一. 第8期英语单词学习
intellectual 智力的;脑力的;理智的
Live on (人)以…为主要食物;继续活着
Queue (人、汽车等的)队,行列;(储存的数据)队列
Tiresome 讨厌的;令人厌烦的;烦人的
Rewind 重绕(磁带等);倒带;倒片,重绕;倒带器
Imitate 模仿;仿效;模仿(某人的讲话、举止);作滑稽模仿
Screw 螺丝钉;螺丝;(对螺丝的)旋拧;性交;用螺丝固定(或拧牢);旋紧;拧紧;拧上去
Collect 收集;采集;收藏;搜集;聚集;集合;汇集
Water pollution could damage the intellectual development of children.
She lives on slender income.她靠着微博的工资生活。
The queue is very orderly and powerful . 这个队伍非常整齐和威武。
It is very tiresome to spit on the floor . 随地吐痰令人生厌。
You need to rethink your mistakes insted of pretend that it can be rewound .你必须反思自己的错误而不是假装错误可以倒带。
She could imitate the singing of many music stars. 她能模仿大多数歌星的歌声。
I can screw the television on the wall tightly by myself . 我可以自己把电视机固定在墙上。
Can you help me to collect a different flowers? 你可以帮我收集不同的花朵吗?
Your serious attitude towards learning and listening always encourage me.
Good morning,You are the first one to finish the dubbing and words share,you are a very motivated girl.
Your dictation is very diligent and the handwriting is very good.
You are very active in interacting with other classmates .
Your comments are very detailed for me to study.
@Jennifer you are so active on practicing Spoken English .
@Alice Thanks for sharing the word of suspect .
@唯皓Hue Yin(班长) Thanks for helping us review the word of spotlight .
intellectual 智力的;脑力的;理智的
Live on (人)以…为主要食物;继续活着
Queue (人、汽车等的)队,行列;(储存的数据)队列
Tiresome 讨厌的;令人厌烦的;烦人的
Rewind 重绕(磁带等);倒带;倒片,重绕;倒带器
Imitate 模仿;仿效;模仿(某人的讲话、举止);作滑稽模仿
Screw 螺丝钉;螺丝;(对螺丝的)旋拧;性交;用螺丝固定(或拧牢);旋紧;拧紧;拧上去
Collect 收集;采集;收藏;搜集;聚集;集合;汇集
Increasing our intellecual acitvity can start from imitating the pronuncitation of others ,this is a good way to study.At the beginning ,my pronunciation make myself very tiresome ,but the continuous English learning can help me to collect the words which are unknown to me.
2.听力完成两段,没有每天训练听力,对于人名基本上是空白,有些简单的单词也出现了混淆,例如save 和safe ,如果我有细心去根据上下文进行推断,不难发现文中讲的是水污染,这里应该是写水的安全问题,正确答案就可以揭晓了。感谢白雪老师还特意给我们讲解了两段听力,第二段也鼓励大家从一段听力延伸下去,例如讲到厕所,那何不把关于厕所的单词都收集起来,这样下次对于laterine 这个单词就知道是作为名词,(营地等的)厕所,(尤指)茅坑或者便坑。学习的过程必须要去延伸,不是简单听完了事,从听力的文段发现自己单词量的不足和容易混淆读音的单词,还可以把单词集合起来形成自己的单词库。白雪老师是一个长期保持学习的人,她的优秀是每天不断积累起来的,并且对着自己有很高的要求。基础要打牢,听和说要勤快练习起来,每天保持学习。