英文 | 中文 |
Louisiana. A place like no other, | 路易斯安纳州是一个与众不同的地方 |
where bluesy notes of endless love songs drift on the breeze. | 在这里 微风中奏着布鲁斯音符 唱着永无止境的情歌 |
And in a quiet suburb of New Orleans lives an animal that holds a secret. | 在新奥尔良安静的郊区 住着一只藏着秘密的动物 |
One that is yet to be discovered. | 这秘密还有待被发现 |
Animals have long been a fascination for humankind. | 很久以来 人类都对动物痴迷 |
A source of companionship, study, and intrigue. | 它们是陪伴 研究和好奇心的来源 |
Devoting her life to researching the natural world, | 这位科学家致力于研究自然世界 |
this scientist's ambition is to unravel all the secrets nature has to offer. | 她的理想是揭开自然界中的所有奥秘 |
An assortment of curiosities and hidden wonders | 她家有各式各样的奇珍异宝 |
form a miniature museum in her own home. | 组成了小型的博物馆 |
The closer she looks, | 她看得越仔细 |
the more spellbinding the revelations. | 就能有越奇妙的发现 |
A monarch butterfly. | 一只帝王斑蝶 |
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To the naked eye, the wings are a rich tapestry of colors. | 从肉眼看蝴蝶的翅膀有着斑斓的色彩 |
Magnified 40 times reveals it is made up of scales, | 放大40倍后看 就会发现翅膀是由鳞片组成 |
over a million of them, arranged like slates on a roof. | 上百万片像屋顶的瓦块排列起来 |
Like a typical scientist, | 她是位典型的科学家 |
with each new discovery, | 每一次新发现 |
her fascination grows. | 都会让她更加着迷 |
Taking her infatuation even further, | 为了进一步钻研着迷的事物 |
she has brought the outside world in. | 她将外面的世界带到了室内 |
It's a diverse collection of animals from every corner of the globe. | 这里有着来自全球各地各式各样的动物 |
Somewhat different from the rest, and separated from the other animals, | 这只动物和其他动物有点不同 并与它们隔离开来 |
a large cage stands alone. | 有一个大笼子独占一个角落 |
The nest box appears empty. | 巢箱好像是空的 |
Something secretive lurks inside. | 里面藏着一只神秘的动物 |
While the animals that live inside these man-made walls | 住在人造墙壁之间的动物 |
are protected from external dangers, | 不会受到外界危险的威胁 |
wild animals, on the other hand, | 但野生动物 |
have to be far more careful when choosing their home. | 选择安家的时候要谨慎得多 |
Made by a woodpecker, but long since abandoned, | 这个洞最初是啄木鸟造的 但已经弃用很久了 |
this hole is the perfect home for a small animal. | 对于小型动物来说 这是完美的家 |
It's a nocturnal male squirrel. | 这是只夜行性的公松鼠 |
Unlike squirrels that emerge in the day, this one comes out only at night. | 和在白天出没的松鼠不同 这只只在夜间外出 |
A pocket-sized rodent, it's only half the weight of a baseball. | 这只袖珍啮齿动物只有一颗棒球的一半重 |
Now, cloaked in darkness, he begins his nightly adventures. | 借着夜色的掩护 他开始了每夜的冒险 |
His large, bulging eyes promote keen eyesight, | 鼓起来的大眼睛让他视觉敏锐 |
needed to navigate the shadows. | 这是在阴影中穿行的所需条件 |
As a wild animal, he's free to explore anything and anywhere he chooses. | 他是野生动物 可以随心所欲探索各种事物和地方 |
Having previously chewed through the insulation, | 他之前就把隔热板嚼破了 |
he enters the scientist's home with ease. | 毫不费力就进入了科学家的家 |
Squirrel squatters can become a real nuisance. | 家里有只松鼠非法占住还挺烦人的 |
If they like what they find, | 如果这地方合它们的意 |
these unwelcome guests are extremely hard to evict. | 就很难把这些不速之客赶走了 |
Squeezing and wriggling, he emerges into his favorite playground. | 他又钻又扭地进入了最爱的游乐场 |
Warm, safe, and out of reach of nighttime predators, it's perfect. | 温暖 安全 远离夜间的捕食性动物 这里的环境太完美了 |
Unknowingly, the scientist has created the ultimate habitat for her mystery guest. | 这位科学家在不知不觉中 为神秘客人建造了顶级栖息地 |
As far as he's concerned, this is his attic, | 在他看来 这阁楼属于他 |
and part of his home. | 是他家的一部分 |
An expert chewer, | 他是咀嚼高手 |
each evening the squirrel hones his rodent teeth on this forsaken table leg. | 他每晚都用这只废弃桌子的桌腿来磨牙 |
