
2. 谓语关系

2.1 规则二——动词与主语的人称和数呈一致性关系。



在下列句子中运用规则二(以第1个句子为例:“Hath reared,第三人称单数动词, 按照规则二,与其主语Hand一致;didst weave,第二人称单数动词,按照规则二,与其主语thou一致。”):

1. Father, thy hand

Hath reared these venerable columns; thou

Didst weave this verdant roof.—Bryant.


2. You say you are a better soldier. 一Shakespeare.

3. Then ye are only five. —Wordsworth.

4. Pleasantly rose next morning the sun on the village of Grand-Pré.—Longfellow.

5. One morn a Perit at the gate of heaven stood disconsolate.—Moore.

6. Where De Soto was buried cannot be determined. 一Bancroft.

7. A little learning is a dangerous thing;

Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring.—Pope.

8. He prayeth best who loveth best

All things both great and small ;

For the dear God who loveth us,

He made and loveth all.—Coleridge.

9. The Accusing Spirit, which flew up to heaven's chancery with the oath,blushed as he gave it in; and the Recording Angel, as he wrote it down,dropped a tear upon the word, and blotted it out forever.—Sterne.

10. We know that if we could cause this structure to ascend, not only till it reached the skies, but till it pierced them, its broad surfaces could still contain but part of that which, in an age of knowledge, hath already been spread over the earth, and which history charges itself with making known to all future times.—Daniel Webster.

11. Then methought the air grew denser, perfumed from an unseen censer Swung by Seraphim whose footfalls tinkled on the tufted floor.

"Wretch," I cried, "thy God hath lent thee一by these angels he hath sent thee

Respite—respite and nepenthe from thy memories of Lenore!

Quaff, oh quaff this kind nepenthe and forget this lost Lenore!"

Quoth the raven一Nevermore !''—Poe.


I. 违背规则二的典型情况

(1) 第一种情况。——当使动词一致时,并没有使其与真正的主语一致,而是错误地当成与修饰词或短语一致:例如——

His reputation was great,and somewhat more durable than that of similar poets have generally been.

纠正:动词“have”的复数格式用成单数主语“that”的动词,应该是“has generally been”,错误的原因是,动词“have”被“诱导”(attracted)成与复数“poets”一样的数;但是,因为句子“of similar poets”仅仅是“that”的附加语,它对动词的数没有任何影响。

因此, 有注意事项一:主语的附加语并不影响动词的数。

(2) 第二种情况。——错误地理解了作为主语的关系代词的数:例如——

This is one of the most valuable books that has appeared in any language.

纠正:动词has应当与主语即关系代词“that”一致;这里,“that”是复数,因为它的先行词“books”是复数;因此,它应当是“that have appeared。”


(3) 第三种情况。——不恰当地省略了动词。例如——

A bundle of papers was produced,and such particulars as the following detailed.

这是分词“detailed”前的辅助动词的省略,但是这种省略是不恰当的,依据前面已经提供的“was”(“produced”前面的表述),“and”后面我们有类似“such particulars was detailed”这样的句子,当然,应当补上的辅助动词是“were”(而不是“was”)。

因此,有注意事项三:通常,不允许省略动词, 如果允许省略动词,会引起与主语的不一致。

II. 在规则二下的特别规则

(1) 特别规则一。——两个及以上单数格式的主语通过and连接,且传达出复数的概念,则要求使用动词的复数格式。例如——

Mars and Jupiter have been visible this week.”

a. 人称。——按照特别规则一,有两个及以上用and连接起来的不同的人称作主语的动词以复数格式呈现。至于用于修饰动词属性的人称,用以下方法判定:

a1. 如果主语之一是第一人称,则动词解析为第一人称复数:“He and (=we) are to go.

a2. 如果主语之一是第二人称(句中没有第一人称用于主语时),动词解析为第二人称复数:“You and James are [第二人称复数] to go.

b. 双主语单数。——下面是双主语单数的例子,其传达出的概念不是复数,而是单元,则这种情况,动词以单数格式呈现。

b1. 两个及以上名词分配到一个个体:例如——

A eminent sholar and judicious critic has said.(一位著名的学者和明智的评论家说过。)


b2. 两个及以上名词是同义词,或者近义词:例如——

Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings. (doth,动词do的旧式第三人称单数形式。)


b3. 两个及以上名词通过限定词each,every或no隔开:例如——

b3-1Each day and each hour brings its own duties.

b3-2 Every limb and every feature appears with its appropriate grace.

b3-3No book and no paper was arranged.

b4. 用两个名词表示单个复合对象:例如——

The wheel and axle was out of repair=the wheel together with the axle.


b5. 两个名词中的一个被动词not排除在外:例如——

Our own heart,and not other men’s opinions, forms our true honor.


在这种句子结构中,隐含的是两个主题,即,“Our own heart forms our true honor”和“Other men’s opinions do not forms our true honor”,这个动词与肯定主题的主语一致,且与另一个主题一起理解。

(2) 特别规则二。——两个及以上单数格式的主语通过nor或者or分开,则要求使用动词的单数格式。例如——

“He or his brother has the book.” “Neither this nor that is the thing wanted.”

如果主语之一是复数,则复数主语必须置于紧靠动词的位置,且此动词也必须是复数;例如,“Neither the emperor nor his generals were convinced.”(皇帝和他的将军们都不相信。)

(3) 特别规则三。——一个动词有两个及以上通过nor或者or连接起来的不同人称的主语,则动词与最靠近它的那个主语一致,并且在人称和数方面必须与句子的其余部分一起理解。例如——

a. Either he or I am to blame.

b. You or Thomas is mistaken.

c. Neither Jane nor you study.


a. Either he is to blame or I am.

b. You are mistaken or Thomas is.

c. Jane does not study,nor do you.

