英文 | 中文 |
Arizona. | 亚利桑那州 |
Home to America's great Wild West. | 是美国狂野大西部的发源地 |
Famous for showdowns between lawmen and bandits, | 以治安官和强盗之间的对决而闻名 |
where legends are made and only the courageous survive. | 这里是传奇的诞生之地只有勇者才能生存 |
Amid this arid landscape, | 在这片干旱的土地上 |
ferocious creatures brave this peculiar frontier. | 凶猛的动物勇敢面对这独特的西部前沿地区 |
Whether the good, | 不管你是善 |
the bad, | 是恶 |
or the mighty, | 还是拥有魁梧的体型 |
you must be quick on the draw -if you hope to survive. | 唯有身手敏捷才能活下去 |
It's been a long night foraging for food for this desert-dwelling kangaroo rat. | 这只居住在荒漠里的更格卢鼠已经觅食一整晚了 |
Busy collecting a bounty of hundreds of seeds to store | 她忙着采集几百颗种子 |
back at her burrow. | 用来囤在她的地洞里 |
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Instead of using her paws to carry the load, | 她不用爪子来搬运货物 |
she shovels them into her fur-lined cheek pouches. | 而是塞进带有毛内衬的颊囊里 |
Time to set off home. | 是时候往家走了 |
Like a tiny kangaroo, | 她就像一只袖珍袋鼠 |
she uses her powerful back legs to speed through the desert, | 蹬着有力的后腿飞奔穿越沙漠 |
while her long tail helps maintain balance. | 长尾巴帮助她保持平衡 |
Fur on the soles of her feet prevent her from sinking into the loose earth. | 足底的毛能防止她陷入松动的土壤里 |
As she arrives back home, | 她到家的时候 |
a young kangaroo rat instantly emerges from the burrow to greet her. | 一只更格卢幼鼠立刻从地洞里出来迎接她 |
He's been eagerly awaiting his mother's return. | 他一直急切地等待着妈妈回家 |
Any day now, this adolescent will leave his mother's care | 这只处于青春期的老鼠到了随时可能离开母亲照顾的年纪 |
to begin his journey of independence. | 展开独立的旅程 |
Although he longs to explore the world, | 虽然他渴望探索世界 |
he lacks the courage to take the decisive step. | 却缺乏迈出决定性一步的勇气 |
For now, this is as far as he's willing to venture | 现在他只愿意从安全的洞穴中 |
from the security of their burrow. | 踏出这么远 |
While the desert is cooler at nighttime, | 虽然沙漠在夜间会更加凉快 |
the dark conceals some of the toughest characters in town. | 黑暗也掩护了这地方一些最狠的角色 |
Kangaroo rats are surrounded by enemies. | 更格卢鼠四周都潜伏着天敌 |
A deadly diamondback rattlesnake carries enough venom | 一条致命的菱背响尾蛇携带的毒液 |
to kill more than 60,000 mice. | 足以杀死六万只老鼠 |
And kangaroo rats are one of their favorite foods. | 更格卢鼠是它们最爱的美食之一 |
The naive young kangaroo rat still has much to learn, | 天真的小更格卢鼠涉世未深 |
and he hasn't noticed the impending danger. | 并未注意到危险正向他逼近 |
Rattlesnakes strike their prey faster than the blink of an eye. | 响尾蛇攻击猎物的速度比眨眼还快 |
The kangaroo rat's mother's worst fear is unfolding before her very eyes. | 更格卢鼠妈妈最大的恐惧在她眼前成为现实 |
She sprints to intercept the snake's powerful jaws. | 她飞奔过去 堵住了蛇的血盆大口 |
In a split second, | 一瞬间 |
the life of the young kangaroo rat has changed forever. | 这只年轻更格卢鼠的命运从此改变了 |
Now, the lethal rattlesnake switches its attention. | 现在这只致命的响尾蛇转移了注意力 |
The juvenile is left with no choice but to run. | 逃跑是这只小家伙的唯一选择 |
Forced to abandon all he knows, he's pushed out into uncharted territory. | 他被迫背井离乡 逃向陌生的地方 |
The snake takes over the kangaroo rats' burrow. | 响尾蛇占领了更格卢鼠的洞穴 |
The balance of law and order has tipped out of the young rat's favor. | 在法律与秩序的天平上小老鼠占了下风 |
Driven by grief and fear, | 伤痛和恐惧驱使着他前进 |
he's been racing as fast and as far away as he can. | 他拼命跑 能跑多远就跑多远 |
He's lost the one thing most dear to him. | 他失去了最亲爱的东西 |
Having never been away from his home before, | 他以前从没离开过家 |
he's unsure of what to do or where to go. | 现在不确定该做什么 或该去哪儿 |
The chances of survival for this naive kangaroo rat look slim. | 这只稚嫩的更格卢鼠生存的机会似乎微乎其微 |
Summer temperatures in Arizona can reach 115 degrees Fahrenheit. | 亚利桑那州夏季的温度可能高达46摄氏度 |
