英文 | 中文 |
Our planet is a place of constant change | 我们的星球瞬息万变 |
Each yearthe seasons shift and life is transformed | 年复一年 四季交替 万物更迭 |
But there are places where the changes are so epic in scale | 然而在地球的某个角落 自然更替如史诗般宏伟壮阔 |
they can be seen from space | 甚至可以从太空中观察到 |
In this series | 在本期《壮美无边》系列中 |
we reveal three of the most miraculous transformations | 我们将带您领略三处 最具震撼的自然变换 |
The islands of Svalbard | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛 |
within a few weeksfrozen wastelands burst into life | 几周之内 冰冻荒原迸发出勃勃生机 |
The African Okavango | 非洲奥卡万戈河 |
a desert transforms into a magical water world | 一片荒漠转变为神奇水世界 |
And the mysterious forests of New England | 新英格兰神秘森林 |
erupting in a blaze of seasonal colour | 季节的颜色绚烂如火 |
Life finds the most ingenious and surprising ways to thrive | 生命采取极具智慧的惊人方式 |
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in the world's fastest changing landscapes | 在世界上最为变化多端的地域繁衍 |
壮 美 无 边 | |
Svalbard | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛 |
a frozen ice world | 一个冰封世界 |
Iying far beyond the Northern tip of Norway | 位于挪威最北端 |
A lonely group of islands | 这群孤独的岛屿 |
almost at the top of the world | 几乎处在世界的尽头 |
For four monthsbecause of the tilt of the Earth | 因为地球自转轴是倾斜的 在长达四个月的时间里 |
Svalbard is cloaked in darkness | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛都被黑暗笼罩 |
hidden from the life giving light of the sun | 无法获得来自太阳的光和热 |
But every year | 但是每年 |
a miracle happens here | 这里也会出现奇景 |
As the sun returns | 当阳光重新普照大地 |
Svalbard undergoes an extraordinary transformation | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛将发生非凡的转变 |
From perpetual darkness to perpetual light | 脱离无止尽的黑暗 迎来长久的光明 |
From frozen ice world to land of vibrant life | 冰封世界将变成一片生机勃勃的乐土 |
This is the story of how life survives one of the planet's most extreme changes | 这一景象展示出生命是如何在地球最为极端的变化中 |
挪 威 斯 瓦 尔 巴 特群 岛 | |
一月 | |
最 低 温 度: - 40℃ | |
日 照 时 间:0 小时 | |
The Svalbard winter | 这是斯瓦尔巴特之冬 |
A night that lasts for months | 持续几个月的漫长黑夜 |
Without the sun's light | 没有阳光 |
nothing can grow | 没有植物可以生长 |
And ferocious winds are | 咆哮的大风 |
dragging temperatures to minus 40 and below | 将气温拉到零下40℃甚至更低 |
How can anything survive here? | 似乎没有生命可以在这种恶劣环境下存活 |
One animal is in its element | 但有一种动物就可以 |
A polar bear has been sleeping peacefully through the storm | 一只北极熊正在风暴中沉睡 |
Its unique coat reflects heat back into its body just | 它的皮毛如同一件独特的外套 牢牢锁住体温 |
Iike a survival blanket | 就像救生毯一样 |
so it is quite comfortableeven at minus 40 | 即便在零下40℃北极熊仍然很舒适 |
And remarkablyfor the polar bear | 事实上 对于北极熊而言 |
these are relatively good times | 寒冬也有它的好处 |
The sea ice is at its maximum | 海面的冰已经达到最大厚度 |
connecting the islands of Svalbard to the whole of the Arctic | 将斯瓦尔巴特群岛和整个北极圈连接起来 |
So the bear can stride out over the frozen ocean | 北极熊能在冰冻的洋面行走 |
its prey right beneath its feet | 而猎物就在脚下 |
A ringed seal | 环斑海豹 |
Just a metre beneath the bear | 就在北极熊脚下一米处 |
but protected by the ice | 但是有冰层阻隔作为保护 |
Until it needs to breathe | 直到海豹需要露头呼吸 |
The seal scrapes out a network of breathing holes | 海豹会在冰面开出一系列呼吸孔洞 |
dotted about the ice | 分布在冰面各处 |
It can hold its breath for 45 minutes | 呼吸一次可以下潜45分钟 |
but then it must come up for air | 但随后必须浮到水面换气 |
The trick for the polar | 北极熊面临的难题是要判断 |
bear is guessing where it will appear next | 海豹下一次换气的位置 |
But it only needs to catch one seal a week | 不过它每周捕到一只海豹就够吃了 |
and it is very patient | 而且它也很有耐心 |
Bears can wait at a single hole for days | 北极熊可以蹲守一个气孔好几天 |
Only a handful of animals | 只有为数不多的动物 |
are tough enough to survive the winter here | 能够在这样的寒冬存活 |
The Svalbard reindeer is the world's most Northerly herbivore | 斯瓦尔巴特驯鹿是世界上最北端的食草动物 |
and that's a challenge when the land is locked in ice | 地面被冰雪覆盖使得生存变得更加困难 |
They survive partly off their summer fat reserves | 驯鹿能度过寒冬 部分得益于夏天储备的脂肪 |
Iosing up to half their body weight during winter | 它们在冬季会降低一半的体重 |
But they do need to eat | 但驯鹿仍然需要进食 |
With their sharp hoovesthey chisel through the crust of ice | 依靠锐利的蹄 它们挖开地表的冰 |
and then literally chew the rocks | 之后开始啃食石头 |
scraping off the coating of frozen moss and lichen | 其实是在吃石头表面冰冻的苔藓和地衣 |
