

英文 中文
You knew you were going to cut my throat. 你就是要打击我
Doing my job, 我只是在尽本分
representing my client, reading the brief. 做当事人的代表和解读诉讼状
Don't take it personally, Martha. 你别多想 Martha
-You're Martha Costello.-I'm not representing you. -你是Martha Costello-我不是代表你
No, I'm your new pupil. 不 我是你的新学徒
I'm the other new pupil, Niamh. 我是另外一个实习律师 Niamh
Well, shouldn't we, er, shake hands or something? 我们是不是该...握个手什么的?
Billy said this judge might be a reference for my Silk application. Billy说这个法官可能成为我丝袍申请的推荐人
-He said that to me too.-We can't both ask him. -他也那样跟我说过-不可能我们都找他吧
Let's see how we go. 我们拭目以待
-Do you think she'll get Silk?-Yes. -你觉得她能穿上丝袍吗?-能
You tell me you didn't do this and I will fight for you. 只要你告诉我你是无辜 我就为你拼了
Do you find the defendant guilty or not guilty?-Not guilty. -你们裁定被告人有罪还是无罪?-无罪
-Yes!-He stole my medal! -酷!-他偷了我的勋章
Hello? Billy. 喂? Billy
Yeah. I'm fine. Yeah. 嗯 我很好 是的
I'm coming in now. 我马上过来
Hi, yeah, yeah, I'll hold. 嗨 好 好 我等着

Yeah, can I make an appointment? 嗯 我能预约吗?
Doesn't matter which doctor. 随便哪个医生
Can I take your name?' 你的名字?
-Miss.-What is it? -小姐-什么案子?
-Rape.-Er, I don't do rape. -强奸案-呃 我不接这种的
The process is unfair to victims. 诉讼过程对受害人是不公平的
Exactly. 正解
The rules of evidence are unjust and wrong. 取证的规定既不公平也有错漏
So... 所以...
So what do the panel who are looking at your Silk application make of that? 所以评审团会怎样看你的皇家律师申请呢?
She's a great advocate, 她是个优秀的律师
we need more women, 我们需要更多女性角色
but there is one whole part of the criminal justice system she wants to kick in our face. 但她想挑战的是整个刑事司法体系
Do we want that? 这是我们乐见的吗?
Do we like being kicked in the face?" 我们的权威乐意被人挑战吗?
If you get Silk, they cannot touch you. 如果你穿上了丝袍 他们就无法左右你了
Do only the work you want to do. But you have to get it first. 想要随心所欲 就要先争取到丝袍
It's the whole thing, OK? 因为所有的事 懂吗?
The way some police treat women alleging rape, 警察怎样对待那些声称被强奸的女人
I mean, the way they get cross examined about 我是说 她们要接受怎样的盘问
what they were wearing, how much they had to drink and how they were asking for it. 她们当时穿着什么 喝了多少酒 说了哪些话
Anything else? 还有呢?
The cross examination of rape victims sexual history, 还要盘问受害人以往的性经历
the fact that only 6% of all reported rapes end in conviction. 事实上所有强奸案中只有6%的被告被定罪
I mean, how would you do if some barrister took you through 如果律师要求你在法庭上当着所有人的面
your entire sex life in front of a courtroom full of people? 坦白你过往全部的性生活 你会怎么做?
-I was in a band. So... 我以前在乐队呆过 所以...
Oh, it's not funny, Nick. 噢 这不好笑 Nick
But you're doing this trial. Why's that? 可你还是接了这个案子 为什么?
Why don't you go and make friends with Niamh? 为什么你不去找Niamh玩呢?
Women do make it up though. 女人确实会编造谎言
It does happen. 这事儿的确有过
I mean, forget trials and rules of evidence and conviction rates 我是说 把审判 证据规定 定罪率什么的
and whatever... 统统抛之脑后...
but women do invent rapes that never happened. 但确实会有女人捏造没有发生过的强奸
Oh, Billy, what's this? 噢 Billy 这是什么?
-It's rape, sir.-I don't prosecute. -强奸案 先生-我不做控方
How many rape prosecutions make it all the way home to a guilty verdict? 有多少强奸案能最终判定被告有罪的?
What are you saying? 你什么意思?

