

英文 中文
In a small corner of rural Texas... 在德克萨斯州乡村的一个小角落...
nestled in the rugged landscape, 崎岖的地域上
there's a ranch, home to a tiny house mouse. 坐落着一家农场 这里是一只小家鼠的家
And right now, in the courtyard, she is running for her life. 现在她正在院子里逃命
Being chased when you're a mouse happens all too often. 如果你是一只老鼠 被追捕是稀松平常的事
This barn owl is a super predator, 这只仓鸮是超级捕食者
capable of silent flight. 有无声飞行的本领
An aerial acrobat, it can switch direction in a split second. 它是空中杂技演员 可以瞬间转移方向
But the mouse can't afford to look back. 但老鼠承担不起回头看的后果
Using the landscape to her advantage, 她充分利用地势
she hopes to outmaneuver the owl, 希望能智胜猫头鹰
skirting the buildings and the objects in the courtyard. 她沿着院子里的建筑和物品边缘跑
But the owl doesn't need to see the mouse to hunt. 但捕猎时 猫头鹰并不需要看到老鼠
With the best hearing in the animal kingdom, 猫头鹰是动物王国中听力最发达的成员
the owl can hear her every step, 老鼠每走一步都逃不过它的耳朵
even in complete darkness. 即使在一团漆黑之中
Despite the dangers in this world, bigger isn't always better. 虽然世界危机四伏 但更大的体型有时并非优势
To make it when you're this small, you have to take chances. 对于如此小巧的动物要想死里逃生 就必须冒险
It's not over for her. She has a trick up her sleeve. 老鼠并非走投无路 她还留了一招


This is her territory. 这是她的地盘
She's mentally mapped out every crack, crevice, and shortcut, 她的脑海中有一幅地图 标出了每一条裂口 缝隙和捷径
giving her the edge. 这让她略胜一筹
Barn owls go by another name: the death owl. 仓鸮还有另一个名字:死亡猫头鹰
And this one is determined to catch its prey. 这只下定决心要捕到猎物
It appears the mouse has reached a dead end. 老鼠似乎已经走投无路了
But for her final trick, 但她有最后一招
the house mouse can squeeze through surprisingly small spaces, 家鼠能挤进异常小的空间里
contorting her body to the size of a dime. 将身体压缩得像一角硬币那么小
She has survived this encounter, 在这场较量中 她存活了下来
but this is just one of the many obstacles she must face each day. 但她每天都要面对无数障碍 这只是其中一次
The loud noise grabs the attention of a far more dangerous predator. 巨响引起了另一位捕食者的注意 他要危险得多
The farm is old. 农场很旧了
Inside its walls and courtyard 在围墙和院子里面
exists a labyrinth of rusty pipes and worn-out beams 生锈的水管和破损的横梁纵横交错
that create a complex maze. 形成了一座迷宫
Perfect for a mouse. 非常适合老鼠
Remarkably, the mouse instinctively knows how to navigate these pathways. 令人惊叹的是 老鼠依靠本能就知道如何在这些路径中穿梭自如
She can identify which routes lead to danger 她能辨别出引向危险的道路
and those that lead to safety. 和通向安全的道路
Young mice inherit fear of certain smells from their parents, 小老鼠从父母那儿继承了对某些气味的恐惧
and this information is genetically passed down 这信息通过基因
from one generation... 从一代...
