

英文 中文
Hot in Cleveland is recorded in front of a live studio audience. 《燃情克利夫兰》是在摄影棚观众前现场录制的
Airplane mirrors aren't accurate, are they? 飞机上的镜子会把人照变形对吗
- Of course not. - They got them from Fine Houses. -当然了-造飞机的尽买便宜货
Excuse me, 打扰下
- Are you... - Yes, yes. -您...-是的是的
I am Victoria Chase. 我正是维多利亚·蔡斯
One tries to be inconspicuous. 我已经尽量低调了
Yes. 是啊
That hat screams, "Ignore me." 那顶帽子在尖叫「无视我」呢
You know, some fans are reluctant to approach me 自从《明日边缘》被砍后
ever since the Edge of Tomorrow was cancelled. 某些粉丝就不太敢接近我
Playing Honor Saint Raven for the past 27 years has been a privilege 扮演了27年的欧娜·圣瑞雯让我无比荣幸
and it is always so gratifying 并且我总是很开心
to meet those that I have moved and touched. 能见到那些被我启发感动的人
Actually, what I was going to ask was, 其实我是想问
"Are you comfortable?" "您感觉舒服吗"
No, but I will be when you bring me a drink. 不但你给我端杯酒来我就舒服了
- Champagne, three. - Right away. -三杯香槟-马上来
Okay, Victoria, put away your phone. 好了维多利亚放下电话

Joy, put away your spreadsheets, 乔依放下电子表格
I want to have a toast. Thank you. 我要祝酒谢谢
Thank you. 谢谢
Here's to number 122. 敬第122件事
Cash in your miles and fly to Paris with your best friends. 兑现飞行里程与好友一起飞往巴黎
Vive la France! 法国万岁
- This is gonna be fun. - Yes. -一定会很好玩的-是啊
Oh, I'm gonna get a napkin. Be right back. 我去拿餐巾马上回来
Anders is on the plane. 安德斯在飞机上
Your husband, Anders? 你老公安德斯吗
Oh my God! Oh, my God. Oh, my God. 天呐天呐天呐
Just calm down. 淡定
You didn't know he was going to Paris? 你之前不知道他要去巴黎吗
We haven't spoken to each other in months. 我们已经好几个月没说话了
Our lawyers told us not to. 律师让我们不要说话
Your lawyers are right. Ignore him. 律师说得没错无视他
It's just a hideous coincidence. 只是一个讨厌的巧合罢了
But what if it's not a coincidence? 但如果不是巧合呢
What if he's missing me too? 如果他也想我呢
And Los Angeles was filled with so many sad memories, 洛杉矶满是伤心的回忆
he's flying to Paris to fill a void in his life? 他飞去巴黎填补生命的空虚
What if this is our 如果这是我们
"Meet on top of the empire state building" moment? 「帝国大厦楼顶见」的梦幻时刻呢
Have you been watching Sleepless in Seattle again? 你是不是又看了《西雅图未眠夜》
No. 没有
Yes. 是的
But I got it down to once a month. 但已经减到每月看一次了
You know, I was up for a part in that movie. 话说我本来有机会出演那个电影
Of course you were. 那是"当然"啦
I'm gonna go talk to him. 我要去找他聊聊
Remember, romantic comedies are like cellulite cures. 记住浪漫爱情喜剧电影就像去脂疗法
Every one of them is a lie. 全是骗人的
Oh, my goodness. 我的天呐
- Wow. Melanie. - Anders. -天呐梅兰妮-安德斯
I didn't see you get on the plane. 我没见你上飞机啊
What a surprise. 真是意外啊
You're the one full of surprises. Traveling to Europe, 你才是充满意外的那个去欧洲旅游
reading fiction, 看着小说
and drinking club soda? 喝着汽水
I know. Where's your workaholic drunk of a husband, huh? 是啊你那个工作狂酒鬼老公去哪里了

