英文 | 中文 |
What the hell are you doing? | 你搞什么鬼 |
Heh. I'm bored. | 我有点闷 |
You get bored pretty easily. | 你倒闷得挺快 |
Only with you, darling. | 只有跟你在一起才快宝贝儿 |
Holy shit, v. stop. | 妈的吸血鬼停车 |
We have tre blood | 本店出售人造血 |
We're citizens. we pay taxes. | 我们是守法公民依法纳税 |
We deserve basic civil rights, just like everyone else. | 我们应该和平常人一样享有基本公民权利 |
Yeah, but-- I mean, come on. | 话虽如此但是 |
Doesn't your race have a rather sordid | 你们族人的历史不太光彩吧 |
History or exploiting and feeding off innocent people? | 靠吸食人类的血液为生 |
For centuries? | 长达数个世纪 |
Three points. | 三点 |
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Number one, show me documentation. | 首先拿出你的论据来 |
It doesn't exist. | 根本是无中生有 |
Number two, doesn't your race have a history of exploitation? | 其次难道你们人类就没做过见不得光的事吗 |
We never owned slaves, bill, or detonated nuclear weapons. | 我们从不奴役他人不放债不打核战争 |
And most importantly, point number three, | 第三点也是最重要的一点 |
Now that the japanese have perfected synthetic blood which satisfies | 日本科学家已经研发出完善的人造血 |
All of our nutritional needs | 满足我们所需的各种营养 |
There is no reason for anyone to fear us. | 所以你们无须害怕我们 |
I can assure you that every member of our | 我可以跟你保证我们族群中的每个人 |
Community is now drinking synthetic blood. | 现在都以喝人造血为生 |
That's why we decided to make our existence known. | 所以我们才勇于公开身份 |
We just wanna be part of mainstream society. | 我们只是想成为主流社会的一员 |
Y'all have tru blood. | 你这里有人造血卖吧 |
For real. | 要货真价实哦 |
You get vamps in here? | 你这有吸血鬼吗 |
I didn't even think we had any in louisiana. | 没想到路易斯安那州也会有 |
You didn't know that new orleans is a mecca for the vampire? | 你不知道新奥尔良是吸血鬼圣地吗 |
Seriously? I mean, new orleans? | 开玩笑吧?新奥尔良市? |
Even after katrina? | 在卡特里娜飓风之后 |
Didn't they all drown? | 他们不都淹死了吗 |
Vampires cannot drown. | 吸血鬼根本淹不死 |
Because we do not breathe. | 因为我们压根儿不呼吸 |
Dude, no harm intended. | 老兄我们没有恶意 |
We're just a little drunk. | 我们只是有点喝多了 |
Nice. I could use a cocktail. | 很好我可以拿你们开开胃 |
Score. | 得分 |
I totally had you guys. | 看把你们吓得 |
That wasn't funny. | 一点不好笑 |
Yeah, it was. | 有趣极了 |
No, kelly, that was pretty funny. | 不凯丽其实还蛮有趣的 |
I didn't think it was funny. | 我可不觉得有什么可笑的 |
What? well, we don't care what you think. | 什么我们才不管你怎么想呢 |
Dude, you know where we can score any v-juice? | 老兄知道哪有卖吸血鬼的血汁吗 |
Gross. brad, no. | 布拉德你真恶心 |
How much you need? | 你想要多少 |
I knew a girl who knew this girl, who did vamp blood during greek week. | 我认识一女孩她认识的一个女孩去希腊的时候喝了这玩意儿 |
She, like, clawed her own face off. | 然后她把自己整张脸都抓得血肉模糊 |
Seriously, I can pay good money. | 我说真的我付得起钱 |
Okay. you two need to leave. | 得了吧你们俩还是走吧 |
All right. fuck you, billy bob. | 干你屁事儿少多管闲事乡巴佬 |
Fuck me? | 干我? |
I'll fuck you, boy. | 是我要干你小子 |
I'll fuck you, and then I'll eat you. | 然后我他妈的还可以吃了你 |