to the next. 传到下一代
Finally, she's home. 她终于回到家了
Long since abandoned, this stable on the farm 农场上的这座马厩 已经被弃用很久了
is quiet enough to raise a family. 安静的环境适合建立起一个家庭
Her hungry brood eagerly greet her. 饥肠辘辘的一窝孩子急切地跟她打招呼
Six healthy pups. 六只健康的幼鼠
In the outside world, 在外面的世界
any number of unfortunate events could befall a young mouse. 一只小老鼠可能会碰上很多不幸
Not strong enough to fend for themselves, 她的宝宝们还没有自力更生的能力
her babies are still dependent on their mother's milk. 仍然得依靠妈妈的奶生存
At almost two weeks old, they'll soon be ready for solid foods. 小老鼠们快满两个月大了 不久后就能吃固体食物了
Until then, 在那之前
the quality of milk she provides must be at its peak. 她必须提供最优质的奶
To cater for this, she must increase her calorie intake by 230% 为了满足孩子们的需求 她必须每天多摄入
each day. 230%的卡路里
In just one week's time, 短短一周后
they'll be old enough to venture outside. 它们就达到闯荡世界的年龄了


And so she must ensure they are strong enough 她必须确保孩子们足够强大
to get the best start they can. 才能赢在起跑线上
But for now, 但现在
they find security in one another, as a family. 它们过着家庭生活 从彼此身上找到安全感
A rude awakening. 猛然惊醒
The young mother has overslept. 这位年轻的母亲睡过头了
Even worse, she's starving. 雪上加霜的是 她还挨着饿
If she goes hungry, 如果她饿了
so will her babies. 她的宝宝们也要遭殃
Thankfully, her young are well-fed... 幸亏她的孩子们吃饱了...
for now. 但只是暂时的
Leaving the stable, 她离开了马厩
she heads back out to the courtyard to find food. 回到院子里觅食
Temporarily blinded by the bright sun, 刺眼的阳光让她睁不开眼
she steps into the yard and waits for her eyes to adjust. 于是她走到院子里 等视力适应光线
History dictates wherever there's a man, 按照历史规则 有人的地方
there's usually a mouse. 通常都会有老鼠
Unknowingly over the years, 多年来 在不知不觉中
this farmer has provided more for this mouse than anyone. 为养育这只老鼠 付出最多心血的非这位农夫莫属
She relies on him. 她依赖着他
However, she cannot afford to be complacent. 但她不能得意忘形
Giants lurk around every corner. 每个角落都潜伏着巨兽
But she needn't worry. 但她不需要担心
The farmer's dog is a lazy creature. 农夫的狗非常懒
To her sensitive nose, the world is a concoction of smells. 在她敏感的鼻子下 世界混合着千万种气味
Some advertise danger. Others, food. 一些预示着危险 另一些则领向食物
What a sight for tired eyes. 这景象真是赏心悦目
Her favorite place to dine out. 她最喜欢来这里觅食
She can always rely on the barn 她永远都可以指望着谷仓
to provide her with all the food she needs. 满足她的胃口所需
Although she feels comfortable here, 虽然她在这里感到安心
a mouse can't afford to stay in one place for too long, 但因为害怕被捕食者发现
for fear of being spotted by a predator. 老鼠不能在一个地方待太久
And so her tactic is to nibble, move, and repeat. 所以她的策略就是小口啃食 撤离现场 重复以上动作
It's fast-food. 这是快餐
But every action has a reaction... 但每个行为都会触发反应...
and what goes in must come out. 有进必有出
In a single day, she can produce as many as 100 droppings. 她在一天产生的排泄物可多达100颗
Little does she know, she's contaminating the farmer's precious food stocks. 她压根不知道自己污染了农夫珍贵的储备粮食
This mouse's family has called this ranch home for generations. 这只老鼠的家族已经在农场生活了很多代
Its stockpiles of cattle feed and abundant shelter 这里的家畜饲料堆积成山能提供充足的庇护
has made it a haven amongst the rugged Texas landscape. 因此从德州陡峭的地势中脱颖而出成为了理想的栖息地
These ranchers are often separated by hundreds of miles of dry prairie... 农场之间通常隔着绵延数百公里的干旱大草原...
