

英文 中文
For tonight's final illusion 今晚的最后一个魔术
we have incredible sack of mystery. 让我们来看这个难以置信的神秘袋子
When you put your money in, it mysteriously dissapears. 当你把钱放进去后财富就会神奇的不翼而飞啦
Well, of course! That makes perfect sense! 当然了多有道理啊
What a nice man! That was totaly worth a try! 多好的人啊这太值得一试了
The tiger was badly injured in the explosion 这只老虎在爆炸中受了重伤
but we repaired him with a fist. 但是我们给它安装了一个拳头
Woo! Yeah! That tiger is our hero! 哇塞这只老虎是我们的英雄
Tiger fist! will return after these messages. 猛虎之拳广告之后马上回来
Hey look! It's that commercial I've been telling you guys about. 快看这就是我和你们说的那个广告
Are you completely miserable? 你是否一筹莫展憔悴苦楚
Yeees! 就是啊
Then you need to meet Gideon. 那你需要去见一下吉迪恩
- Gideon? - What makes him so special? -吉迪恩-他有什么特别之处
He's a psychic! 他是个通灵者
So don't waste your time with other so called man of mystery. 所以不要浪费你们的时间和那些自诩神秘之人厮混
Learn about it tomorrow, tonight, at Gideon's tent of telepathy! 明天今晚就来吉迪恩的通灵帐篷中了解详情吧
I'm getting all curiousy inside. 我开始好奇里面有什么了
Well don't get too curiousy, 好奇害死猫
Ever since that monster Gideon rolled in town, I've had nothing but trouble. 自从那个吉迪恩怪物来这儿之后就尽给我惹麻烦
Gideon! 吉迪恩
- Well, is he realy psychic? - I think we should go and find out! -他真的是个疯子吗-我觉得咱们可以去一探究竟
Never! You're forbiden from patronizing the competition! 做梦不允许你们让这场竞争升级
No one that lives under my roof is allowed under that Gideon's roof. 住在我屋檐下的人可不允许到吉迪恩的屋檐下去
- Do tents have roofs? - I think we just found our loophole. Literaly. -帐篷有屋檐吗-我觉得咱们找到漏洞了字面上的漏洞
So come down soon, folks. Gideon is expecting you. 所以快来吧伙计们吉迪恩正翘首以待
Get right here folks! Put your money in Gideon's psychick sack! 伙计们到这儿来快把你们的钱放进吉迪恩的神秘袋子
Oh sure! Wow! That makes perfect sense! 当然哇塞太有道理了
Aww, this is like a bizzaro version of the Mystery Shack. 这就像是神秘小屋的奇怪翻版
They even have their own Soos. 他们甚至还有自己的苏斯
It's starting, it's starting! 要开始了要开始了
Let's see what this monster looks like. 让咱们瞧瞧这怪物的庐山真面目
Hello America! My name is Lil' Gideon! 好啊美国人我叫小吉迪恩
That's Stan's mortal enemy? 这就是斯坦叔公的不共戴天之敌吗
Like.. he's so.. widdle. 他还真是够娇小的啊
Ladies and gentlemen, it is such a gift to have you here tonight. 女士们先生们你们赏光莅临此处真是天赐珍宝啊
Such a gift. I have a vision. 珍宝啊我看见了一个景象
I predict, you'll soon all say.. 我预计你们不久就会说
- It came true! - What? I'm not impresed. -成真了-什么我并不觉得多稀奇啊
You're impresed! 你明明被震撼到了
Hit it dad! 音乐起老爸
Oh I can see, what others can't see! 哦我能看见别人所无法瞧见的东西
It ain't some such old trick, it's an natability. 这并不是什么老把戏那只是变幻莫测
Where others are blind, I am futurely inclined. 别人将一切置若罔闻我却倾向于未来之景
and you too could see the view that's widdle lil me! 而你们也得享我所见之物
Come on everybody! Round up! I want you all to keep it going! 来吧每个人集中起来我想听你们接着唱下去
- What? How did he? - Keep it going! -什么他怎么做到的-继续唱
- You wish your son would call you more! - I'm leaving everything to my cats! -你希望儿子多唤声你-我给了猫咪所有的一切
- I sense that you've been here before! - What gave it away? -我看见你们曾来过此处-是什么让我露了馅
Come on. 得了吧
I'll read your mind if I'm able 如果可以的话我要读透你的心
- Something tells me your name Mabel. - How he do that? -直觉告诉我你的名字叫梅宝-这太神了