You ever pretend to be one of us again | 下次再敢假扮吸血鬼 |
and I'll kill you. | 我就杀了你 |
Got it? | 听清楚了吗 |
Have a nice day, now. | 玩得开心点 |
John, check the catfish. | 约翰看那条鲶鱼 |
Thank you, baby. | 宝贝谢谢 |
You know daddy loves you. | 要知道爸爸最疼你了 |
Bill, I'm sittin' down here, okay? I'm by myself. | -比尔我就在这里坐-我自己来就行 |
Just let me have just one beer tonight, jesus. | 耶稣基督啊今晚我就小喝一杯啤酒 |
One beer, that's all I need. | 只是一杯啤酒就好 |
And if you just give me the strength | 如果您赐我力量 |
to say no to beer number two, | 今晚不喝第二杯的话 |
Then I swear... | 我发誓 |
Without a second thought, no, sir, | 别痴心妄想了先生不行 |
Don't you dare gripe about me eatin' fries. | 经过昨夜销魂之后 |
Not after what I did for you last night in the bedroom. | 看你还敢不敢抱怨我吃太多薯条 |
Which, by the way, was disgusting. | 虽然昨晚颇为恶心 |
Although I kind of enjoyed it. | 但我倒还是乐在其中 |
Who are these people and what the hell is this music? | 来这的都一些什么人啊这播的是什么烂歌啊 |
I feel like I'm trapped in some hillbilly's oxycontin nightmare. | 感觉就像置身在土海洛因的噩梦之中 |
Man, I cannot wait to get the hell out of this podunk town. | 天啊我实在不能再呆在这个猥琐的地方了 |
Well, make sure you do, and before it's too late, | 下定决心就放手去做吧 |
Because every year you wait, you just get more and more stuck here. | 犹豫的时间越长就越深陷其中 |
Believe me, I know. | 听我的我是过来人 |
How'd she know what I was thinking? | 她怎么知道我在想什么 |
That's weird. did she hear my thoughts? | 真神了她能读懂我的心思吗 |
Am I thinking out loud? | 我想出声来了吗 |
I'll get y'all some ketchup. | 我去给你们拿些蕃茄酱来 |
Shit, did my parents... | 见鬼我父母... |
I don't know, but I'm not gonna pee. | 我不知道但是我不会上厕所的 |
I'll probably pee in my pants... | 也许我会尿裤子 |
Welcome to super sav-a-bunch. | 欢迎光临超级省钱超市 |
Hi. I'm looking for that thick, translucent plastic sheeting. | 你好我想买半透明厚塑胶帘子 |
The kind they hang in front of the doors of walk-in refrigerators. | 挂在冷库门上的那种 |
Um, we don't sell that here. | 我们这里不卖那个 |
You could try home depot. | 你可以到家具店去问问 |
I tried them already. they sent me here. | 去过了他们说这儿有 |
Oh... now, I cannot believe you don't have that stuff. | 真不敢相信你们竟然不卖 |
Oh, I don't even know what it's called. | 我连那东西的名字也说不上来 |
Sorry. | 抱歉 |
But you're supposed to have everything. | 可是这里不是应有尽有吗 |
Well, we don't have that stuff, that you don't even know what it's called. | 连你也不知道那是什么我们怎么会有卖 |
Your website says that this is the | 你们网站明明说了 |
Most well-stocked store in five parishes. | 这里是附近最大型的货仓商场 |
Now, I just drove over an hour from marthaville-- uh-huh. | 我从马斯维亚开了一个小时的车赶来 |
Does our website have a phone number? | 我们的网站上有店里的电话吗 |
Well, I suppose it does, but-- so it never occurred to you, | -应该有但是...-难道你从来没有想过 |
Before you drove an hour, to pick up the phone and call us, | 在你风尘仆仆地赶过来之前给我们打个电话 |
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To see if we stocked whatever the hell it is that you're looking for? | 看看我们有没有你想要的那个鬼东西 |
