英文 | 中文 |
Mr. Cuthbert, do you know where she's headed? | Cuthbert先生 你知道她去了哪里吗? |
The orphanage. | 那个孤儿 |
Make way, make way! Hi! | 让开 让开! |
- Did she run away? | 她是逃跑的吗? |
- No. | 没有 |
How did she seem? | 她看上去如何? |
Quiet. | 很安静 |
She was real quiet. | 她非常安静 |
Didn't say a word. | 没说一句话 |
Miss. Miss. | 小姐 小姐 |
Right this way, miss. | 这边走 小姐 |
Who are you? | 你是谁? |
I'm supposed to fetch you, miss. | 我是来接你的 小姐 |
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I don't understand. Who sent you? | 我不明白 谁让你来接的? |
Why, your family, of course. Now right this way, little lady. | 哦 是你家里人 当然 往这边 小姐 |
My family? They sent me to collect you | 我家里人? 他们让我来接你的 |
And bring you straight home. We'll be there in a jiff. | 让你直接回家里 我们会马上到家的 |
Let go of me. Quickly now. Let's hurry up. | 放开我 快点 快点 |
I've got some lovely sweets in my carriage for the ride. Get away from me! | 我的马车里有些糖果可以一路上吃滚开! |
Ahem. Uh... Hello, young masters. | 嗯 哦 你们好 小主人 |
I've been sent to take you home. | 我是来接你们回家的 |
oh, good evening. | 哦 晚上好 |
I was wondering if you could spare a fresh horse? | 我想你是否有空闲的马可以借用? |
Sorry, sir, don't have one to lend. | 抱歉 先生 没有了 |
Mine's dead beat and i need to get to charlottetown. | 我的马儿累坏了 而我必须去charlottetown |
Please! Any horse will do. | 求你了 任何马都可以 |
Sorry, but i can't oblige you, sir. | 抱歉 我不能答应你 先生 |
I'm good for it. I'll bring the money when i return. | 我会好好对待马儿的 当我回来时会给你钱 |
Sir-- i live in avonlea at green gables-- | 先生 我住在艾凡利的绿山墙 |
Money or not, i'm afraid i can't help you. | 和钱没关系的 我恐怕帮不了你 |
These here belong to the guests and the hotels are spoken for this evening. | 这些马属于客人了 酒店已经预订出去了 |
You're welcome to rest yours here for a spell, though. Sam! Sam! | 但是你的马可以暂时在这里寄存 Sam! Sam! |
Sam! Sam! | |
Sam! Vessel? Whoa. Whoa there. | Sam! 你是去Vessel吗?喔 喔 |
Matthew cuthbert, whatever's got you all twisted up? | Matthew cuthbert,是什么把你搞成这样子? |
Are you heading to the vessel? | 你是去vessel吗? |
Yes, we're riding to the port overnight. Be there by daybreak. | 是的 我们赶夜路去那港口 天亮到会那里 |
Can i hitch a ride? I need to get to charlottetown! | 我可以搭个便车吗? 我得赶去charlottetown! |
I'm not riding in back. No worries at all. | 我不返回的那没事的 |
Much obliged. | 非常感谢 |
Mare! | 走 驴子! |
I told you that brooch meant a great deal to me. | 我告诉过你这胸针对我很重要的 |
Confess at once. But i didn't take it. | 立刻承认 但是我没拿 |
- Or i'll send you right back to the asylum. | 否则我会马上送你回孤儿院 |
- I took the brooch outside with me. I lost it. | 我把胸针拿到外面 然后就弄丢了 |
- Tomorrow you will go. I can't trust one word out of your mouth. | 明天你得离开 我不相信你说的任何话 |
- But i made that up! Please, miss cuthbert! - Enough! | 但那是我编的 cuthbert小姐 够了 |
Shut your face from now on! | 现在开始闭上你的嘴! |
We're sick of you and your stupid stories. | 我们讨厌你和你的那些愚蠢的故事 |
Hold her down. - Please, don't! | 按住她 求你们了 别这样 |
