英文 | 中文 |
Minnesota, home to the Twin Cities | 明尼苏达州是双城队的主场 |
and over 10,000 lakes. | 拥有超过一万座湖泊 |
Among this mosaic of natural havens and cityscapes | 这里自然保护区和都市风光融合在一起 |
exist vast, green urban spaces... | 城市中坐落着广阔 绿意葱茏的空间 |
often used as tranquil backdrops for leisurely activities. | 这些闹市中的静地通常用来举行休闲活动 |
But this lush, green landscape | 但这片青葱翠绿的原野 |
is also home to some very unusual characters. | 也是许多罕见角色的家 |
A mixture of undulating grassy hills, | 这里有高低起伏 长满青草的山丘 |
dense woodlands, sandy bunkers, and freshwater lakes, | 茂密的林地 沙坑和淡水湖 |
golf courses stand as an oasis of green amid human habitation. | 高尔夫球场是人类居住地中的绿洲 |
And it's not just humans who are enticed by these open spaces. | 这些开放的空间吸引的不止人类 |
Many wild animals can't resist their appeal. | 许多野生动物都无法抗拒这些地方的魅力 |
This unsightly hole wasn't the golfer's intended target. | 球手的初衷并非将球打入这个其貌不扬的洞 |
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This rabbit hole seems to go on indefinitely. | 这个兔子洞似乎深不见底 |
To the golfer's surprise, the ball seems to have a mind of its own. | 出乎球手预料 球似乎有自己的想法 |
A warning. | 一声警告 |
Whatever's down there, the message is received loud and clear. | 不管下面躲着什么 这东西已经发出了响亮清晰的信息 |
In no hurry to find out what it is, | 这位球手并不着急查清楚 |
that's one ball this golfer can live without. | 他少了这只球也能活 |
Disgruntled by this disturbance, | 动物受到了打扰 很不高兴 |
the creature knows exactly where to put the ball. | 它知道该把球放到哪儿去 |
That's another one to add to the pile. | 这堆球又添了新成员 |
At nine inches tall, with comically long legs, | 这家伙虽然只有20厘米高但腿却长得滑稽 |
it's a burrowing owl, | 这是一只穴鸮 |
one of the smallest owls in North America. | 它是北美洲体型最小的猫头鹰种类之一 |
Satisfied with a job well done, | 他圆满完成了工作 感到心满意足 |
he retreats inside his subterranean home. | 他撤回到了地下的家 |
And this particular burrowing owl lives alone. | 这只穴鸮现在过着独居生活 |
And the longer he stays on his own, | 他独居得越久 |
the more antisocial he has become. | 就变得越不爱交际 |
It's morning, and time for him to find breakfast. | 现在是早上 他该出去找早餐了 |
In the right conditions, burrowing owls can co-exist alongside people. | 在合适的条件下 穴鸮可以跟人类共存 |
While this can place them in harm's way, | 这可能会对它们造成伤害 |
it can also provide untold opportunities. | 也可以提供无数的机会 |
Every golf course needs round-the-clock maintenance. | 每一个高尔夫球场都需要全天候的养护服务 |
With so many easy pickings at their disposal, | 人类的居所中到处是容易到手的宝藏 |
urban animals can't resist raiding human dwellings. | 在都市中居住的动物会忍不住突袭 |
And this greenskeeper's hut is no exception. | 这位球场管理员的小屋难逃一劫 |
Yet it's a curious place for the owl to visit. | 这是个挺新奇的地方 穴鸮要探访一番 |
But he knows exactly what he's looking for... | 但他知道自己具体要找什么 |
trash. | 就是垃圾 |
While burrowing owls consume many things, | 虽然穴鸮是杂食动物 |
including small mammals and insects, | 包括小型哺乳动物和昆虫 |
trash isn't one of them. | 它们通常不会吃垃圾 |
And yet strangely, he rummages inside the bags, | 但奇怪的是 他把垃圾袋翻个底朝天 |
grabbing at scraps of food and any interesting objects he can find, | 掏出所有找到的食物残渣和有趣的东西 |
and he returns to his tunnel. | 然后带回了自己的地道 |
Although they can fly, these terrestrial animals are more suited | 虽然这些陆地生物会飞 但它们更适合在地面上活动 |
to life on the ground and prefer to travel on foot. | 更喜欢步行 |
He drops the piece of litter outside his own burrow. | 他将垃圾扔到自己的洞穴外 |
A curious behavior, | 这是个古怪的行为 |
and one he seems compelled to repeat. | 他似乎下定决心重复这么做 |
For some reason, | 出于某种原因 |
this animal's intention is to build a collection | 这只动物意图在家门口 |