Well, I'm divorcing him, but you-- 我跟他正在办离婚但你...
Hi, I'm Kim. 你好我是金姆
Hi...Kim. 你好金姆
I haven't even gone on a date yet 我连个约会都还没捞着
and he's taking his fiancee to Paris. 而他已经带未婚妻去巴黎
And she's so young. 她好年轻
She's half my age. 只有我的一半年纪
Well, darling, that really isn't that young. 亲爱的那也算不上有多年轻
My fake age. 我的假年纪
Oh, my God. She's a child. 老天那是未成年啊
I say we kill him and make his underage whore watch. 我建议我们宰了他让他未成年的小贱人看着
Listen, I know how painful this is, 听我说我知道这有多痛苦
but maybe--maybe this is your chance to finally move on. 但可能这是你开始新人生的好机会
Oh, Mel, you deserve so much better. 梅梅那个男人根本配不上你
She's right. 没错
You're the kindest, most loving person in the world. 你是世界上最温柔最可爱的人
I hope the plane crashes and kills them both. 我希望坠机他们两个都死翘翘
Make it stop! 快收回
She didn't cause this! 这不是她诅咒的
Make it stop! 快收回
This is Captain Reid speaking. 我是机长瑞德
All passengers and flight attendants, 所有乘客及机组人员
please take your seats and fasten your seat belts. 请回到座位上扣好安全带
I knew something like this would happen. 我就知道会有这倒霉事
All the great ones go down in planes. 巨星都是坠机死的
We've been cleared for an emergency landing. 我们已获批准紧急降落
Please remain calm. 请保持镇定
My God! 上帝啊
All I cared about was being successful, 我只关心事业成功
and now I'm gonna die and I never got married 现在我要死了我还没嫁过呢
or had children! 也没孩子
And I never won a daytime Emmy! 我还从没拿过日间艾美奖
Not even the season I so courageously battled Lyme disease! 有一季我勇敢地与蜱虫病抗争都没选上
And I've never done anything impulsive 我都没有任性地胡闹过
except get on this plane and look where that got me! 唯一一次冲动地上了飞机瞧瞧我的下场
I need everyone to brace for impact. 大家就位防撞击姿势
I love you guys. 我爱你们
I love you too. 我也爱你
And I swear that if I survive this, 我发誓如果这次能活下去
I am going to stop being so vain. 我不会再那么虚荣了
And scared of everything. 我不会什么都害怕了
And I'm never gonna complain about anything 我不会再抱怨什么了
ever, ever again. 永远不会
We have safely landed in Cleveland. 我们已经安全降落在克利夫兰
Cleveland? 克利夫兰
Well, great. 这下可好
My husband's engaged and we're in a dive bar in Cleveland. 我前夫订婚了而我们却在克利夫兰的破酒吧
Look, I googled "Cleveland" and "Get hammered," 我搜索了关键词"克利夫兰"加"烂醉如泥"
and this is what came up. 跳出来的就是这个
Along with some very disturbing pictures of Drew Carey. 以及克利夫兰明星德鲁·凯利不堪入目的照片
Why are the men looking at us like that? 为什么这些男人这样看着我们
No, I get recognized a lot, but this is different. 身为明星被认出很正常可这感觉不同
I remember that look. It's... 我还记得这目光这是...
Desire. 欲望
They're looking at us. 他们在直视我们
In L.A., they look past us. 在洛杉矶男人都无视我们
- Ladies. - How you doing? -女士们-你们好吗
How you doing? 你们好吗
- Hello. - Hey. -你们好-你好
I feel young and hot... 我觉得自己好年轻好性感
Like they're undressing me with their eyes 感觉他们在用目光为我宽衣解带
and not finding spanx. 却没有发现塑身裤
To think that we spend all that time and effort 我们还浪费时间千辛万苦
and money trying to look ten years younger 挥金如土让自己看起来年轻十岁
and ten pounds lighter, and all we had to do 瘦身十磅费那个劲干什么
was crash-land in Cleveland. 只要迫降在克利夫兰就行了
Where all the men look like real men 在这里男人看起来像真男人
and the women look like real women. 女人看起来像真女人
And everyone's eating and no one's ashamed. 大家都在猛吃却没人觉得不好意思
I'm gonna order chili fries. 我要点辣薯条
Are your chili fries good? 这里的辣薯条好吃吗
Can Lebron James jump? 勒布朗·詹姆斯会跳吗
Can who do what now? 谁会什么来着
They're good. 很好吃
We'll have three orders and... 来三份还有...
three not-light beers. 三杯高度啤酒
Coming right up, and the guys at that table over there 马上就好那边桌子的几位先生
would like for you to join them. 想邀你们加入
Look how adorably heterosexual they are. 多么招人喜欢的直男啊
In L.A., it's always a question. 在洛杉矶这话就得问着说
Okay, girls. 好了姐妹们
Let's go have some fun. 我们去开心一下
- Oh, why the hell not? - Wait, wait, wait. -为什么不呢-等等
Are you sure? 确定要这样吗
We appear to have landed in a dimension 看来我们降落的空间
where men hit on women their own age. 男人会搭讪同龄的女人
We owe it to science to investigate. 为了科学我们也要一探究竟
Oh, are you guys leaving? 你们要离开吗
No, we're just pulling your chairs out for you. 不我们只是为你们拉出椅子
- They have gentlemen here. - Nice. -这里还有绅士-很好
- Thank you so much. - Have an onion ring. -太谢谢了-来点洋葱圈吧
I might do that. 吃点也无妨
Hi, my name is Hank. 你好我叫汉克
Hi, Hank. Melanie. 你好汉克我叫梅兰妮
- I'm bill. - James. -我叫比尔-我叫詹姆斯
And this is Joy and I'm-- 这位是乔依我是
We know who you are. 我们认识你
Victoria Chase. 维多利亚·蔡斯
I got addicted to Edge of Tomorrow one summer I got laid up. 有一年夏天我卧病在床就迷上了《明日边缘》
It was the year you were Honor Saint Raven 那一季你扮演欧娜·圣瑞雯
and her evil sister Silver Saint Raven. 还有她的邪恶姐姐丝莉·圣瑞雯
And her even eviler sister Magnolia Saint Raven. 还有她更邪恶的姐姐木兰·圣瑞雯
You know, many daytime actress have done dual roles, 很多日间秀女演员都曾经分饰两角
but I was the first one to tackle a triple. 可我是第一个分饰三角的
And the Emmy goes to... 日间艾美奖最佳女主角是...
Susan Lucci. 苏珊·露琪
Finally! 终于啊
So, Melanie, are you an actress too? 梅兰妮你也是演员吗
Oh, no, no. 不不是
Oh, well, you could be. 你可以是啊
You know, you remind me of that really pretty actress 你让我想起那个非常漂亮的女明星
who was in that--that movie. I can't remember her name. 就那部电影里的我不记得名字了
It doesn't matter. 没关系
So what brings you guys here? 你们怎么会来这里
Well, actually, we're on our way to Paris. 其实我们是要去巴黎
Yes, Melanie wrote this book called 没错梅兰妮写了本书
200 things every woman should do before she dies, 《女人死前必做的两百件事》
and she figured she really should do at least one of them. 她觉得自己至少也应该做一件
Yes, and number 122 is fly to Paris with your best friends. 是的第122件事与好友飞去巴黎
Wow. A writer and an actress. 天呐作家与明星
So what do you do? 你做哪行


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