- ...Stupid stories. - Squeak, squeak, squeak... | 愚蠢的故事 吱吱吱 |
- ...Princess cordelia - stop! | cordelia公主 闭嘴! |
- Anne shirley! Stop it at once! Stop it! You get in there! | Anne shirley! 立即闭嘴! 闭嘴!给我进去! |
Quickly now! | 快点! |
Quick! | 快! |
Quick! | 快! |
Whoa, easy, easy! I'm sorry, miss cuthbert, i was not quite finished. | 喔 停 停!抱歉 cuthbert小姐 我还没弄好 |
Oh, please hurry! Continue with the barn work. | 哦 请快点! 待会去忙谷仓的活 |
Stack some wood in the kitchen. I have to go! | 厨房里要加点柴 我得走了 |
Marilla! | |
Marilla! | |
I have to go! | 我必须得去 |
Wait! Wait! | 等等! 等等! |
Wait. | 等等 |
Thomas rode out at first light. I came to tell you. | Thomas一大早就出发了 我是过来告诉你的 |
Where is he going? Why, to look for them. | 他去哪里?那会还用说 当然是去找他们 |
Only reason i could see for matthew tearing off yesterday was to fetch anne. | 就是因为我看到Matthew昨天急急忙忙地去追Anne |
When we didn't see them return, i was so worried-- | 当我们没看到他们回来,我就担心了 |
Please step aside, rachel. | 请让开 Rachel |
I knew you'd be beside yourself. I need to go! I must go now! | 我知道你会得意的 我必须得去 现在就去! |
No, listen, dear. Thomas will ride all the way to the train station. | 不 听着 Thomas会一直赶到火车站 |
He'll check the road as he goes. | 他会一路检查的 |
What if he's lying dead in a ditch?! | 但是如果他一头扎进沟渠死了怎么办? |
Marilla-- what if they both are? Enough now! | Marilla 如果他们俩都这样怎么办? 够了! |
What if something horrible has happened and it's my fault-- | 如果发生可怕的事情全怪我 |
Stop it, marilla. Boy! | 别说了 marilla 小鬼! |
Thomas is miles ahead of you. Now the only thing to do now is to wait. | Thomas就在前头几英里 现在唯一可做的就是等待 |
Take the rig back in. Yes, ma'am. | 把马车拉回去 好的 夫人 |
Give me your hand. | 把手给我 |
Watch your step. | 小心点 |
Careful now. | 小心点 |
Be careful. | 小心 |
Now... | 现在 |
Come along inside. | 回屋去 |
We'll put the kettle on. | 我们去喝点茶 |
Hello, mr. Avery. Oh, goodness! | 你好 Avery先生 哦 上帝 |
My word! Do i know you? Not yet, but i know you. | 哦 我认识你吗? 你不认识我的 但是我认识你 |
And i'm sure we'll become better acquainted on the ride. | 而且我确定一路上我们会变得熟悉的 |
The ride? | 一路上? |
The matron was wondering if you wouldn't mind taking me to the nearest train station. | 监护长想让你把我带到最近的火车站 |
I'm going home to halifax, you see. That's where i was born. | 我要回halifax的家去 你知道 那是我出生的地方 |
Ah.... I-i don't know if i can take ya-- | 啊 我不知道我是否可以带你... |
It seems a wealthy aunt was just discovered and sent for me. | 似乎找到了个有钱的叔叔然后要我去那里 |
Isn't that wonderful? | 这很棒是吧? |
Yes, it is, but i've got several deliveries to make-- | 是的 的确是 但是我还得送一些货 |
My years of torment and uncertainty are behind me. | 这些年的磨难已经过去 |
And i'll have to learn all manner of comportment, but i feel equal to the task. | 我得学习各种礼仪 但是我觉得能够做好的 |
Certainly sounds like you're moving up in the world. | 听起来你要过好日子了 |
I am. I am indeed. So if you wouldn't mind | 是的 确实是的 所以你不介意 |
Conveying me towards my new life? | 送我去过新的生活吧? |
