 Discriminative Classifiers 1.1 Logistic Regression 1.2 Support Vector Machines...
目录1 什么是Ensemble Methods?2 Ensemble Methods的类别有哪些? 2.1 Bagging (Bootstrap aggregating) ...
目录0 前言1 Linear Model1.1 OLS(Ordinary Least Squares)1.2 Regression Shrinkage Models 1.2....
1 为什么存在Machine Learning? Machine Learning的存在是为了解决实际的商业问题,即data mining tasks。 2 那么有哪些dat...
数学 1. 线性代数线性空间与线性映射行列式求解常见的矩阵运算特征值与特征向量广义特征值奇异值分解2. 统计学与概率论概率空间与事件独立性与条件概率贝叶斯公式随机变量与概率公...
一、选题 1. 论文的两大标准 -有套路 :论文的体例-有创新 :有新意也要有意义 机器查:你的论文会和大库里的文章相比较,不要跟着别人文章的内容写 抄袭比例为20% 怎么绕...
This is an article about my R Tutorial notes.Chapter 1 is the basic knowledge for manip...