With his dental regime complete, | 保养好了牙齿之后 |
his relentlessly playful nature kicks him into overdrive. | 怎么玩都不够的天性驱使他继续捣乱 |
Time to have a little fun. | 该找点乐子了 |
With no one to join in his game, | 他没有对手 |
the attic and its contents become the ultimate racetrack. | 阁楼和其中的物品成为了终极跑道 |
Each night he plays the same game, | 他每晚都要玩同样的游戏 |
and yet he's never experienced circumstances quite like this before. | 但从来没有遇到过这样的情况 |
His only exit is a pitch-black tunnel. | 漆黑的隧道是他唯一的出口 |
Without a moment to think, he impulsively dives into the unknown. | 他毫不犹豫地纵身跃进未知的地域 |
He assesses his surroundings. | 他评估着周围的环境 |
His misendeavors in the attic | 他在阁楼上闯的祸 |
have brought him into an unfamiliar part of the house. | 将他带到了屋子里不熟悉的地方 |
Time to explore. | 是时候好好探索了 |
But he doesn't have long. | 但他的时间不多 |
Daylight is quickly approaching. | 黎明很快就要来临 |
He picks up a strong, recognizable scent and follows his nose. | 他闻到了一股强烈的气味 闻起来很熟悉 于是顺着气味往前走 |
He's never encountered anything like this place before. | 他以前从来没见过这样的地方 |
If he's quiet, perhaps he can slip past these sleeping monsters. | 如果他动作尽量轻一点 也许能从这些沉睡的怪物身边溜过去 |
As he moves to the back of the room, | 随着他移向屋子末端 |
the scent intensifies. | 气味越来越浓 |
It's not something he's smelled before, yet it's strangely familiar. | 奇怪的是 他以前并没有闻过这气味但却很熟悉 |
It entices him to investigate. | 这让他决定调查一番 |
He notices some movement in the distance. | 他注意到远处有动静 |
To his amazement, it's a lone female squirrel. | 他眼前一亮 发现了一只母松鼠 |
She's exactly like him. | 和他长得一模一样 |
Although she lives in captivity, | 虽然她在笼子里生活 |
her wild instincts are irrepressible, | 却抑制不住自己的野性 |
and so she, too, emerges at night. | 她也是夜行动物 |
However, unlike the male squirrel, | 但和雄性松鼠不同的是 |
the outside world is completely alien to her. | 她对外面的世界一无所知 |
Confused, it's like looking at a reflection. | 她很困惑 这像是照镜子一样 |
There's an instant attraction. | 它们一见钟情 |
But the bars of the cage are a barrier neither can cross. | 但它们都无法越过笼子的围栏 |
With the rising of the sun, the male squirrel is torn. | 随着太阳升起 公松鼠进退两难 |
He cannot stay. | 他不能留下来 |
Like a vampire who shuns the light, | 他像是见光死的吸血鬼 |
he is forced to go. | 他不得不离开 |
Left alone once more, she watches him leave. | 她又被抛弃了 眼睁睁看着他离开 |
Unaware of their midnight encounter, | 科学家并不知道它们在深夜会面 |
the scientist sets about her daily routine. | 开始着手日常事务 |
Unlike its owner, the squirrel does not keep a clean and tidy nest. | 松鼠和主人不一样 不会保持窝的清洁整齐 |
Cleaning out the cage is a vital job. | 清理笼子是一项关键工作 |
With the cage door ajar, the squirrel can't help herself. | 笼子的门半开半掩着 松鼠憋不住了 |
New and unusual fragrances drift through the open window. | 新鲜奇特的气味从打开的窗户外飘来 |
The chance encounter with the male squirrel | 和公松鼠的邂逅 |
has given her a newfound curiosity and confidence. | 让她生起了好奇心和自信 |
It's the first time she's ever ventured out of her enclosure. | 这是她第一次到笼子外的世界闯荡 |
Her home is familiar, yet it's confined her. | 她的家很熟悉 却困住了她 |
The human knows if the squirrel escapes, she may not be able to fend for herself. | 人类知道 如果松鼠逃出去可能无法照顾自己 |
In the chaos, she makes her choice and enters into the unknown. | 在混乱中 她下定决心进入了未知的世界 |
Piercingly bright, the sunlight is blinding. | 阳光很刺眼 她一时什么都看不见 |
Slowly, her eyes adjust, revealing a perfectly manicured courtyard, | 她的眼睛渐渐适应了光线 精心打理的庭院出现在眼前 |
a uniform space of cold, straight lines and hard surfaces. | 这是个单调的空间 由冷色的直线和硬表面组成 |
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Far from a haven for wildlife, | 这跟野生动物的栖息地有着天壤之别 |