an endless, arid, often hostile environment. 土地无边无际 极其干旱通常不适宜生存
This makes the concentration of food at the many ranches very enticing 食物都集中在数量众多的农场使它们颇具诱惑力
to an assortment of creatures attracted to this gargantuan feast. 各类生物都被这盛宴吸引
The raven is one of the most intelligent birds on the planet, 乌鸦是地球上最聪明的鸟之一
and one of the most curious. 也是最好奇的
The raven's dietary menu doesn't rule out the house mouse. 乌鸦的饮食菜单中正包括了家鼠
Luckily, the bird's attention is diverted elsewhere. 幸好 这只鸟的注意力被转移到了另一处
Cockroaches. 蟑螂
These meals-on-wheels are packed full of protein. 自己送上门的美餐含有丰富的蛋白质
The raven just can't resist... 乌鸦无法抗拒...
much to the misery of these insects. 这些昆虫散发出的神秘感
But the cockroaches have made their home next to the electric power cables. 但蟑螂在电线旁边安家
The sharp beak of the raven has sliced through the protective casing, 乌鸦的利喙划破了保护套管
exposing the copper wire within. 使里面的铜电线露了出来
The farmer has become a little too complacent, 农夫有点过于自满
overlooking the potential hazards in the barn. 忽略了谷仓中潜在的风险
Any of them could threaten his precious hard-earned harvest. 任何风险都可能使他用汗水换来的收成付诸一炬
The raven's actions have disastrous consequences. 乌鸦的行为导致了灾难性的后果
The mouse's world is erupting before her very eyes. 老鼠看着眼前的世界燃烧起来
The thick smoke and intense heat is spreading rapidly throughout the barn. 浓烟和高温迅速在谷仓中扩散开
As the hot air rises, 随着热气上升
she detects a cooling draft from under the floorboards... 她察觉到地板下有冷空气...
but she finds little relief. 但她无法松懈
Every familiar exit and escape route is blocked. 所有熟悉的出口和逃生线路都被堵住了
She's trapped. 她被困住了
In her desperation, she crisscrosses through the raging fire. 她在烈火中铤而走险地穿行
In a bid to flee the flames, 为了逃离火场
she seeks higher ground. 她跑到了更高的地方
As she climbs the rope, the air becomes hotter and hotter. 她沿着绳子往上 爬得越高空气就越热
She's made it out without a scratch. 她安然无恙地逃了出来
Although she's lived on the farm all her life, 虽然她在农场中住了一辈子
this mouse hasn't seen a cow before. 却从未见过牛
Having never ventured more than 30 feet from her nest, 她以前从未去过离窝九米以外的地方
this mother is now far from home... 现在这位妈妈离家很远了...
thrust into a strange, new world. 闯入了奇异新世界
She sniffs the air for a sign of something recognizable, 她嗅着空气 寻找熟悉的气味
anything that can help her return to her young in the stable. 好帮她回到马厩里的孩子身边
But the strong smell of smoke has dulled her senses, 但浓烟的气味让她的感官变得迟钝
masking any familiar odors she'd ordinarily use to find her way home. 掩盖了她通常用来 找到回家路线的熟悉气味
By now, her lonely pups will be hungry, 现在 她那些孤零零的幼崽已经饿了
and their high-pitched cries to their mother 它们尖叫着呼喊妈妈
could alert nearby predators to their presence. 这可能会引来附近的捕食者
Tired, hungry, and despondent, 疲惫 饥饿又沮丧
she's been wandering the field for what seems like forever, 这田野好像怎么都跑不到头
and losing hope of ever finding her way back. 她觉得自己可能永远都找不到回家的路了
Around each corner, 她所到的每个角落
she encounters a new and unusual animal. 都会遇到陌生的新动物
Some intriguing. 有些很有吸引力
Mysterious, even. 甚至神秘
A praying mantis. 一只螳螂
A darkling beetle. 拟步行虫
Something is sliding ahead. 前方有东西在滑行
To the mouse, it appears like a dragon. 在老鼠眼里 它就像一条巨龙
Time to go. 该走了
The wooden gate provides just enough shelter 木门为她提供了安全的庇护所
for her to assess her surroundings. 让她评估周围环境
But not all is what it seems. 但许多表面下暗藏危机
The ground begins to tremble beneath her feet. 她脚下的土地开始颤动


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