英文 | 中文 |
How did you get this number? | 你怎么拿到我电话号码的 |
- That's not important. - It's important to me. | -这不重要-我觉得很重要 |
Charlie, this is the first of several calls | 查理这是我们建立联系的第一通电话 |
and its only purpose is to demonstrate my credibility as a source. | 只为证明我作为线人的可靠性 |
How about you tell me your name? | 那你应该把名字告诉我 |
Call me Deep Throat. | 叫我"深喉"就好 |
I'm not calling you Deep Throat. | 我才不会叫你"深喉" |
That's a sacred pseudonym. | "深喉"是个神圣的化名 |
And by the way, Deep Throat gave Woodward | 再说深喉在给伍德沃德的 |
his name on the first call. | 第一通电话里就自报了身份 |
He said, "Hi, this is Mark Felt. | 他说"你好我是马克·费尔特 |
完整版请点击 | |
I'm the deputy director of the FBI | 我是联邦调查局副局长 |
and I want to talk to you about this story you're writing." | 我想跟你谈谈你的报道" |
- So who is this? - I don't care what you call me. | -你到底是谁-随你怎么称呼 |
Call me late for dinner. | 叫我不速之客好了 |
I'm not calling to give you a tip. | 这通电话不是给你提供消息的 |
I'm simply establishing my credibility. | 只为建立我的可信度 |
But you're not establishing your credibility. | 你有在建立可信度吗 |
- I'm about to. - Go ahead. | -少安毋躁-说吧 |
In roughly 90 minutes, you're going to get an email from the White House | 大约90分钟后你会收到白宫的电邮 |
telling you to get to work. | 让你开始工作 |
- I am? - That's it. | -是吗-我说完了 |
Should I be telling people to get to work now? | 我该让手下马上行动起来吗 |
- And do what? - You tell me. | -做什么-你告诉我啊 |
If I could, I would have already. | 我若能告诉你早就说了 |
I'm not trying to play a game. | 我不是在逗你玩 |
I have 7:30. | 现在是七点半 |
At 9:00 Eastern, you're going to get an email | 东部时间九点你就会收到来自 |
from White House Press Secretary Jay Carney | 白宫新闻发言人杰·卡尔尼的电邮 |
telling you to get to work. | 让你开始工作 |
And when that happens, you'll know that I was for real. | 那时你便知我所言不虚 |
- Is anyone in danger? - No. | -谁出什么事了吗-没有 |
If someone's in danger and you're not telling... | 如果有人出事了你却不告诉... |
No one's in danger, Charlie. This isn't a scary call. | 谁都没出事查理这不是恐吓电话 |
I'm just establishing my credibility. | 我只是在建立可信度 |
Why? Why do you need me to believe you're credible? | 为什么你为什么要我觉得你可信 |
Hello? | 喂 |
- What was that? - I don't know. | -什么事-我也不知道 |
You should probably say a few words. | 你应该说两句 |
- Really? - Yeah. | -真的吗-是的 |
- What do I say? - What do you want to say? | -说什么-你想说什么 |
"Please get out of my home"? | "请从我家滚出去" |
Everyone, Will wants to say a few words. | 各位威尔要和大家说两句话 |
I really don't. But here you all are | 我没啥好说的但你们都在 |
in my apartment, socializing. | 在我家社交玩乐 |
Coworkers, friends, family... | 同事朋友家人 |
in my apartment | 在我家 |
just like in my nightmares. | 跟我噩梦里一样 |
This is a party to celebrate the one year and one week anniversary | 今晚的派对是为了庆祝"晚间新闻"2.0 |
of what we used to call "News Night" 2.0. | 一年零一周的纪念日 |
Remember that? | 还记得吗 |
I think we're up to about "News Night" 174.0, | 算下来已经快要"晚间新闻"174.0了 |
but I'm confident we're gonna get it right one of these days. | 但我相信有朝一日我们会功德圆满 |
So have a good time at the party. | 大家尽兴地玩 |
And please, please know, from the bottom of my heart, | 最后容我说句心里话 |
that I'm not gonna think it's rude if you leave early. | 我绝不会怪罪大家提前离开 |
- Good? - Goose bumps. | -怎样-鸡皮疙瘩一地 |
Resume being here. | 接着玩吧 |
Okay, this is an Australian actress. | 这是位澳大利亚女演员 |
- Nicole Kidman. - No, she was in "Spiderman." | -妮可·基德曼-错她演过《蜘蛛侠》 |
- Time. - Let me see. | -时间到-我看下 |
It's Christian Bale. | 答案是克里斯蒂安·贝尔 |
English, "Batman," | 人家是英国人演的是《蝙蝠侠》 |