It's not that i mind, but trouble is, | 不是我介意 问题是 |
I've got several stops along the way. | 我得一路停靠几站 |
It'll be a few hours, i'm afraid. | 我想得花上几个小时 |
If you're in a hurry, you might find a better mode. Shall we ask the matron? | 如果你着急的话 也许你得想其他办法 我们去问问监护长吧? |
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No, no, no, this will be perfect. | 不 不 不 这就很好了 |
And i'm sorry i don't have any money to pay you, but i'll be happy to help. | 而且我很抱歉我不能够付你钱 但是我会帮忙的 |
Well, uh... Well, al-alright. Alright. | 嗯 嗯 好吧 好吧 |
Off me go. | 我们出发 |
So, now, what do you think? | 那么 你怎么想的? |
Don't know how much i can get for it, with this here monogram. | 我不知道多少钱可以买这个徽标 |
I... I don't need much. | 我不要很多钱的 |
Then we are well met. | 那么我们就好谈了 |
It's a family heirloom. | 这是家传的宝贝 |
Show me something in here that ain't. | 这里的东西不都是吗 |
I don't know. | 我不知道 |
I'll think about it. | 我会考虑一下的 |
Why don't you come back tomorrow? | 要不你明天再来吧? |
All i need is train fare for two up-island | 我所需要的只是两张火车票的钱 |
And ferry rides back and forth to the mainland. | 以及来回内陆的轮渡费用 |
Any idea how much that would come to? | 那总共是多少钱呢? |
I'll see what i can do. Alright? | 我会决定怎么做的 好吗? |
Extra, extra! | 号外 号外! |
Scientist predicts greenhouse effect! | 科学家预测温室效应! |
Extra, extra! Scientist predicts greenhouse effect! | 号外 号外 科学家预测温室效应! |
What time does the ferry to nova scotia go? | 去nova scotia的轮渡几点出发? |
'round about 5:00. | 大约五点 |
Local boy loses life by drowning! | 本地一个男孩淹死了! |
Out of the way, mister! | 让开 先生! |
Ah! | |
And i believe my parents traveled to india and many faraway lands | 而且我相信我父母去过印度还有很多遥远的地方 |
Before they were killed tragically in service of the queen. | 在他们替女王工作期间被杀死之前 |
You don't say. | 你不知道那个的 |
I imagine they were ever so noble. | 我想像他们曾经是多么高贵 |
Easy. Easy. Whoa. | 停 停 喔 |
Alright, off you go. | 好了 干活 |
Going! | 好的! |
I'm told i'm fleet of foot. | 人们说我是“风火轮” |
Oh, yes? | 哦 是吗? |
Now, i'd rather be beautiful, but you can't have everything. | 现在 我宁愿漂亮点 但是你不能一切如意的 |
Alright. | 好了 |
Hop! Ah... | |
Mm. My missus sure can bake. Huh. | 嗯 我老婆会烘培 嗯 |
I was going to learn. | 我也会去学的 |
The lady at my last household in avonlea said she would teach me. | 我在avonlea刚寄宿的家的女主人告诉我她会教我 |
Hmm. | |
Doesn't matter. | 没事的 |
hungry? | 饿了吗? |
No, no, i couldn't deprive you. | 不 不 我不能吃你的了 |
Oh, help yourself. | 哦 随便吃 |
Got plenty. | 有好多呢 |
Well... | 好吧 |
Much obliged. | 非常感谢 |
Walk on. | 出发 |
I'm famished, actually. I haven't eaten since yesterday. | 我饿坏了 实际上 从昨天开始我就没吃过东西 |
Matron trying to starve you? What? | 监护长让你挨饿吗? 什么? |
They didn't feed you this morning? | 他们今早没给你吃东西? |
Well... I was too preoccupied to eat. | 嗯 我太兴奋了以至于没吃东西 |
What with my life starting over and all. | 我以后的生活将会是怎样的开始 |
Uh-huh. What were they doing for her? | 哦 他们为她做什么工作呢? |
Who? Your parents, for the queen. | 谁? 你的父母 替女王工作 |