Almost none. 几乎没有
Win a rape trial 在东南部的巡回法庭里
in front of the most influential judge 当着最权威法官的面
on the South Eastern circuit 打赢一场强奸案的官司
and you go straight to Silk, do not pass go. 丝袍资格你就能手到擒来 好好把握机会
-What makes you think it's winnable? -什么让你觉得可以胜诉?
Apart from the sympathy from the women in the jury? 除了女陪审团怀有恻隐之心之外?
Women on juries don't like rape victims. 女陪审员并不喜欢强奸案受害人
Not for the victim. For the prosecutor. 不是受害人 是控方律师
There's only one thing 只有一种人
that women find more attractive than a handsome man in uniform. 能让女人觉得比穿制服的俊男还有魅力
That's a WOUNDED handsome man in uniform. 那就是一个受了伤 穿着制服的俊男
-Yeah, but...-Jimmy! -对 但是...-Jimmy!
New job. 新任务
You are now Mr Reader's bag man. 你现在是Reader先生的小跟班了
You will follow him, one step behind, 你形影不离跟着他
carrying all his gear, every step of the way. 替他排忧解难 细心照顾
Do you want to run a tab? 您想喝点什么吗?
-No, just two glasses.-OK. -不用 只要两个酒杯-好的
Cheers. 谢谢
Thanks. 谢谢
Have you ever had sex with someone and not really wanted to? 你有没和人发生过关系 但其实你并不想的?
What? 什么?
You know, sometimes afterwards you wish you hadn't. 你知道 有时你会后悔希望它没发生过
What about before? 那发生之前呢?
-Or during?-What is this? -或在过程之中?-你想说什么?
I'm just looking for the boundary. 我就想知道界限在哪里
When does sex become rape? 性行为什么时候会变成强奸?
When does yes become no? 自愿何时会变成强迫?
I think men know when the other party is consenting. 我觉得男人是知道对方是否自愿的
Even if the woman is not actually saying "no" out loud, 即使女人没有真的把拒绝说出口
you know, I think it's there... 我认为男人可以感觉到...
absence of consent. 她不愿意
And if the guy isn't sure, he should find out. 如果他不确定的话 他应该问清楚
What? 什么?
Like, "Are you consenting?" 难道问 你是自愿的吗?
How sexy is that? 这也太扫兴了吧?
-Are you saying you've had experience of this, Nick? 你在暗示你有这样的经历吗 Nick?
Haven't YOU? 你没有过吗?
-Haven't we all...sort of?-Not me. -我们不都有过...类似的吗?-我可没有
'Excuse me.' 打扰一下
-Hello, Niamh. Mind if I, er... -你好 Niamh 介意我 呃...
-Hello.-Could you, er... -你好-你能 呃...
why don't you go away? 你怎么还不走?
What? 什么?
Before I call the police and have you nicked for 趁我还没揭发你偷香槟
the theft of some very expensive champagne. 叫警察把你抓进监狱里去
Just smile, look at me like you love me, then leave. 保持微笑 假装友好地看着我 然后走开
Look, erm... I've got to go. 那个 呃...我得走了
-Oh?-Oh. -哦?-噢
Yeah... 嗯...
sorry. I'll see you later. 抱歉 我们下次再聊
-You all right?-No. I lost a trial today. -你还好吧?-不好 今天输官司了
An innocent man is starting an eight-year prison sentence 一个无辜的男人被判处8年监禁
and he was fitted up by Surrey police. 他是被萨里郡的警察陷害的
Postcode justice, Niamh. 地方公正 Niamh
Guildford juries 吉尔福德郡的陪审团
believe everything police officers tell them. 对警方的证词深信不疑
Are you always upset when you lose? 你每次输官司都会这么沮丧吗?
Ten years ago - this week 十年前 就在这个星期
I was doing a death row appeal from Antigua. 我为一名安提瓜岛的死囚上诉
Their Lordships on the Privy Council 那些枢密院的达官贵人们
decided that my client, 认定我的当事人
hating the conditions on death row 因难以忍受牢房恶劣的条件
so much that he wanted to die, 以致他宁愿接受死刑
meant he was rational and reasoned 认为他是在理智清醒的
and not delusional and psychotic as we were trying to argue. 而非我们反驳的在精神错乱下作出的决定
The appeal failed? 上诉失败了?
They executed him? 他们处决了他?
They had to build their own coffins in the corridor outside the cells. 他们还要在牢房外的走廊上自己造棺材
He asked me to be there when they... 他希望我在场 当他们...
It was... 这实在...
Anyway... 不管怎样...
How are you, Niamh? How's it going? 你好吗 Niamh? 事情还顺利吗?
Yes, hello. 喂 你好
Sorry I...I called earlier. 抱歉 我...我之前打过电话
I wanted to make an appointment. 我想预约一位医生
What? No, no, no, no, no. 什么? 不是不是
I had to hang up. 我当时有事
What, couldn't you turn the computer back on? 什么 你能把电脑重新打开吗?
It wouldn't be that difficult, would it? 这不是很难 对吧?
OK. OK. 好吧 好吧
Well, can you tell me what time you open in the morning? 那么 你们早上几点开始上班?
'We open at 8 o'clock.' 我们8点上班
Thank you. 谢谢
Hello? 喂?
Hello? 喂?
Why are you laughing? 你在笑什么?
Very grown up, pouring me a drink from a drinks cabinet. 很老到嘛 从酒柜里拿酒给我喝
Ice? 加冰?
Are you laughing at me? 你在笑我吗?
My favourite book. 我最爱的书
I used to think my dad was Atticus Finch. 我以前觉得我爸就是Atticus Finch
Well, Gregory Peck actually. 呃 确切地说是格利高里·派克
He turned out the light and went into Jem's room. 他关灯走进Jem的房间
He would be there all night, 他整个晚上都会在那里
and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning. 他会一直陪着Jem直到他醒来
Can you get that? 你能接下电话吗?
Hello? 喂?
Shagger Reader's scored again! 花花公子 Reader又得手了!
Sorry. Is Mr Reader there, by any chance? 抱歉 请问Reader先生在旁边吗?
Morning, Miss! 早上好 小姐!
Did he do the death row thing? 他讲了那个死囚的故事没?
I suppose you could say it's his word against hers. 我猜你会声称他俩只是口舌之争
"You raped me." "你强奸了我"
"Oh, no I didn't." "噢 我没有"
"Oh, yes, you did." "噢 你明明就有"
But the thing about non-stranger rape 但是对于两个熟人间的强奸案而言
is that it really comes down to is brief against brief. 这就是律师和律师间的较量了
You against me, Marth. 你我之间的较量 Marth
You look a bit uncomfortable with that white ribbon round you brief. 看你对诉讼状上的白绶带的感觉不太自在啊
Mr Human Rights prosecuting. 人权卫士
Yeah, well, rape's different. 是啊 但强奸案就不一样了
I'm going to see the victim. 我要去见受害人了
Complainant. Not victim. 是原告 不是受害人
When you've had 15 years at the Bar 如果你有15年的律师资历
I might be interested in your opinion. 我可能还有兴趣听一下你的意见
Right now, you don't exist. 而现在 你还什么都不是
You coming? 要一起吗?


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