

英文 中文
The sun is absent for up to half the year in the polar regions. 在极地地区太阳已经半年没有出现了
When it returns, at the beginning of spring, 春天来临阳光再次普照
its warmth will transform this magical ice world. 它的温暖会改变这个冰冻的神奇世界
The greatest seasonal change on our planet is now underway. 地球上最壮阔的季节转换正在上演
Antarctica is still locked in ice, 南极洲依旧是冰天雪地
and surrounded by a frozen ocean. 周围是冻结的海洋
Nonetheless, there are signs of spring. 然而春天已经露出萌芽
Adelie penguins are arriving-- just the males. 阿德利企鹅来了当然只有雄性
They've spent five months at sea, 他们在海上生活了五个月
where it's warmer than it is on land 那里比地面温暖
and now they're in a hurry, for spring will be short. 现在他们匆忙赶来因为春天十分短暂
They have travelled 6,000 miles across the ocean 自从去年离开后
since leaving their colony last year, 他们已跨洋旅行了6000英里
and now they're returning to breed. 现在回到这里繁衍生息
They cannot lay their eggs on ice, for they would freeze, 他们不能在冰上产蛋因为那样会冻僵
so they have to come here, 所以来到这里
where there is bare rock. 这里有光洁的石头
Over the coming months, 在接下来的几个月里
the few parts of Antarctica that are ice-free 南极洲为数不多的无冰区

will be the stage on which five million Adelies 将会成为五百万阿德利企鹅
will build their nests. 筑巢的营地
To construct one, they need pebbles, 它们需要用卵石来筑巢
and without a good-looking nest, 如果筑的巢不够美观
a male will be unable to attract a female, 雄企鹅就无法在雌企鹅最终到来时
when they at last arrive. 吸引她们的注意
An impressive property demonstrates your worth as a mate. 别致的巢穴是可靠伴侣的象征
It takes stones of all shapes and sizes to build a decent nest, 像样的巢需要各种形状和大小的石头
and finding ones that are just right is not easy. 而合适的石头非常难找
So some penguins turn to a life of crime. 所以一些企鹅走上不法之路
The one who has been robbed seems unaware 被偷的那只企鹅似乎并没察觉到
that the thief is just over his shoulder, and looking for more. 小偷就在身旁等待着大捞一笔
The thief's nest is coming along nicely, 小偷的筑巢行动进行得十分顺利
probably because he keeps 大概是因为他一直
a particularly sharp lookout for robbers. 紧紧看护自己的巢穴以防窃贼光顾
after all, it takes one to know one. 毕竟他自己就是个贼人
It's still cold, but the early season sun 天气依旧寒冷但早春的太阳
does lift the temperature by a few degrees. 让气温上升了几度
That, however, can have unexpected, 然而这样却会招致
even dangerous consequences. 意想不到的甚至是危险的后果
The sea is heating faster than the land, 海洋升温的速度比陆地快
pulling cold air from the middle of the continent 使得冷空气从大陆中央
towards the coast. 向海岸移动
These katabatic winds are stronger than any hurricane. 由此产生的下降风比任何飓风都要猛烈
They are the coldest and the most ferocious on the planet. 是地球上最冷也最猛烈的风
The storms catch many new arrivals by surprise, 暴风突袭这片土地的新访客
and are the reason that spring here is, 所以这里的春季
in fact, the deadliest season. 是死亡率最高的季节
Here, early birds take a great risk. 在这里先驱们要冒极大的危险
Some years, entire colonies are lost, 有时候整个企鹅群都会迷路
buried beneath the snow. 被埋在雪下
The survivors of this storm 在暴风中幸存下来的企鹅
must hope that the females prove to be worth the wait 希望当雌企鹅最终出现时
when they finally decide to turn up. 他们的等待没有白费
Spring in the north of our planet. 北极的春天来了
The sun, after an absence of six months, 销声匿迹了六个月的太阳
breaks the horizon for the first time. 终于突破了地平线
A female polar bear emerges from her den beneath the snow. 这头母北极熊从雪下的窝中探出头来
The sun must be a welcome relief 在黑暗中待久了
after so long in the darkness. 她觉得阳光温暖而舒适