The air is dry, making it hard to breathe. | 干燥的空气难以呼吸 |
The burning daylight makes the ground scorched and unbearable underfoot. | 烈日炙烤着土地让脚底的皮肤难以承受 |
The body of the kangaroo rat is designed to reduce water loss. | 更格卢鼠的身体设计能减少水分流失 |
He can perspire only through his feet. | 脚是唯一排汗的地方 |
However, he isn't adapted to stay in the sun for long. | 但他并不适应在阳光下逗留 |
He'll perish if he stays out for more than an hour. | 晒超过一小时的太阳就会让他丧命 |
Seeking shade isn't enough. | 躲到阴凉处还不够 |
He must go underground. | 他必须到地下去 |
The air inside the tunnel is pungent... | 地道里的空气非常刺鼻 |
but this subterranean shelter would provide some much-needed relief from the relentless sunlight. | 但他迫切需要躲避无情的阳光这地下庇护所正能让他喘口气 |
The dark entices him in. | 黑暗吸引了他 |
A foot or two below the hot surface exists a honeycomb network of tunnels. | 炙热地表下的几十厘米处地道像蜂巢网一样铺开 |
It's here many of the desert animals seek respite from the sun. | 许多沙漠动物就在这里短暂躲避阳光 |
But some life has adapted to thrive above ground. | 但有一些生命能够适应地面上的环境蓬勃生长 |
The seasonal monsoons of the Sonoran Desert | 索诺兰沙漠的雨季 |
produce lush pockets of vegetation. | 孕育了繁茂的植被 |
A forest of saguaro cacti. | 巨柱仙人掌形成了一片森林 |
These giants stand up to 60 feet tall and weigh as much as two tons. | 这些巨型仙人掌能长到18米高重量能达到两吨 |
Taking advantage of the rich landscape | 充分利用这富饶土地的 |
are lifeforms who appear as if they are from another time. | 是显得像来自不同时代的生物 |
Almost prehistoric. | 几乎是史前时代 |
With a keen sense of smell, | 这只希拉毒蜥嗅觉敏锐 |
this Gila monster has discovered treasure: | 它找到了宝藏 |
a nest of tortoise eggs carefully hidden in the sand, | 小心埋在沙子里的一窝乌龟蛋 |
away from the sun's rays. | 远离太阳光 |
However, they aren't buried deep enough to protect them from the Gila monster. | 但是蛋埋得不够深还是成为了希拉毒蜥的盘中餐 |
Biting through the shell, | 它咬破了蛋壳 |
it consumes the contents with its forked tongue. | 用叉舌吃掉了蛋液 |
Having gorged as much as it can, | 它大吃一顿 填满肚皮 |
the Gila monster won't need to feed again for months. | 饱得能够维持几个月 |
The dragon returns to its lair. | 龙归巢了 |
Tasting the air, it's clear it has an unexpected visitor. | 它闻到了不速之客的气味 |
Kangaroo rats are extremely sensitive to vibrations. | 更格卢鼠对震动极其敏感 |
And the sound of something approaching echoes down the chamber. | 有东西靠近的声音在地道里回荡 |
Slowed down by the weight of its full belly, | 装满食物的肚皮拖累了它的速度 |
the Gila has little chance of catching him. | 希拉毒蜥抓住他的机会很渺茫 |
But the Wild West takes no prisoners. | 但狂野西部不会手下留情 |
Tarantulas never venture too far from their burrows, | 狼蛛从来不会远离洞穴 |
and this Arizona blond tarantula is blocking his exit. | 这只亚利桑那州金发狼蛛堵住了他的去路 |
He's left with no option but to try and slip past the Gila monster. | 他别无选择只能试着从希拉毒蜥眼皮底下溜走 |
This hero is once again forced out into the open... | 这只英雄再一次被逼到了旷野 |
and even further away from the safety of his own home. | 离他自己安全的家更远了 |
Isolated and alone, he's uncertain of where to go next. | 他孤立无援不确定接下来要去向何方 |
But there's no time to reflect. | 但没时间反省了 |
A roaring wall of dust thunders towards him. | 滚滚黄沙浩浩荡荡地涌向他 |
Engulfed in a vicious storm of desert sand and grit, | 他被这股由沙子和砂砾形成的风暴吞没 |
he's choked by the plumes of dust. | 在沙尘之中窒息 |
The surface of the ground is parched and loose. | 土地表面干旱松动 |
The wheels of the bike easily churn up the dry soil. | 摩托车轮能轻易地搅起干土 |
Relative to his size, the kangaroo rat can outmaneuver the bike. | 因为体型小巧更格卢鼠比摩托车技高一筹 |
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Blinded by a wall of dirt, | 滚滚尘土挡住了他的视线 |
he finds his way inside something dark and protective. | 他找到了阴暗的藏身之处 |
It's not perfect, | 这里并不完美 |