the squirrel's first taste of freedom is disappointing. | 初尝自由的体验令她大失所望 |
Nervous of her new surroundings, she must find shelter. | 陌生的环境让她感到紧张 她必须找到藏身之处 |
On first inspection, it's dark, warm, and inviting. | 第一眼看去这里阴暗 温暖 非常宜人 |
A strange odor emanates from within, | 里面传出了一阵奇怪的味道 |
but as a temporary hideaway to rest her weary head, | 但她只想暂时在这里休息疲惫的身心 |
it will suffice for now. | 就将就一下吧 |
Squirrels climb high to escape the reach of hungry carnivores. | 为了不落入饥肠辘辘的食肉动物之口 松鼠会爬到高处 |
But they cannot avoid every predator. | 但它们无法逃脱所有捕食者的魔爪 |
Commonly found in human dwellings, | 黑鼠蛇经常在人类住处出没 |
the black rat snake can grow to eight feet in length. | 可以长到2.4米长 |
Small rodents are their preferred prey. | 小老鼠是它们首选的猎物 |
The snake picks up the female squirrel's distinctive scent. | 蛇闻到了母松鼠的独特气味 |
Expert climbers, they can scale seemingly impossible surfaces, | 它们是攀爬高手 能上到看似高不可攀的表面 |
frequently raiding bird nests. | 经常偷袭鸟窝 |
Impressively, the snake's scales and body muscles work together | 令人惊叹的是蛇的鳞片和身体的肌肉配合 |
to push against the grooves of the bark. | 推着这树皮的纹路 |
This muscular power allows it to ascend vertically. | 肌肉的力量让它得以垂直上行 |
Unaware of the danger, she continues to sleep. | 她完全没有察觉到有危险 继续沉睡 |
Squirrels often nest together in large groups, | 松鼠通常过着群居生活 |
cuddling for warmth and protection... | 依偎在一起 以获取温暖和安全 |
but she has no one to look out for her. | 但她无依无靠 |
Confronted by the cold-blooded predator, | 当眼前出现了一只冷血捕食者 |
the squirrel is unable to climb down the way she came. | 松鼠不可能沿原路爬下去 |
She must find another exit. | 她必须找到另一个出口 |
Forced onto the edge... | 她被逼到了悬崖边 |
the only way is down. | 唯一的道路就是向下 |
The snake has her cornered. | 她被蛇逼得走投无路 |
But this box belongs to another... | 但这个箱子已经有主人了 |
...a giant great horned owl. | 一只巨型大角鸮 |
Now faced with two deadly predators, the squirrel has no choice but to jump. | 松鼠面前有两只能吃了她的捕食者 跳下去是她唯一的选择 |
But instead of falling to her death, she instinctively spreads out her limbs, | 但她没有摔死 而是凭着本能展开四肢 |
and like an acrobatic escape artist, she glides to safety. | 她像杂技逃脱术艺人 一直滑翔到安全处 |
Unknowingly, she was born with a unique and special gift. | 她一直不知道自己原来具有独特的天赋 |
She is not just any squirrel. | 她不是普通松鼠 |
She is a flying squirrel. | 而是一只飞鼠 |
Defying the laws of gravity, she holds the ultimate superpower. | 她可以脱离地心引力的限制 这是顶级的超能力 |
Finally discovering who she truly is, | 她终于发现了自己真正是谁 |
she's filled with an overwhelming urge to try again. | 心里跃跃欲试 想再试一次 |
There's nothing stopping her. | 没有什么能阻挡她 |
The possibilities are limitless. | 她有着无限可能 |
To stay in the air, she needs balance. | 为了不掉下去 她需要平衡 |
Both sides of her body must be in harmony with one another. | 她身体两边需要达到和谐 |
The flabby membrane of skin attached to her wrists and ankles | 有一层松弛的飞膜与她的手腕和脚踝相连 |
transform her body into a parachute. | 能将她的身体转化成降落伞 |
The more the squirrel stretches her arms apart, | 她把双臂张开得越大 |
the faster she goes, | 速度就越快 |
allowing her to cover impressive distances. | 这能让她飞得很远 |
She ends up with the perfect flight and the perfect landing. | 她的飞行和降落都很完美 |
Tired, she catches her breath. | 她累了 喘一口气 |
She quickly realizes she's no longer in the stark courtyard, | 很快意识到自己已经离开了环境粗陋的庭院中 |
but somewhere quite different. | 而是来到了非常不同的地方 |
Unknowingly, she's flown over the fence and into the neighboring garden. | 她在不知情的情况下飞越了围栏 进入了邻居的花园 |
The world opens up before her eyes. | 美妙的世界在她眼前展开 |
This garden is erupting with life. | 这座花园充满了生机 |
A vibrant, colorful place, | 这是个充满活力 色彩缤纷的地方 |