

英文 中文
Mabel, do you believe in ghosts? 梅宝你相信世界上有鬼吗
I believe you're a big dork! Ha ha ha ha! 我相信你是个大笨蛋哈哈哈
Soos! Wendy! 苏斯温蒂
What's up, Mr. Pines? 怎么了派恩斯先生
I'm headin' out. You two are gonna wash the bathrooms, right? 我要出去一趟你们把浴室打扫一下知道吗
- Yes, sir. - Absolutely not. -没问题-没门
You stay outta trouble. 你们别给我惹麻烦
Hey, guys, what's this? 嘿伙计们瞧瞧这是什么
A secret ladder to the roof? 通向屋顶的秘密楼梯
Uh, I don't think Mr. Pines would like that. 呃我觉得派恩斯先生不会允许你们这样的
You're freakin' me out, dude! 你把我给吓着了伙计
Can we actually go up there? 我们真的可以上去吗
Sure we can. Roof time! Roof time! 当然了屋顶时间屋顶时间
Roof time! Roof time! 屋顶时间屋顶时间
All right, check it out. 好啦瞧瞧吧
Whoa! Whoa, cool! 哇 哇酷毙了
You put all this stuff up here? 你把这些东西弄上来的
I may or may not sneak up here during work, 我偶尔抽空溜到上面来玩一下
All the time, every day. 每天都来无时无刻不在这儿
- All right. - Me first! - 好的- 我先来
Jackpot! High five! 中奖了来击掌吧
Don't leave me hangin'. 别让我苦等着哟
Hey, it's my friends. 嘿我朋友来了
Wendy! 温蒂
Uh, you guys aren't gonna tell stan about this, are you? 呃你们不会告诉斯坦的对吧
Later, dorks. 回见啦傻蛋儿们
Let's get outta here! 咱们走吧
Later, Wendy! 回见温蒂
Ah, good times. 啊好好玩
- What? - Somebody's in love! -干嘛啊-有人恋爱喽
Yeah, right. 得了吧
I just think wendy's cool, okay? 我只是觉得温蒂很酷啦
It's not like I lay awake at night thinking about her. 我又没有整晚想她想得睡不着觉
Put on some dance party for no reason! 无缘由舞会开始啦
Go! Go! Go! 跳跳跳
Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 跳跳跳跳跳
- Dipper! - What? Yes? Yeah? -迪普-什么咋了啥事儿
Aren't you gonna get in on this? 你不来一起跳吗
I, uh, don't really dance. 我呃不太会跳舞
Yeah, you do. 你明明会
Mom used to dress him up in a lamb costume 妈妈曾经给他穿了件羊羔服
And make him do... 让他跳
The lamby dance. 羊羔舞
Now is not the time to talk about the lamby dance. 现在不是讨论羊羔舞的时候啦
Lamb costume? Whoa! 羊羔服哇
Is there, like, little ears and a tail, or...? 是不是有耳朵有尾巴的那种
Well, uh... Uh... 这个嘛呃 呃
Dipper would prance around and sing a song about grazing. 迪普一边蹦跶一边唱关于吃草的歌
Hey, look at that. 嘿瞧啊
Quittin' time. The gang's waitin' for me. 下班喽朋友们等着我呢
Hey, wait, uh, maybe I could-- 嘿等等呃我可以一起
Or could come with you. 我是说我们可以一起去吗
Ooh, I don't know. 噢这个不清楚哎
My friends are pretty intense. 我的朋友们都有点癫狂
How old did you guys say you are? 你们说你们多大来着
We're 13, so, technically a teen. 我们十三了严格来说算得上是青少年咯
All right. I like your moxie, kid. 好吧勇气可嘉哦小孩儿
Let me get my stuff. 我去拿下东西
Since when are we 13? Is this a leap year? 我们咋就十三了呢难道今年是闰年
Come on, mabel. This is our chance to hang out with, 想想看梅宝这是个难得的机会
You know, the cool kids-- and Wendy and whatever. 可以跟那些酷毙了的小孩儿们一起玩儿还有温蒂
I knew it! You love her! 我就知道你爱上她啦
Love, love, love, love, love! 爱她爱她爱她爱她爱她
Oh, hey, what's that? 噢看那是什么
Hurry up. 快点啦
In the belly! In the belly! 打肚脐打肚脐
In the belly! In the belly! 打肚脐打肚脐
Wendy! 温蒂
Wendy! Wendy! 温蒂温蒂
Hey, guys, these are my pals from work, mabel and dipper. 嘿大家伙儿这是我的工友们梅宝和迪普
I chewed my gum so it looks like a brain. 我把口香糖嚼成大脑的形状了哟
She's not much for first impressions, 她一般给人的第一印象都不太好
Unlike this guy! 就不像我
This guy...! 我哦
So are you, like, babysitting or...? 所以你是在做保姆吗还是
Come on, Robbie. 不是啦罗比
Guys, this is Lee and Nate... 这是李跟内特
Tambri... 谭布丽
Thompson, who once ate a run-over waffle for 50 cents... 汤普森曾经花五毛钱吃了一个被碾过的华夫饼
Don't tell them that. 这个就别跟他们说了吧
And Robbie. You can probably figure him out. 这是罗比你们可能已经知道他了
Yeah, I'm the guy who spray-painted the water tower. 没错水塔上的涂鸦就是我画的
Oh, you mean the big muffin. 就那个大蛋糕形状的涂鸦吗