but it provides enough shelter to escape the chaos. | 但足以让他躲避混乱 |
For the first time since leaving home, he can finally rest. | 他终于可以休息了这是他离开家后的第一次 |
He's jolted awake. | 他被惊醒了 |
A false alarm? | 虚惊一场 |
The youngster finds himself in the middle of target practice. | 小家伙发现自己身处在一场打靶练习中 |
This cowboy is an expert marksman. | 这位牛仔是神射手 |
He takes aim. | 他瞄准目标 |
Fixated on his target, | 他的注意力全在目标上 |
he's oblivious of the kangaroo rat inside one of the old cans. | 根本不知道一个旧罐子里有一只更格卢鼠 |
But a faulty trigger has provided an opportunity to escape. | 但扳机出了故障给老鼠提供了逃跑的机会 |
Sent into a spin, | 锡罐开始滚动 |
the tin can and the kangaroo rat pick up momentum, | 带着更格卢鼠不断加速 |
rolling faster and faster to uncharted territory. | 越滚越快 滚到了未知新世界里 |
An eerie silence blankets the landscape. | 这片地方被诡异的寂静笼罩 |
Laid out before him is a creepy spectacle. | 一幅可怕的壮观景象在他眼前展开 |
Bones of the long-deceased stretch out as far as he can see... | 目光所及之处都是来自遥远时代的骸骨 |
where many have met their end under the desert sun. | 这里葬着许多死于沙漠烈日下的动物 |
But some of these victims didn't get here by accident. | 但一些受害者并非偶然来到这里 |
A terrifying raptor, the Harris's hawk is an expert hunter. | 栗翅鹰是可怕的猛禽 也是捕猎高手 |
Locking on to its target, it descends from the sky. | 它锁定目标 从空中俯冲向下 |
Like a velociraptor, it stalks its prey on foot. | 它像迅猛龙一样 步行跟踪猎物 |
As the kangaroo rat flees for his life, | 更格卢鼠逃命的时候 |
the pounding steps of the hawk shakes the earth beneath his feet. | 鹰的脚步捶打着地面 土地随之震动 |
An attack could come from any angle. | 他的任何角度都可能受到攻击 |
The kangaroo rat is quickly running out of places to hide. | 很快 更格卢鼠已经无处可躲 |
It's now or never. | 现在不下手就错失良机了 |
Defeated this time, the hawk gives up the chase and retreats. | 这次 鹰被打败了它决定放弃追击 然后撤退 |
The air is cooler now. | 现在空气凉下来了 |
The kangaroo rat leaves his hiding place in search of food. | 更格卢鼠离开了藏身之处 动身觅食 |
Individually, these morsels don't carry many calories, | 每一小口食物所含的热量都不多 |
but consumed in bulk, they'll sustain him over several days. | 但多吃几块就能给他提供几天的能量 |
Having collected up any bits he wants to save for later, | 他已经将留到之后吃的碎块都捡了起来 |
he must now find somewhere safe to store them. | 现在必须找到安全的储藏处 |
The inside of this shoe looks perfect. | 藏到这只鞋子里面好像挺不错 |
But it's already taken. | 但这里已经有主人了 |
This boot isn't big enough for the both of them. | 这只靴子不够大 容不下它们俩 |
Confronting the intruder is a scorpion. | 跟入侵者对峙的是一只蝎子 |
Armed with a chemical weapon, its razor-sharp tail is loaded with venom. | 它的尾巴是化学武器和匕首一样锋利 装满了毒液 |
Too frightened to move, there's no escape for the young kangaroo rat. | 这只小更格卢鼠吓得不敢动弹无处可逃 |
But suddenly, the scorpion retreats. | 但这只蝎子突然撤退了 |
Silhouetted in the moonlight stands a mysterious character. | 月光衬托出一个神秘角色的剪影 |
Around these parts, he goes by the name the scorpion mouse. | 在这个地方 它被称为食蝗鼠 |
The kangaroo rat takes cover. | 更格卢鼠赶紧躲起来 |
The scorpion mouse is a fearless predator of the desert, | 食蝗鼠是沙漠地带无所畏惧的捕食者 |
and it's on the hunt for its favorite prey. | 它正在寻找最爱的猎物 |
These two ancient enemies lock together in a deadly battle. | 这两只宿敌扭打在一起 决一死战 |
Although the scorpion is venomous, the mouse has evolved | 虽然蝎子有毒 但这种老鼠进化出了 |
a biological resistance to its toxic sting. | 对毒刺的生物性抵抗力 |
Armed with this superpower, the scorpion mouse isn't afraid of much. | 食蝗鼠拥有了这股超能力就没什么好怕的了 |
Having witnessed this true hero of the Wild West, | 更格卢鼠亲眼见到了狂野西部真正英雄的厉害 |
the kangaroo rat is filled with an overwhelming urge | 他跃跃欲试 |
to take back what is rightfully his... | 想夺回理应属于他的东西 |
and confront the thing he fears the most: | 并直面他最大的恐惧 |