of old food and inedible objects right outside his home. | 收藏过期食物和不可食用的物品 |
Not very hygienic, but there is method to his madness, | 这不太卫生 但他这疯狂的举动背后是有理由的 |
and he reveals for the first time his cunning strategy. | 他首度揭示了狡猾的计谋 |
The smell of rotting debris is there to attract attention. | 腐烂的残羹剩饭是为了吸引注意力 |
Flies swarm around the waste. | 苍蝇一窝蜂地涌到垃圾堆旁 |
He's devised a personalized dining service, | 他发明了个性化的用餐服务 |
delivered straight to his front door. | 把美餐直接送到家门口 |
It's a clever solution | 这是个聪明的解决方案 |
to risking life and limb out on the golfing green. | 让他不需要冒着生命危险在高尔夫球场上觅食 |
Why go out when food can come to you? | 当食物能自己送上门来何必出门呢 |
These items are also there for another purpose: | 把这些物品摆在这里还有另一个目的 |
to advertise a clear message to others. | 就是清楚地告诉全世界 |
"This burrow is taken. Keep out." | "这个洞穴已经有主人了 非请勿进" |
He retreats to his nest just in time, | 他及时撤回到自己的巢穴里 |
for he knows that above ground, | 因为他知道在地面上 |
the sprinklers start at the same time each day. | 洒水装置每天在同一时间开始浇水 |
Content, he goes to sleep. | 他心满意足地睡下了 |
A loud rumble above announces the next morning. | 地面上传来隆隆巨响宣布着第二天早晨的降临 |
The greenskeeper cannot allow the golf course to become cluttered with trash. | 球场管理员不允许高尔夫球场上堆有垃圾 |
The owl eagerly exits the tunnel | 穴鸮满心期待地走出地道 |
to find out what delicacies he has waiting for his breakfast. | 看看门口有什么美味的早餐 |
But he's disheartened to find his collection has been cleared away. | 但他的收藏被清理走了 这让他心灰意冷 |
As if to add insult to injury, it's another stray ball. | 又一只高尔夫球跑偏了 这犹如往他伤口上撒盐 |
That's the last straw. | 他实在忍无可忍了 |
The golfer believes he's hit a hole in one. | 球手相信他一杆进洞了 |
As they drive away, the owl isn't finished yet. | 他们开着车走了但猫头鹰还没打算罢休 |
To further show his annoyance, he kicks soil onto the pristine green. | 为了进一步表示不满 他将泥土踢到了刚打理好的果岭上 |
Such unruly behavior could have him evicted. | 如此不羁的举措可以害他被驱逐 |
That's it. The greenskeeper is tired of cleaning up after the owl. | 到此为止 球场管理员厌倦了清理穴鸮的乱摊子 |
As a last resort, | 他使出最后一招 |
he's brought along a professional to assist him in the cleanup operation: | 他带来了一位帮助他进行清理行动的专员 |
a ferret. | 一只雪貂 |
An inquisitive and lively creature, | 雪貂是好奇活泼的动物 |
it's eager to start hunting down its target. | 迫不及待地开始追捕目标 |
This carnivore is trained to flush out anything hiding underground. | 这只食肉动物受过训练会将所有藏在地下的东西都驱赶出来 |
The ferret relies on its incredible sense of smell to locate the owl. | 雪貂依靠极其灵敏的嗅觉来找出猫头鹰的位置 |
Its sleek body allows it | 它凭借着光滑的身体 |
to quickly slip effortlessly down the passageways at great speed. | 毫不费力地在通道间疾速滑行 |
It's hot on the owl's tail... | 它对穴鸮穷追不舍 |
but danger lurks around every corner. | 但每个角落都埋伏着危险 |
But he's no match for the sharp beak of this common snapping turtle. | 面对着这只拟鳄龟锋利的嘴他根本不是对手 |
Now that the ferret can see the owl, | 现在鼬鼠看到了穴鸮 |
it intensifies its efforts, | 便加大追赶的力度 |
but he's held back by the tangled roots. | 但交错盘杂的树根挡住了他 |
With his harness caught, | 他的安全带缠住了 |
his struggling is seriously damaging the integrity of the tunnel system. | 他挣扎的时候让地道系统变得摇摇欲坠 |
The owl can't hang around. | 穴鸮不能久留了 |
He's in serious trouble. | 麻烦大了 |
These old subterranean systems have been weakened | 这些陈旧的地下系统 |
by the animals' commotion. | 因为动物的喧闹而变得脆弱 |
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Now any slight movement above could spell disaster. | 地面上任何轻微动静都可能带来灾难 |
This disaster, however, has given the owl a lifeline. | 但这场灾难犹如穴鸮的救生索 |
Unharmed, the ferret is unable | 虽然雪貂没有受伤 |