So welcome all yeeee 欢迎你们
to the tent of telepathy 来到通灵帐篷
and thanks for visiting widdle ol' meee 感谢你们来见小小的我
Oh my goodness. 噢我的天哪
Thank you! You people are the real miracles. 谢谢你们你们才是真正的奇迹
Man, this kid is even bigger fraud than Stan. 天呐这小鬼比斯坦叔公还要会鬼扯
- No wonder our uncle is jealous. - Oh come on, his dance moves were adorable -怪不得叔公会嫉妒-那是他的舞姿真是太可爱了
And did you see his hair? It was like wooosh. 还有你瞧见他的头发了吗太潮了啊
- You're too easily impressed - Yeah, yeah. -你真容易被打动-是啦是啦
Check it out Dipper! I succesfuly bezappled my face! 迪普快看我成功地给我的脸镶钻了
- Is that permanent? - I'm on appreciating my time. -这是永久性的吗-我正在享受有限的时间
- Somebody answer that door! - I'll get it! -谁来开开门啊-我来了
- Howdy? - It's widdle old you! -你好啊-是小小的你
Yeah, my song is quite catchy. 我知道我的歌声挺朗朗上口的
I know we haven't formaly met. 我们虽然没有正式见过面
but after yesterday's perfomance, I just couldn't get your laugh out of my head. 但昨天表演之后你的笑声就萦绕在我的脑海里
You mean this one? 你说这样笑
Aw, what a delight. And when I saw you in the audience, I said to myself 太愉悦了当我在观众中瞧见你我就对自己说
now, there is a kindred spirit. 我找到了相似的灵魂
Someone who appreciates sparkly things and laugh. 喜欢闪闪发亮的东西还爱笑的人
That's totally me! 就是说我啊
Enchanting. Utterly enchanting. 迷人啊真是太迷人了
- Who's at the door? - No one Grunkle Stan! -谁在门口-没人斯坦叔公
I appreciate your discretion, that Stan is no fan of mine. 感谢你的谨慎行事斯坦那家伙可不待见我
I don't know how a lemon so sour could be related to a peach so sweet. 真没想到那种烂柠檬竟然也会有你这样的甜心蜜桃相伴
- Gideon! - What do you say, -吉迪恩-你觉得
we step away from here and chat a bit more. 我们离开这儿再谈点别的
Perhaps in my dressing room? 比如在我的化妆室里面谈谈怎么样
Makeovers! 化妆啊
Do you see something you like? Cause I do.. 你瞧见什么中意了的吗我瞧见了
What? 什么
Hey Dipper! What's going on? 迪普看看发生什么了
Where have you been? And what's going on with 你去哪里了还有你的手指甲又怎么了
those finger nails, you look like a wolverine. 看上去就像黄鼠狼
I know, right? Waaa! 我知道不错吧哈哈
I'm hanging out with my new pal Gideon. He's one dapper little man. 我和我的新伙计吉迪恩出去了他可真是个浓缩的精华啊
Mabel, I don't trust anyone who's hair is bigger than their head. 梅宝我可不相信发型会大过脑袋的家伙
Aw, leave him alone. You never wanna do girly stuff with me. 算了吧你根本不想陪我做些女孩的事情
You and Soos could do boy stuff all the time. 你和苏斯净做男孩的事情
- What do you mean? - Hey dude. -你说什么-伙计
- You ready to blow up these hotdogs in a microwave one by one? - Am I? -你准备好来用微波炉一根一根炸热狗了吗-当然
One at a time! One at a time! 一次一根一次一根
Wow! The view from your family factory is nuts! 哇从你家工厂这儿望去的景色真是太棒了
Good thing we both brought our opera glasses! 好在我们带了剧场观望眼镜
Mabel, when I'm up here looking down on all them lil old people. 梅宝当我身处这里俯视着这些小可怜们
I feel like I'm king of all I survey. 我就觉得我是目及一切的王者
- And guess that makes you my queen! - What? -而你就是当之无愧的女王-什么
You've being so nice to me right now. 你这样对我真好
Quit it! 快别这样了
I can't quit it. I'm speaking from my heart. 我无法停止因为我用自己的内心诉说
- From the where now? - Mabel, I've never felt this close to anyone. -用哪儿呢-梅宝我从未感到和人这么亲近
So..so close. 如此如此亲近
Look Gideon, I am .. 吉迪恩听着我
I like you a lot but let's just be friends. 我挺喜欢你的但是我们还是只做朋友吧
