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    1139天 20250212 第六颗行星是一颗大十倍的行星。上面住着一个老先生,他在写一本本大部头的著作。 “瞧!来了一位探险家!”他一看见小王子,就喊道。 小王子坐在桌边,...

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    1138天 20250211 早上好。你刚才为什么把路灯熄掉呢?” “这是规定,”点灯人回答说,“早上好。” “什么规定?” “熄灭路灯呗。晚上好。” 说着他又点亮了路灯。 ...

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    1137天 20250210 第五颗行星非常奇怪。这是最小的一颗。上面刚好只能容得下一盏路灯和一个点灯人。小王子好生纳闷,在天空的一个角落,在一个既没有房子也没有居民的行星上...

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    1136天 20250209 第四颗行星是个商人的星球。这个人实在太忙碌了,看见小王子来,连头也没抬一下。 “您好,”小王子对他说,“您的烟卷灭了。” “三加二等于五。五加七...

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    1135天 20250208 believe that for his escape he took advantage of the migration of a floc...

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    1134天 20250207 The little prince could guess easily enough that she was not any too mod...

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    1133天 20250206 Then one morning, exactly at sunrise, she suddenly showed herself. And, ...

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    1132天 20250205 The shrub soon stopped growing, and began to get ready to produce a flow...

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    1131天 20250204 He could not say anything more. His words were choked by sobbing. The ni...

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    1130天 20250203 And is it not a matter of consequence to try to understand why the flowe...

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    1129天 20250202 I know a planet where there is a certain red-faced gentleman. He has nev...

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    1128天 20250201 你好。”小王子说。 “你好。”铁路扳道工说。 “你在这里干什么?”小王子问。 “我在分批发送旅客,一千人一批。”扳道工说,“我负责调控运送旅客的...

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    1127天 20250131 在地球上,这里是非洲。”蛇说。 “哦……地球上没有人吗?” “这里是沙漠。沙漠里没有人。地球很大的。”蛇说。 小王子坐在一块石头上,抬头望着天空...

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    1126天 20250130 人卖弄聪明的时候,免不了会说谎。说到掌灯人的时候,我没有很诚实。对那些还不了解我们星球的人,我可能误导了他们。其实,人类在地球上占据的空间是非常...

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    1125天 20250129 certain more important details I shall make mistakes,also.But that is so...

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    1124天 20250128 For I do not want anyone to read my book carelessly,I have suffered too ...

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    1123天 20250127 On making his discovery,the astronomer had presented it to the Internati...

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    1122天 20250126 I had thus learned a second fact of great importance:this was that the p...

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    1121天 20250125 As each day passed I would learn,in our talk,something about the little ...

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    1120天 20250124 certain more important details I shall make mistakes,also.But that is so...