(4) 特别规则四。——一个动词有两个不同人称的主语,一个是肯定格式,一个是否定格式,则在人称和数方面与肯定主语一致。例如,

a. He,and not I,is chosen.

b. I,and not they,am to go.

(5) 特别规则五。——一个集合名词(联合的概念为主)采用单数动词。例如,

“The army was victorious.


“The public are often deceived by false appearances.”(公众常被假象所欺骗。)


错误示范1:The fleet are under orders to set sail. (舰队奉命起航。)

纠正:集合名词“fleet”要求使用单数动词;但是are是复数。因此,应当是,“The fleet is under orders…”。

错误示范2:The peasantry goes bearfoot. (农民们徒步前进。)

纠正:名词“peasantry”是群体名词,要求使用复数动词;但是are是复数。因此,应当是,“The peasantry go…”。

(6) 特别规则六。——应用于单个对象的复数标题采用单数动词。例如——

a. Johnson’s “Lives of the poets” is an admirable work.

b. The United States occupies the largest part of North America.

(对于“United States”,尽管在组成上,它可以使用复数代词them,their(修正)表示,但是目前最好的使用规则,就是遵从规则六。)

(7) 特别规则七。——当任何句中隐含有一个及以上名词被省略掉的时候,动词采用复数。例如——

a. The second and the third Epistle of John contain each a single chapter.


b. A literary,a scientific,a wealthy and a poor man are to take part in the meeting.(即,A literary man, a scientific man,等等。)


(8) 特别规则八。——每一个限定动词都必须有一个可表达或可以理解得通的主语。

当两个及以上动词以同样的结构通过and连接的时候,可以允许主语省略:例如,“James reads and [James] writes.”但是,当主语不是隐含的时候,或者当动词不是以同样的结构相连的时候,每个动词都应当有它自己的主语。例如——

It is thinking makes what we read ours.


III. 关于特性和习惯用法格式注意事项

(1) None—any—all。——不确定代词none,any,all,such,等等,采用单数或复数,取决于其表示的概念是联合体的概念还是复数的概念。例如——

a.None [=no one] but the brave deserves the fair.

b.None of my friends were at home=all my friends were not-at-home.

c.All [=everything] is peacefull and still.

d.All [personsfear,none[=no personsaid you,and few [personsunderstand.

(2) 主语+动词+谓语主格。——当“to be”动词表征的是主语主格和谓语主格的时候,例如,句子“The wages of sin is death”,可能会疑惑于是什么决定了动词的数,因为句子词序有时候可以调换过来,而句子原意保持不变。其原则是,判断那一个才是真正的主语,并使得动词在人称和数方面与其一致,尽管其它的名词主格在词序上占据主语的位置,都应将它们解析为谓语主格。

(3) 折分开的主语。——当一个动词将其主语拆分开的时候,动词在数方面与第一个主语一致,但应将其余部分放在一起理解。例如——

The earch is the Lord’s,and the fullness thereof. (大地及其囊括万物都是主的。)


(4) 诗歌的破格(或称诗歌的特许)(Poetic License)。——在诗歌中,经常有违背注意事项三的语句,即违背这条:当一个动词省略掉的时候,可能引起与其主语不一致,这种情况不允许省略动词。例如——

Ah! then and there was hurring to and fro,

And [there were] gathering tears and [there weretremblings of distress,

And [there werecheeks all pale,which but an hour ago

Blushed at the praise of their own loveliness.—Byron.


(5) 双主语。——在散文中,同时使用一个名词和代表人称的代词作为同一个动词的主语是不合适的,除非存在同位语。但是,在诗歌中,这种不规则的情况随处可见。例如——

a. The Counthe was left to the vulture and hound.

b. For the deckit was their field of fame.




1. What have become of our friends?

2. The Normans, under which general term is comprehended the Danes,

Norwegians, and Swedes, were accustomed to rapine and pillage.

8. I came to see you because I knew you was my old master.

4.Our cousin's kind and even temper endear her to all.

5. What signifies fair words without good deeds?

6. Neither of the parties are much better.

7. There was no data given.


1. The fragrant woodbine and the sweet-scented myrtle renders the air in this spot truly delicious.

2. My trusty counsellor and friend have warned me to have no dealings with such men.

3. How pale each worshipful and reverend guest

Rise from a clergy or a city feast!

4. Every house-top and every steeple show the flag of tbc republic.

5. To read and write were once an honorary distinction.

6. Our will, and not our stars, make us what we are.

7. Bread and milk are excellent food for children.

8. A word or an epithet paint a whole scene.

9. Neither the captain nor the sailors was saved.

10. One or both of the boys is in the garden.

11. No voice nor sound but their own echoes were beard in reply.

12. Nor eye nor listening ear an object find.

13. I, whom nor avarice nor pleasure move.

14. He or I is to go.

15. I, or thou, or he, are the author of it.


1. Not you, but Mary, are the best scholar.

2. The club meet on Tuesday.

3. Congress have adjourned.

4. A herd of cattle peacefully grazing afford a pleasing sight.

5. The assembly thus convened were numerous.

6. Mankind was not united bf the bonds of civil society.

7. Campbell's Plesures of Hope were sold for fifty cents.

8Silver·thread among the Gold arc a hackneyed song.

9. The rising and the falling inflection is to be carefully distinguished.

10. A Webster's and a Worcester's dictionary was consulted.

11. It is a long road has no turning.

12. Our friend brought two loads to market, and were sold at good price.

13. This is an idiom to which our language is strongly inclined and was

formerly very prevalent.

来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。

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