And a man. | 而且是个男的 |
Who am I thinking of? | 那我描述的是谁 |
♪ Sunshine go away today... ♪ | ♪阳光今天要离开 ♪ |
- Up chickens. - Down chickens. | -抬爪-放爪 |
- It's not there. - Not there. | -不在这儿-不在这儿 |
- It's not there. - Not there. | -不在这儿-不在这儿 |
♪ How much does it cost? I'll buy it ♪ | ♪需要多少钱我买了 ♪ |
♪ The time is all we've lost, I'll try it ♪ | ♪失去的只是时间我认了 ♪ |
♪ He can't even run his own life ♪ | ♪他连自己的人生都无法掌控 ♪ |
♪ I'll be damned if he'll run mine ♪ | ♪又如何来掌控我的人生 ♪ |
♪ Sunshine ♪ | ♪阳光 ♪ |
♪ Sunshine go away today ♪ | ♪阳光今天要离开 ♪ |
♪ I don't feel much like dancing... ♪ | ♪我不想跳舞 ♪ |
Just to be clear for you youngsters, | 跟你们这些孩子说清楚了 |
this isn't recreational. It's medicinal. | 这不是用来爽的而是医疗用品 |
When I was a junior in high school, | 我上高二的时候 |
I was already throwing a 74-mile-an-hour fastball, | 就能投出时速74英里的快速球 |
which puts a lot of stress on your landing leg. | 给落地腿造成很大压力 |
I also have epicondylitis in my elbow | 我肘部还有上髁炎 |
due to my mess-you-up breaking ball. | 因为我经常投出迷惑性的曲线球 |
You know, if you just want to bake, that's okay with me. | 你想嗑就嗑不用解释 |
You don't need to go to WebMD to come up with symptoms. | 不用去WebMD找症状瞎编 |
I don't want to bake. | 我不想嗑 |
I'm telling you I was an awesome high school athlete, | 都跟你说了我高中时是体育健将 |
but it's left me in constant physical pain in my knee and elbow. | 但是膝盖和手肘留下了永久的伤病 |
And experts say that medical marijuana relieves the pain and inflammation | 专家说医用大麻能缓解疼痛和炎症 |
with fewer side effects than prescription pain killers. | 副作用还少过处方的止痛药 |
- Which experts? - The ones on WebMD. | -哪个专家-WebMD上的 |
Anyway, thank you and thank your friend in LA | 总之谢谢你和洛杉矶的朋友 |
for getting this for me. | 给我弄来这个 |
No problem. He said they're pretty strong. | 小意思他说这玩意儿很强劲 |
So you should just break off a quarter and eat that. | 掰四分之一吃就够了 |
And when this guy says they're strong, they're strong. | 他说强劲的话就是真的很强劲 |
I ate two. | 我吃了两块 |
Okay. Well, enjoy yourself | 好吧尽情享受吧 |
and we'll see you in 12 to 14 hours. | 我们12到14小时后再见 |
It's fine. I have incredibly high tolerance. | 没事的我的耐药性特强 |
That's why I can't feel the Vicodin. | 维柯丁[止痛药]吃了完全没感觉 |
You took Vicodin and then ate two cookies? | 你服了维柯丁还吃了两块吗 |
He's fine. You're fine. | 他没事你没事的 |
Just stay away from anything dangerous. | 离危险物远点 |
完整版请点击 | |
Electricity. You know, outside. | 别碰电器别出门 |
I'm fine. I don't feel it at all. | 我好得很一点感觉都没有 |
- You will. - We'll see. | -会有的-走着瞧 |
My body has the physical tolerance of 10 men. | 我身体的耐药性是普通人的十倍 |
Doctors have called me a medical marvel. | 医生都说我是医学奇迹 |
Yeah, I'd just lie down. | 你还是乖乖躺着吧 |
But if you want to see a real marvel, | 你要是真想见识奇迹 |
Kaylee is going to play Jim at Guitar Hero | 凯莉要跟吉姆比"吉他英雄" |
and Kaylee is gonna be blindfolded. | 凯莉还要蒙住眼睛 |
- You should come watch. - I will. | -你应该去看看-我会的 |
Look at this. It's from Mike Tapley. | 看这个麦克·塔普莱发来的 |
"I'm available. Call me." | "我有空打给我" |
That's how you ask someone out? | 哪有这么约人的呀 |
"I'm available. Call me." | "我有空打给我" |
What time do you have? | 你的表几点了 |
8:25. | 8点25 |
Ooh, boo, I just buzzed. | 我手机响了 |
Can you check my phone? It's in my back pocket. | 帮我看一下在后面口袋里 |
It might be Jim's mom begging me to stop. | 可能是吉姆妈妈求我停下来 |
I can play an actual guitar. | 我会弹真的吉他 |
All you have to do is declare my supremacy and I'll stop. | 你只要认输求饶我就停了 |
It's your incoming Twitter feeds. | 是推特订阅来了 |