Her den is on a high slope, 她的窝建在一片高坡上
well away from hungry male bears 那些饥肠辘辘
who would kill her cubs, 想打幼崽主意的公熊无法靠近
but close enough to the sea ice where she can find food 同时也离海面够近让她能找到食物
for her extraordinary new family... 喂养新家庭成员
...three young cubs. 三只小熊
If she can raise them all to independence, 如果能将它们抚养到独立生活
it'll be a rare achievement. 就已经十分难得了
One of the cubs is underweight, 有一头小熊体重过轻
and will be fortunate to survive these early weeks. 能活过最冷的这几周就很幸运了
If the family reaches the sea ice, 如果他们一家抵达海冰区域
where the female can catch seals, 母熊就能抓到海豹
her milk will be enriched, 她的奶水也会得以富足
and the smaller cub will quickly gain size and strength. 小熊就能很快茁壮成长
The sea ice, though, is a dangerous place. 然而海冰区域非常危险
The male polar bear has been out on the frozen ocean all winter. 公北极熊整个冬天都待在冰封的海面上
Times have been lean, 这个季节食物非常匮乏
and a bear cub would certainly make a welcome snack. 几头小熊仔绝对是上好的零食
However, the mainstay of his diet is seals, 但是他主要还得靠海豹充饥
and now is the time when they have their pups. 而现在正是海豹生育的季节
The surface of the frozen sea is marked with pressure ridges, 冻结的洋面上遍布着因潮汐而形成的
and cracks created by the fluctuating tides. 冰脊和裂纹
Both are good places to look for seals. 这些都是猎食海豹的好去处
He has detected a seal den beneath the ice. 他发现了一处藏在冰下的海豹窝
Now he must pin-point it, 现在他必须借助异常灵敏的嗅觉
using only his extraordinary sense of smell. 来进行精确定位
By treading lightly, he can avoid scaring his prey. 他小心翼翼以免打草惊蛇
He will need to punch through a metre of snow to reach the den, 他得打穿一米厚的雪才够得到海豹窝
and if his aim is not exactly on target, 如果他定位不够精准
the seal will certainly escape. 海豹就会逃走
In fact, the ringed seal abandoned her den 事实上被围剿的海豹早在几个钟头前
just a few hours ago 就弃窝而逃
and her pup has climbed up onto the surface. 她的幼崽也已经爬到冰面上
It's more exposed up here, 虽然在上面更容易暴露目标
but it's easier to see an approaching bear. 但也更容易发现熊的影踪
The pup is well camouflaged, 当母亲离开去捕鱼时
difficult to see when its mother has left it to go fishing. 她把幼崽隐蔽得很好很难被发现
But he can still smell it. 但北极熊还是能闻到海豹的气味
Nine out of ten polar bear hunts end in failure. 北极熊的捕食行动十有八九都以失败告终
The sun's warming effect on the Arctic is increasing 在北极阳光的增温效应不断加速
and the sea ice is showing the first signs of weakening. 海冰首度出现了融化的迹象
Inland, the northern rivers are still locked in ice. 在内陆地区北部的河流仍处于冰封期
The frozen waterfalls are like dams 冻结的瀑布如同大坝一般
holding back billions of tonnes of fresh water 储备着数十亿吨
that has not moved for almost six months. 冻结已近半年的淡水资源
The vast water shed lies motionless, 如此巨大的分水岭一直静卧在那里
but as spring advances, it beings to stir. 但随着春天的临近它开始骚动起来
The frozen waterfalls start to weaken. 冻结的瀑布逐渐消融
Above them, the pressure is mounting. 上游处的压力与日俱增
Now, from high above, 现在从高空俯视
whole sections can be seen to be on the move. 可以看见大片的浮冰开始漂流
The waterfalls are straining to hold back the force 瀑布一直在顽强地抵抗
that is building up above them. 这股来自上游的压力
The dam bursts... 大坝瞬间崩塌...
and the river is unleashed. 大河滔滔如万马奔腾
Millions of tonnes of ice grind their way downstream, 在融冰产生的势不可挡力量推动下
driven by the unstoppable force of the meltwater. 数百万吨浮冰以摧枯拉朽之势倾泻而下
Boulders and trees 岸边的山石被冲走
are plucked from the bank side. 林木被连根拔起
Within just a few days, the rivers of the north are all running. 短短几天北极的江河便又恢复了奔流
The Arctic's fresh water is flowing again. 北极的淡水再次涌流而出
These vast floods contain 10% of the world's fresh water 这些洪流包含了地球10%的淡水资源
and as they enter the ocean, they accelerate the break-up. 汇流入海时便会加速浮冰解体
Soon, 不久之后
an area of sea ice the size of Australia 相当于澳洲这么大区域的海冰
will vanish from the Arctic Ocean. 便从北冰洋消失不见
As the huge ice-sheet breaks up, wildlife returns to the North. 随着大冰原的解体野生动物开始回归
The polar bear mother has made it to the edge of the sea-ice, 北极熊妈妈成功回归海冰的边缘地带
but the smallest cub is nowhere to be seen. 但最瘦弱的那头小北极熊则无处可寻
It's a sad outcome, 这是个悲伤的结局
but the disappearance improves 可对于剩下来的两头小熊而言
the chances of the remaining two, 则能提高其存活率
who now have more milk to share. 因为他们能够分享到更多的母乳
Having led her cubs to the edge of the ice, 熊妈妈带着小熊来到海冰边缘地带
the mother's next challenge is to catch a seal. 接下来的挑战便是捕食海豹
Not easy with these two in tow! 带着这么两个孩子可不容易
Her prey beneath the ice 藏在冰下的海豹
can detect the slightest vibration, 能察觉到哪怕是最轻微的震动
especially from bears. 对熊发出的声音更是敏感
And this is not the stealthiest of hunting parties. 带着小熊想隐秘猎食也是不可能的
Leaving her cubs behind, however, is not an option-- 然而留下小熊又是万万不行的
a male bear would eat one in a moment. 小熊可能被公熊吞食
This is not going to be easy. 带着孩子捕食并不容易
It seems that the cubs 看起来小熊
already see themselves as fearsome hunters, 已经把自己视作是神武的捕手
but they're still young enough 但他们还很小
to accept their mother's discipline. 仍然听得进母亲的管教
It's the naughty corner for you! 你在这好好反省一下
This is not going to be their lucky morning. 今天上午他们的运气不太好
They saw no sign of a seal 没见到任何海豹的踪迹
and the cubs are hungry again. 熊崽们又饿了
The mother has been nursing for four months 熊妈妈已经哺育四个月了
without once eating herself, 而自己却没有吃过任何东西
and now her milk is drying up. 现在她的乳汁正逐渐耗尽
She must catch a seal soon, 她必须尽快抓到海豹
or the whole family will starve. 不然全家都得挨饿
The challenge of finding food is getting harder. 寻觅食物如今愈发艰难
She needs the sea-ice as a platform from which to hunt 她需要海冰作为捕猎的平台
and it's breaking up faster with each passing day. 而海冰破裂的速度却与日俱增
Even the ice around the coast is starting to break. 甚至连沿海地区的冰也开始破裂了
The first cracks here are eagerly awaited by some... 而有一些动物正迫切地期待第一道裂缝


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