Um, it's a giant explosion. 呃是个大爆炸的形状
Heh heh! Kind of does look like a muffin. 哈哈确实有点像蛋糕
Let's hurry it up, guys. I got big plans for tonight, huh? 快点走啦伙计们今晚咱还有大计划呐
Let's get outta here! Get in the car! 快走吧上车
Sorry, kid, I'll ride shotgun, all right? 不好意思毛孩儿前排我已经占了
Okay, just, before we go, 好了走之前我必须得说
My mom said you guys aren't allowed to punch the roof anymore, so... 我妈说不让你们打车顶了所以
Thompson! Thompson! Thompson! 汤普森汤普森汤普森
Thompson! Thompson! Thompson! 汤普森汤普森汤普森
Ha ha! This is gonna blow someone's mind. 哈哈这样会给某人留下深刻印象哦
Mabel, please. 梅宝拜托啦
What? Am I embarrassing you in front of your new... 咋了嫌我给你丢人了
Girlfriend! 在你女朋友面前
Uhh! Did you just lick my hand? 啊你舔我手干嘛
You're watching the black-and-white 您正在收看的是
Period piece old lady boring movie channel. 黑白无聊老妪电影频道
Kids! I can't find the remote, and I refuse to stand up! 孩子们遥控器在哪儿我不想起身
Stay tuned for the Friday night movie, The Duchess Approves, 周五晚间影片播映室即将为您播映电影《女爵的应允》
Starring Sturly Stembleburgiss as the Duchess 由斯特莉·斯坦伯博尔吉斯饰演女爵
And Grampton St. Rumpterfrabble as the risible coxswain 格兰普顿·圣·拉普特弗拉伯饰演可笑的舵手
Sounterbluggot Hampterfuppinshire. 桑特尔布拉格特·汉普特法宾塞尔
Kids! 孩子们
No! Noooo! 不不
There it is, fellas-- 伙计们我们到了
The condemned Dusk-to-Dawn. 废弃的黄昏到黎明便利店
- Neato! - Awesome! -酷-太棒了
Wh-why did they shut it down? 为什么废弃了呢
It's, like, a health code violation, or...? 是因为违反了卫生规定之类的吗
- Try murder! - Some folks died in there. -是谋杀-有人死在里面了
The place has been haunted ever since. 自那以后这里常常闹鬼哦
This town has such a colorful history! 这个小镇的历史真实丰富多彩
What? Are-- are you guys serious? 什么你们是认真的么
Yeah. We're all gonna die! 当然了我们马上就要死了
Chill out, man. It's not as bad as it looks. 别怕嘛没有看上去那么糟啦
Come on, Dipper. 下来啊迪普
Haha, Okay. Okay 哈哈好好啊
Just-- just gotta get a foothold. 等我踩稳了的
Dude, your sister did it. 哥们儿你妹妹都行
Hey, you know what? Just... There you go. 嘿你知道吗这样就行了
Sorry, dude. 对不起哥们儿
Good job throwing the kid off the fence, genius. 把小孩儿直接扔下围栏真是天才
Your mom's a genius. 你妈才是天才
This place is amazing. 这地方真不赖啊
I think it's-- it's stuck. 我觉得好像锁上了
- Let me take a crack at it. - Oh, yeah. -我来试试-哦行啊
I can't get in, but I'm sure junior here 我反正进不去但是我相信这个
Is gonna break it down like hercules. 小毛孩子能像大力士一样把门弄开
Come on, leave him alone. He's just a little kid. 行了少说两句干嘛非得跟小孩过不去呢
Whoa, kid! What are you doing? 哇小孩儿你要干什么啊
Go, dipper! Punch that metal thing! 加油迪普把那个金属玩意儿打成稀巴烂
Hey, dipper, take it easy. 嘿迪普冷静点啊
Who wants to bet he doesn't make it? 谁想赌他失败
Good call, inviting this little maniac! 干得不错小疯孩儿
Your new name is Dr. Fun Times. 从现在起叫你欢乐时光博士好了
All right. 不错
Yeah, man. Cool. 帅呆啦哥们儿
Nice work. 干得不错
Do you guys really think it's haunted? 你们真相信这里闹鬼吗
Thompson, are you kidding me? 汤普森开什么玩笑
Come on, shut up, man! 得了吧闭嘴吧老兄
Oh, man. 噢天哪
It's even creepier than I imagined. 比我想象的还要毛骨悚然一点
Yep, it's dust. 尘土鉴定完毕
Hey, dude, where do you think they keep the dead bodies? 嘿哥们儿你说尸体被藏在哪了呢
Shut up, man! 闭嘴啦
Guys, check it out! You think they still work? 兄弟们 你们觉得这开关还能用吗
Nice! 真棒
Jackpot! 帅呆了
So, what are we gonna do now? 那么现在我们要做什么呢
Anything we want. 想做什么都可以啊
Take that. 尝尝这个吧
Put 'em in, put 'em in! Three at a time, three at a time! 放进去放进去一次放仨一次放仨
Oh, my gosh! Smile dip! 噢天哪笑笑糖
I thought this stuff was banned in America. 我还以为这玩意儿国内被禁售了呢
Maybe they had a good reason. 不卖是有原因的
Hey, come here, man, we got it ready! 哥们儿我们准备好了快过来


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