Oh, read them to me. | 念给我听 |
And someone tell me if Jim's holding back tears. | 吉姆是不是在强忍泪水 |
Someone named Monster has a link to some epic photographs. | 一个叫怪兽的贴了几张巨牛的照片 |
Steve Martin says, "I like my antiques new." | 史蒂夫·马丁说"古董还是新的好" |
And the Rock's tweeting, | 巨石强森的推特说 |
巨石强森: 德威恩·约翰逊演员、摔角选手 共拿下16次世界级职业摔角比赛的冠军 | |
"Just got word that will shock the world. | "刚听说了震惊世界的消息 |
Land of the free, home of the brave. | 自由之土勇士之家 |
Damn proud to be an American." | 当美国人真他妈骄傲" |
I guess "Fast Five" just won the weekend. | 看来《速度与激情5》这周票房称霸了 |
No, that means he's coming back. | 不说明他要回归擂台了 |
The Rock is coming back to lay the smack down on Triple H. | 巨石强森要回来击败三H |
保罗·麦可·李维斯克职业美式摔角手 3H由他早年使用的擂台名Hunter Hearst Helmsley缩写而成 | |
Stop playing. You lost like 10 minutes ago. | 别玩了你十分钟前就输了 |
Somebody said you were in here working on a Sunday night | 有人说你周日晚上在这工作 |
during a party and I had no trouble believing it. | 还是在派对时间我丝毫不惊讶 |
I was just securing the video overnights. | 我在监督通宵视频 |
It's okay. | 没什么的 |
It's weird how the video overnights | 好奇怪怎么通宵视频 |
look so much like the Mets-Phillies game. | 看上去那么像棒球赛 |
Isn't it? | 是吗 |
- It's Lisa. You should take it. - It's okay. | -是利萨你接吧-没关系 |
She's supposed to be here. Maybe something happened. | 她早该到了可能出了什么事 |
I'm sure she's just blowing up her hair. | 她八成是在炸头发 |
- Blowing out her hair? - Is that what it is? | -是"吹"头发-是这么说吗 |
Yeah. Take the call. | 是的快接呀 |
I think she's gone. | 她好像已经挂了 |
Hi, Lis'. | 利萨 |
Hey, did I call the wrong computer? | 我打错了吗 |
No, your man is right here. | 没你男人在这儿 |
- He was just watching some porn. - Nope. | -他在看黄片-没有 |
- Where are you? - Five minutes away. | -你在哪-还有五分钟 |
I'm walking. I've got FaceTime on my phone. | 我正在一边走一边手机视频 |
Can you see me? | 看得到我吗 |
You should be looking in front of you | 走路时应该看着前面 |
while you're walking or you're gonna... | 否则容易... |
- Are you okay? - No worries. No worries. | -你没事吧-没事 |
- Okay, have a good night. - You okay? | -祝夜晚愉快-你没事吧 |
Yeah, I walked into a pedestrian who also has FaceTime on his phone. | 没事我撞上了一个也在电话视频的人 |
Please don't cross any streets. | 千万别过马路 |
I was gonna call you and then I saw you were online. | 我本想打电话正好看到你在线 |
- Aren't I coming to a party? - Absolutely. | -你们不是在派对吗-当然 |
- I just needed to do some work. - Watch some porn. | -我有点工作要做-看黄片 |
Mets-Phillies? | 棒球赛吧 |
Only to check the score. | 只是看一下比分 |
Hey, check it out. I've got a new expression I want to try. | 听好了我要试个新词 |
You ready? It's a gas. | 准备好了吗"碉堡了" |
- I like it. - Try it. | -我喜欢-说说看 |
- It's a gas. - Nope. Terrible. | -碉堡了-烂死了 |
You can't do it. I'm almost there. | 你说不出感觉我快到了 |
- It'll be a gas. - Seriously, no. | -碉堡了-真的不行 |
- All right. - All right, I'll be there in a minute. | -好吧-好吧我马上到 |
- I love you. - And I do, too. | -我爱你-我也是 |
Yeah, maybe if you stare at that piece of paper long enough, | 你就一直盯着那张纸吧 |
the time will reverse itself | 也许时间就会倒流 |
and the last 10 seconds will be erased from the universe. | 把刚才那10秒从宇宙中抹去 |
All right, first of all, | 好吧首先 |
can we agree that sometimes | 我们能不能达成共识 |
being this connected by technology does more harm... | 科技把人拉近其实坏处比... |
I love you and I do, too? | "我爱你""我也是"吗 |
Here's what happened. Lisa told me she loved me last night. | 事情是这样的昨晚利萨跟我说她爱我 |
- She did? - Yes. | -她说了-对 |
- She does that too early. - I completely agree. | -她一向说得太早-完全同意 |