But after just seven or eight winters | 但像这样经过七八个冬季之后 |
their teeth start to wear out | 它们的牙齿就会磨损 |
And that's when many struggle to make it | 久而久之 死亡就是最后的结果 |
When winter claims one life | 当寒冬夺走一个生命 |
another is quick to profit | 很快会让另一个生命受益 |
An Arctic fox | 北极狐 |
It scavenges its way through the winter | 有它自己在严冬的求生之道 |
visiting frozen carcasses like this | 吃冰冻的尸体 |
and following polar bears to feed on their leftovers | 或者尾随北极熊 吃些它们的猎物残骸 |
And this is the only bird to over winter in Svalbard | 这是唯一一种能在斯瓦尔巴特群岛越冬的鸟类 |
The ptarmigana relative of the grousebut tougher | 雷鸟 松鸡的近亲 但是更加强壮 |
Like the reindeerthey pack on extra fat in the autumn | 就像驯鹿一样 它们会在秋季储备脂肪 |
but not for energy | 但不是为了能量消耗 |
for insulation | 而是为了保温 |
So they are 50% heavier in the winter | 所以它们在冬天体重会增加50% |
But now they're too fat to fly any distance | 现在雷鸟已经胖得无法飞行 |
On feathered feetthey scuttle across the tundra | 靠脚爪 它们翻开冻土 |
seeking out the tiniest shoots of plants | 寻找植物的细小嫩枝 |
Iying dormant in the frozen ground | 留下冰冻的休眠体 |
For everything but the polar bear | 除了北极熊 其它动物 |
such conditions are hard to endure | 都很难忍受这么寒冷的环境 |
For the first explorers who came here from Europe 400 years ago | 对于400年前第一次造访这里的欧洲探险家们 |
the Svalbard winter felt like an eternity | 斯瓦尔巴特的冬天似乎看不到尽头 |
They must have wondered whether the sun would ever return | 他们肯定怀疑太阳是否会再次升起来 |
For manyit never did | 对那时的许多人而言永远都不会 |
But there is light here | 但这里也有光 |
When the moon rises | 当月亮升起 |
it can stay up for a week | 明月将高悬一周 |
And every so often | 有时候 |
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the solar wind coming from the other side of the planet | 来自地球另一端的太阳风 |
collides with the Earth's magnetic field | 与地球磁场发生碰撞 |
creating magical colours in the Arctic sky | 在北极的天空描绘出魔幻般的色彩 |
Aurora Borealis | 那就是极地之光 |
the Northern Lights | 北极光 |
It's now midFebruary | 到了二月中旬 |
and after four long months | 漫长而黑暗的四个月结束了 |
the sun finally returns | 太阳重新升起来 |
二月十五日 | |
气 温: - 16℃ | |
日 照 时 间:1 小时 | |
At firstthe sun is only up for an hour at a time | 最开始 太阳每次只出现1小时 |
so it brings little warmth | 只带来一点点热量 |
but it signals the beginning | 但这意味着 |
of Svalbard's miraculous transformation | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛神奇的转变已经开始 |
As the sun's light reaches out across the landscape | 当阳光普照整个大地 |
the true nature of this | 这片神奇的土地 |
extraordinary wilderness is revealed | 将显露出它的原貌 |
Beautiful but brutal | 美丽而充满野性 |
Vast glaciers flow from lonely peaks | 巨大的冰川从山峰崩塌 |
pulverising mountains and | 山体破裂 |
bulldozing their remains to the frozen sea | 融入冰冻的海洋 |
There are no forests or woodlands | 这里看不到森林和树木 |
But surprisingly | 但令人惊奇的是 |
the same titanic forces that make this place | 使这片土地如此荒凉的自然之力 |
so inhospitable have also drawn people here | 却也吸引了人类的到来 |
Coal | 煤 |
brought right to the surface | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛的冰川 |
by the scouring of Svalbard's glaciers | 将煤推到地表 |
A source of great wealth for those | 对于能长期居住在此的人们 |
who can survive here long enough to get it | 这将是一笔巨大的财富 |
Svalbard belongs to Norway today | 斯瓦尔巴特群岛现在属于挪威 |
but in the pastmany nations came | 但在过去 有很多国家 |
to exploit its rich coal deposits | 都曾试图利用过这里丰富的煤炭资源 |
including Soviet Russia | 包括苏联 |
But one grand scheme after another succumbed to this frozen land | 但是终究没人能征服这片冻土 |
This is Pyramiden | 这里是金字塔镇 |
Once home to over 1 000 people | 一个曾经拥有超过1000位居民的家园 |
now a ghost town | 现在已经成为鬼城 |
Inside these buildings | 在这些房子里 |
Russian workers lived with their families | 曾居住着苏联的工人和他们的家人 |
But today it all lies abandoned | 但如今都废弃了 |
The plan was to give the people of Pyramiden everything | 最初的计划是为金字塔镇的居民提供所有的必需品 |
they needed to survive here through the longdark winter | 供他们度过漫长而黑暗的冬季 |
Including the world's Northernmost piano | 包括一架钢琴世界上最北端的钢琴 |
But it couldn't last | 但这也没有维持很久 |
These mines were never profitable | 这些矿井从来没有带来过收益 |
The cost of survival | 毕竟在地球上这个 |
here at the frozen ends of the Earth | 冰冻的极地 生存所需的成本 |
was just too great | 实在太高了 |
TodayArctic foxes roam the streets | 现在 北极狐能漫步街头 |
where people tried to tame the Svalbard winter | 在这里 人们曾经尝试战胜斯瓦尔巴特之冬 |
三月十八日 | |
气 温: - 15℃ | |
日 照 时 间:12小时 | |
Mid March | 三月中旬 |