重读下来还是有感触,核心就是中庸之道,了解万事万物的规律,尊重它,不要觉得自己成功几次就觉得无所不能。骄傲时要更加小心,失败时也不要妄自菲薄,重要的是保持平衡,阴阳互换,月盈则亏,亏则盈,一切都在转换之中,保持一个字“中”。 跟道保持一致,时刻观察自己,提醒自己,做事情不问结果,努力去做就得了,这样道自然会反哺你。
外在的快感无法持久,人只有向内寻找,正确看待自己,才能找到终极的平静和价值; 而冥想正是一种途径吧~ 而交易正式一种修行,生活更是。。。
看了一个“Nothing has ever opened my eyes like meditation,” says Hugh Jackman 金刚狼演员霍夫曼的采访:
“I like the analogy of a glass of water…when you first pour it it’s cloudy. When you’re stressed, that’s what your mind is like, it’s kinda cloudy. And after I meditate all that sinks to the bottom and the water is clear and the energy is finer, and the decisions you make are more authentic, and I think you’re more economical with your energy, with your time, in every way.You’re more able to listen to other people.
“I would describe it more as a revealing of consciousness—that through meditation on a daily basis, I get to strip away the masks that we build—that I build for myself, small and large—to reach more of a feeling of my true self: Oh, this is who I really am. This is how I can experience life. Oh, I see. It’s just something simpler, finer and more powerful. “
冥想我坚持了两个月多了,每天两次 早上10-15分钟,晚上10-15分钟。 怎么坚持下来了? 我觉得Hugh讲的很好,就跟每天你早晚都会刷牙洗脸洗澡,变成了一种习惯,你不自觉会做:
“Everyone takes a shower every day, and we don’t complain about it. We do it out of discipline. There will always be an excuse not to meditate…. The ego says, ‘You don’t need to meditate, man. You’re really busy. What about the kids?’ But do I say, ‘I can’t shower today because I have to make time for the kids?’ No,” Jackman points out.
076: The Best Insights On Trading Price Action - Al Brooks 第37分钟:
Build consistency first, then profit later.
try small with confidence, monitoring emotion/state, formalize a discipline and system, trading shouldn't be stressed too much.
No need to be perfect, win small, is also able to get you to home-run. let lose much that you're upset.
I don't care size, how much profit/or nothing, I dont' matter. I just keep going.
Trading not for stimulation, put positive expectancy, focus on execution, make sure good risk mananger, think about doing it for 20 years. what you will do for it.