1139天 20250212 第六颗行星是一颗大十倍的行星。上面住着一个老先生,他在写一本本大部头的著作。 “瞧!来了一位探险家!”他一看见小王...
1138天 20250211 早上好。你刚才为什么把路灯熄掉呢?” “这是规定,”点灯人回答说,“早上好。” “什么规定?” “熄灭路灯呗。晚上...
1137天 20250210 第五颗行星非常奇怪。这是最小的一颗。上面刚好只能容得下一盏路灯和一个点灯人。小王子好生纳闷,在天空的一个角落,在一...
1136天 20250209 第四颗行星是个商人的星球。这个人实在太忙碌了,看见小王子来,连头也没抬一下。 “您好,”小王子对他说,“您的烟卷灭...
1135天 20250208 believe that for his escape he took advantage of the migr...
1134天 20250207 The little prince could guess easily enough that she was ...
1133天 20250206 Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed...
1132天 20250205 The shrub soon stopped growing, and began to get ready to...
1131天 20250204 He could not say anything more. His words were choked by ...