to break through the mound of earth that divides them. | 却不能跨越分隔它们的土堆 |
It has no choice but to turn back. | 它只能掉头 |
Having lost sight of the owl, | 它把穴鸮跟丢了 |
the ferret heads out of the tunnel empty-handed. | 一无所获地走出地道 |
The owl is forced to take an unfamiliar path. | 猫头鹰被逼无奈只能走上一条陌生的路 |
He pauses to survey his new surroundings. | 他停下来 勘察着新的环境 |
Stretched out before him are tall, dense swaths of grass. | 他面前是蔓延丛生的杂草 |
Any golfer unfortunate enough to mishit | 要是球手运气很不好 |
beyond the fairway into these long grasses | 把球打出球道 打到这些长长的杂草中 |
will have little luck in finding their ball again. | 把球找回来的几率就微乎其微了 |
While the owl prefers shorter grass to keep a lookout for danger, | 虽然这只猫头鹰更喜欢较短的草 因为这样可以注意到危险 |
left uncut, these patches are home to a variety of insects. | 这些没有修剪过的草丛住着很多昆虫 |
Like other owls, his eyes are fixated into position, | 他和其他猫头鹰一样 眼球是固定的 |
so he must move his head | 所以要是想聚焦看着猎物 |
to focus his gaze onto his prey. | 就必须转动头 |
If it's small enough to catch and eat it, he will. | 如果足够小 可以抓住放进肚子里他就会行动 |
A good first attempt, but he was thwarted by the long grass. | 开头还算顺利 但他被茂密的杂草拦住了 |
Any of these insects would be a welcome meal. | 这些昆虫都很美味 |
For too long, he's relied on capturing food attracted to his doorstep... | 一直以来 他都依靠着捕捉被吸引到门口的食物 |
and his hunting technique is a little rusty. | 他的捕猎技巧有些荒废了 |
A more profitable animal catches his attention. | 一只更肥美的动物引起了他的注意力 |
It's an American five-lined skink, basking in the sun. | 这是一只在晒日光浴的美洲蓝尾石龙子 |
A brightly-striped reptile with a talent for speed, | 这只有着鲜艳斑纹的爬行类动物是个天生的跑手 |
it gets a head start on the owl. | 比穴鸮领先一步 |
These traveled pathways allow the owl | 这些开拓好的路径 |
to race as fast as he can after his prey. | 让穴鸮可以全速追捕他的猎物 |
To escape, the skink darts for shelter. | 蜥蜴拼命逃跑 冲向可以躲藏的地方 |
This confined space could give the owl the upper hand. | 这个密闭的空间能让穴鸮占上风 |
Inside the core of the rotten tree, it's cooler, darker. | 这棵腐烂的大树中心更凉快 更阴暗 |
There's an uneasy feeling in the air. | 空气中弥漫着不安的气氛 |
The owl looks around for the skink. | 猫头鹰环顾四周 寻找蜥蜴 |
He hasn't noticed something sinister is hiding in the dark... | 他没有注意到黑暗之中躲着一只阴险的东西... |
watching the owl's every move. | 观察着穴鸮的一举一动 |
The tension is broken by the lizard. | 蜥蜴打破了紧张的氛围 |
The owl bumbles outside to resume its chase. | 穴鸮踉跄着走出去 重新追赶猎物 |
A lucky escape... for now. | 猎物幸运地逃脱了 只是暂时的 |
He gets a good position on the skink. | 他占了一个好位置 看清了蜥蜴 |
Fed up and irritated, | 他气急败坏 |
the owl can't do anything around here without being interrupted. | 好像在这里做什么都会被打断 |
Frustrated and annoyed, he gives up hunting for the day. | 他沮丧又心烦放弃了今天的捕猎行动 |
With little luck catching insects in the meadow, | 他在草地上不太走运 没有捉到昆虫 |
the owl returns to collect more trash. | 于是回去继续收集垃圾 |
The tried-and-tested methods never fail. | 经过证明和测试的方法从未失败过 |
However, this time he isn't alone. | 但这次他有了个伴 |
The greenskeeper is back, fixing one of the golf carts. | 球场管理员回来了 在修理一辆高尔夫球车 |
He must tread carefully. | 他必须小心行事 |
The owl knows something isn't right. | 穴鸮感觉到了不对劲 |
This time, there are no tunnels to save the owl. | 这次 穴鸮无法钻到地道里逃命了 |
All of a sudden, the ferret turns tail and quickly goes back to its kennel. | 雪貂突然掉头 赶紧回到笼子里 |
Having tracked the owl from the fallen tree, | 这只小赤狐从倒下的树那儿一直跟着穴鸮 |
it's a young red fox, here to dine on fresh meat. | 它一路跟来这里 打算吃一顿鲜肉 |
He must be quick. | 他必须抓紧时间 |
The owl's natural instinct is to run and hide underground. | 猫头鹰的本能驱使他躲到地下去 |