北京康复医院如同我的上班单位,我每天陪着老公在里面到处转悠,在里面待久了,总会有一些常常看到的面孔,今天就来给大家讲讲他们的故事。 ...

北京康复医院如同我的上班单位,我每天陪着老公在里面到处转悠,在里面待久了,总会有一些常常看到的面孔,今天就来给大家讲讲他们的故事。 ...
十天详细体验记录可参考:Vipassana 内观禅修十日体验 内观是一种简单、符合逻辑、抛去纷繁理论仪式、符合佛陀世界观方法论的实修方法。 内观...
If there is greed in how you are observing,theninsight cannot arise. Whe...
The nature of the mind is it doesn't go anywhere,it doesn't move. The mi...
We might say that we know something that's happened "outside of ourselve...
When we see that causes and conditions giveriseto aneffect, and how that...
We are studying the nature of craving,aversionand delusion—their functio...
How much you do, how skillful you are, howmuch you are able to do, the b...