At least give me a chance. Mabel, will you do me the honour 至少给我个机会吧梅宝你能够给我这个荣幸
- of going on a date with me? - A play date? -邀请你和我约会吗-游戏约会
A shopping date? 购物约会
It will just be one lil old date. 这只是个小小的约会
I swear with my lucky bolo tie. 我对我的扣式领带发誓
Okay, then. I guess. 好吧我想
Mable Pines, you have made me the happiest boy in the world. 梅宝·派恩斯你让我成为了世界上最幸福的人
Are you sniffing my hair? 你在嗅我的头发吗
It's not a date, Dip, it's just, you know 这可不是约会迪普你知道那只是
I didn't want to hurt his feelings. Until he figured it, I'd throw him a bone. 我不想伤害他的感情等他想明白了我就给他点安慰
Mabel, guys don't work that way. He's gonna fall in love with you. 梅宝男孩子可不是这么想的他会坠入爱河的
Pff, yeah, right. 噗你说个鬼啦
I'm not THAT lovable. 我还没有这么招人喜爱呢
- Kaboom! Yes! - Okay, at least we agree on something here. -秒杀你-好吧咱们还是达成了一点点共识
A night of enchantment awaits, my lady. 一个神奇的夜晚等着咱们呢我的女士
Oh boy. 哦天
I can't believe they'd let us bring horse in here. 不敢相信他们竟然允许带马进来
Well, people have hard time saying 'no' to me. 人们都不忍心对我说“不”
Ah! Monsieur Gideon! The feet on the table! 吉迪恩先生把脚搁在桌子上
An excellent choice! 有创意
- Jean-Luc, what have we discussed about our contact? - Yes, yes. Very good. -让-吕克咱们本来是怎么说的来着-对对您说的对
I've never seen so many forks. 我从没有看见过这么多人
And water with bubbles in it? Oh, ulala, weewee. 还有带泡泡的水太赞了
Oh, parlez-vous francais? 哦你会说法语吗
I have no idea what you're saying. 我听不懂你在说什么
Hey, hey! What the jackal is Mabel doing 报纸上面梅宝怎么会和
in the paper next to that crazy pitpocket Gideon? 那个疯狂的豺狼吉迪恩在一起
Oh, yeah. That's like a big deal. 这可是个轰动新闻
Everybody's talking about Gideon and Mabel's big date tonight. 每个人都在谈论吉迪恩和梅宝今晚的约会
What? That little shyster is dating my great niece? 什么那个奸诈小人竟然在和我的完美侄孙女约会
I wonder what the new name will be for the power couple? 我在想这对强强组合会有什么新名字
Mabidion? Gidiable? Magidbelion! 梅迪恩吉迪宝梅吉宝迪恩
I didn't know! I didn't hear about it! And plus, I told her not to! 我不知道我没听说过而且我让她别接近那个家伙了
Yeah, well it ends tonight. I'm going right down to that little scug's house. 今晚一切都会终结我立马就去那个讨厌鬼的家里
This is gonna stop right now. 一切马上就会结束
Dude, woudn't it be funny if that was a closet? 伙计如果那是个壁橱该有多可笑啊
And he had to come back again and walk through the real door? 他就不得不折回来重走一遍真正的大门
Nope, real door. 唉哟是真的门
Gideon, you little punk! Open up! 吉迪恩你这个小混球快开门
I will pardon nothing! 我可不会重复第二次
Why! Stan Pines! 怎么斯坦·派恩斯
- What a delight! - Out of the way, bud. -多荣幸啊-别挡路伙计
I'm looking for Gideon. 我在找吉迪恩
Well, I haven't seen the boy around, but since you're here. 我没看见那小家伙不过既然你来这儿了
You simply must come in for coffee. 不如进屋来喝杯咖啡吧
- Bu but I came.. - It's imported. All the way from Columbia. -但我是为了-进口货色哦从哥伦比亚运过来的
I went to jail there once. 我在那儿蹲过一次监狱
Some digs you got here. 你这儿好东西还不少
Oh, this. This is beautiful. 这件这件太漂亮了
Now, I hear your niece and my Gideon are well, 我听说你的侄孙女和我的吉迪恩
they are singing in harmony lately, so to speak. 可以说正在度过琴瑟和鸣的晚上呢
Yeah, and I'm against it. 我可是大大反对的
No, no, no. I see it as a fantastic business oportunity. 不不不我觉得这可是一个很好的商机
Yes, the Mystery Shack and the Tent of Telepathy. 没错神秘小屋和通灵帐篷


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