Save your agreement | 同意个屁 |
'cause I don't think we're gonna be on the same side on this one. | 我才不会跟你统一战线 |
How do you feel about that? | 你对此有何感觉 |
Her? How do you feel about her? | 她你对她有何感觉 |
- I don't feel the same way. - You don't? | -我还没到那一步-你没到 |
I like her. She's really nice | 我喜欢她她人很好 |
and really funny and incredibly sexy. | 非常有趣而且特别性感 |
Really very sexy with the sexiness that... | 太性感了她那性感的... |
- I get it. - And I like the new expression. | -明白了-我也喜欢她的新词 |
- It's a gas. - Don't even. | -碉堡了-闭嘴吧 |
- But I don't love her. - You don't? | -但是我不爱她-真的吗 |
No. | 真的 |
So what did you say when she said, "I love you"? | 那她跟你说"我爱你"后你说什么了 |
- I said, "I love you, too." - Of course you did. | -我说"我也爱你"-猜到了 |
Anything else seemed rude. | 说别的都很没礼貌 |
And then you just told her again. | 而你刚才又说了一遍 |
No, what I said was, "And I do, too." | 没有我刚才说"我也是" |
Which means that I love me. | 意思是我爱我 |
And I do. I look in the mirror and I like what I see. | 我确实爱我每次照镜子我都特愉悦 |
I've been on a journey of self-discovery | 最近我一直在探寻自我 |
to answer the question who is Jim Harper... | 吉姆·哈珀到底是谁 |
- Shut up. - Okay. | -闭嘴-哦 |
You can't keep telling her you love her if you don't. | 你不爱她就不能一直说爱她 |
Which is why, frankly, i would have preferred not to take the call. | 所以我刚刚才不愿接电话 |
You think blaming me is gonna be a winning strategy? | 你以为把责任推给我有用吗 |
- No. - What are you gonna do now? | -没-你现在怎么办 |
Well, obviously I have to leave the country. | 显然我得潜逃出国 |
- You have to break up with her. - Why? | -你得和她分手-为什么 |
You can't have a relationship | 这么做行不通 |
where one person's here and the other person's there. | 你们俩[的心]不在一块儿 |
Really? Where's Don? | 是吗唐在哪 |
Don's on a plane back from DC. | 唐正从华盛顿飞回来 |
And was that a dig wrapped in a metaphor? | 你这是挖苦加比喻吗 |
- No. - I think it was a dig wrapped in a metaphor. | -不是-这就是挖苦加比喻 |
- I have to break up with her? - Yes. | -我非得和她分手吗-没错 |
You don't think that's gonna | 我刚说完我爱她 |
come as a surprise after I told her I loved her? | 就提出分手她不会措手不及吗 |
I do, yes. | 当然会 |
I think it'll be a surprise. | 她会措手不及 |
I'll write her a nice letter. | 我还是给她写封信吧 |
- No. - Everybody likes getting mail. | -不行-人人都喜欢收到信 |
You're not overseas fighting World War I. | 你又不是参加一战的士兵 |
You have to do it in person and you have to do it tonight. | 必须当面分手而且是今晚 |
- In the middle of a party? - No. | -开派对的时候-不是 |
When she gets here, you'll tell her you'd like to take a walk. | 等她来了你就跟她说想出去散步 |
Hang on. | 等等 |
- And she's not that sexy. - Yeah, she is. | -而且她也没那么性感-她就是性感 |
Just because of her sweet face? | 就因为她脸长得好看吗 |
Yeah, that's it. | 对没错 |
- I think... - It's from Mike Tapley. | -我觉得...-是麦克·塔普莱 |
"I'm available. Call me." | "我有空打给我" |
Why would Tapley want me to call him? | 塔普莱为什么要我打电话给他 |
I mean, I get that she has physical attributes that are prized by... | 我明白她身材很好... |
Hey. Tapley? Our own National Security analyst. | 是塔普莱台里的国家安全分析员 |
Stay here and look around and find out what he's talking about. | 坐下弄清他在说什么 |
- Where do I start? - Start by emailing him back | -从哪着手-先给他回邮件 |
and asking, "What are you talking about?" | 问他你在说什么 |
Do not take a tone with me, "American Gigolo." | 不许对我颐指气使美国舞男 |
I wasn't tak... | 我没有... |
- Hey, listen. - Sing more. | -听着-再唱一曲吧 |
No, I just got a strange email from Mike Tapley. | 不要我刚收到麦克·塔普莱发的奇怪邮件 |