I think that if a business chooses to classify itself as-- | 如果你们能把商品分类... |
why didn't you just find it online and have it delivered to your house? | 为什么你不在网上订购让我们送货上门 |
Or were you just looking for an excuse to wear them ugly-ass clothes? | 还是你想出来溜达溜达秀秀你这身土衣服 |
I would like to speak to your manager. | 我要和你们的经理谈谈 |
Fine. | 好的 |
Waylon! | 威伦 |
Trust me, you are not gettin' me fired. | 看着吧你想让我饭碗不保没门 |
I am quittin'. | 老娘不干了 |
You were just the fuckin' catalyst, and for that, I ought to thank you. | 不过我倒要感谢你你个他妈的多事儿婆 |
You are a very rude young woman. | 你真是个相当粗鲁的年轻姑娘 |
Oh, this ain't rude. this is uppity. | 这不是没教养这叫尊严 |
That's for pattin' my ass too much. | 这巴掌因为你楷我油 |
I'm-a get my baby daddy, who just got out of prison, | 我这就去把我那刚出狱的孩子他爸找来 |
To come and kick your teeth in. | 打爆你两颗门牙 |
Jesus, tara. please don't do any-- oh, my god. | -天啊泰拉别这样-我的天啊 |
I'm not serious, you pathetic racist. | 我又没当真你这可悲的种族主义者 |
I don't have a baby. | 我还没生过孩子呢 |
Damn. | 奶奶的 |
I know y'all have to be stupid | 知道你们智商都不高 |
But do you have to be that stupid? | 但是也不至于那么蠢吧 |
Shit. fuck this job. | 妈的死工作见鬼吧 |
Evening. merlotte's. | 晚上好马洛特餐厅 |
Hey, tara. | 好啊泰拉 |
Yeah, she's right here. | 是的她就在旁边 |
I'm so sorry, sam. | 山姆真抱歉 |
She knows not to call me at work. | 我告诉她不要在工作时间打来的 |
Sookie, it's okay. | 苏琪这没什么 |
You don't abuse a privilege like arlene does. | 艾琳娜用电话的次数比你多得多 |
Hey. I heard that. | 我可听见了 |
Well, I wish you would hear that. | 我倒希望你能听到 |
Please. sam, I have kids. | 得了山姆我还有孩子 |
This had better be an emergency. | 你最好有紧急的事要跟我说 |
I just quit my job. | 我刚辞职了 |
Again? | 又辞职了? |
I can't work for assholes. | 我才不要帮混蛋打工 |
Well, I'm glad you can afford to be so picky, | 你还有资本去对工作这样挑挑拣拣 |
Miss say-hello-to-the-rest-of-us. | 也不看看我们 |
Oh, shut up. sam is not an asshole and he's totally in love with you. | 得了吧山姆才不是混蛋他是看上你了 |
Tara, he is my boss. | 泰拉他可是我老板 |
Jesus. look, you need to lighten up. | 天啊你该开窍了 |
You know I hate it when you use the j word. | 你也知道我讨厌你指天骂地的 |
Now, I gotta go. | 好了我得挂了 |
I'm coming over. | 我一会儿过去 |
I need a margarita. | 我要喝玛格丽特酒 |
A big one. | 喝个够 |
Bye. | 一会儿见 |
Mack and denise rattray are just about to sit down in your section. | 马克和丹尼斯·拉特雷要在你的服务区坐下了 |
What the fuck? | 搞什么啊 |
Don't let 'em get to you, they're not worth it. | 这种人不值得你生气 |
Two tecates, sam. | 山姆两杯特卡特啤酒 |
Hell, there ain't nothing on this menu ain't gonna give me the runs. | 餐牌上也什么好吃的别让我拉肚子就行 |
Damn son of a-- what can I do for y'all tonight? | -真他妈狗娘...-两位今晚想吃什么吗 |
You can wrap your sweet lips around my slim reaper, | 你能把你甜美的小嘴唇做成佳肴 |
That's what you can do. | 送到我口中吗 |
Why don't we just start out with a pitcher of bud? | 不如来个嫩芦笋做前菜吧 |