

英文 中文
Ah, summer break... 啊暑假到啦
- You want cheese on that hon? - Sure, Hank. -宝贝你要在这上面加芝士吗-好啊汉克
A time for leisure, recreation, 现在是休闲娱乐
and takin' 'er easy... 跟放松的时间
Unless you're me. 除非你是我
It's getting closer! 它要追上来了
My name is Dipper. 我叫迪普
The girl about to puke is my sister Mabel. 这个快要呕吐的女孩是我的妹妹梅宝
You may be wondering what we're doing in a golf cart 你或许在好奇为什么我们正开着高尔夫球车飞奔
fleeing from a creature of unimaginable horror. 逃避一只不可思议的恐怖生物
- Look out! - Aahh! -小心-啊
Rest assured, there's a perfectly logical explanation. 放心我有一个完美的合理解释
Let's rewind. 我们先倒带
It all began when our parents decided we could use some fresh air. 这一切要从父母决定让我们出趟远门说起
They shipped us up north to a sleepy town 他们把我们送到北方俄勒冈州
called Gravity Falls, Oregon, 一个叫做重力泉的寂静小镇
to stay at our great-uncle's place in the woods. 好让我们住在舅公深山野林里的家
This attic is amazing! 这阁楼太赞了
Check out all my splinters! 看看我手上扎的刺
And there's a goat on my bed. 而且我床上还有只山羊
Hey, friend. 嗨朋友
Oh! Yes, you can keep chewing on my sweater. Ha ha ha ha ha! 噢你就放心咬我的毛衣吧哈哈
My sister tended to look on the bright side of things. 我的妹妹总试着往好的方面看
Yay! Grass! 耶青草地
But I was having a hard time 但是为了适应新环境
getting used to our new surroundings. 我可是受尽了苦头
And then was our great-uncle Stan... 这就是我们的舅公斯坦
that guy. 就是这家伙
It was worth it. 还是值了
Our uncle had transformed his house into a tourist trap 舅公把他的房子改装成一个叫做神秘小屋的
he called the Mystery Shack. 专门敲诈旅客的景点
The real mystery was why anyone came. 但是真正神秘的问题是为什么还有大批的人来参观
Ladies and gentlemen, behold... 女士们先生们请看
the sascrotch! 体毛怪
- Whoa! - Oh, my gosh! -哇哦-我的天哪
And guess who had to work there. 猜猜谁要在这里工作吧
No touching the merchandise! 不许碰商品
It looked like it was gonna be the same boring routine all summer 本以为整个夏天都会是一成不变无聊日子
until one fateful day... 直到这么一个重大的日子
He's looking at it. He's looking at it! 他正在读信他正在读信
"Do you like me? 你喜欢我吗
"Yes. Definitely. 是的当然
Absolutely"? 肯定
- I rigged it! - Mabel, -我干的-梅宝
I know you're going through your whole "Boy crazy" Phase, 我知道你正在经历花痴的阶段
But I think you're kind of overdoing it with the "Crazy" part. 但是我觉得你有点痴迷过度了
What?! 什么
Come on, Dipper! 拜托了迪普
This is our first summer away from home. 这是我第一个离家的暑假
It's my big chance to have an epic summer romance. 是我展开史诗般的夏日浪漫史的重大机会
Yeah, but do you need to flirt with every guy you meet? 我知道但是你有必要跟每一个你遇见的男生打情骂俏么
My name is Mabel, but you can call me the girl of your dreams. 我叫做梅宝但是你可以叫我梦中女神
I'm joking! Ha ha ha ha! 我在开玩笑啦哈哈哈哈
Oh, my gosh, you like turtles? 我的天哪你喜欢乌龟
I like turtles too. What is happening here? 我也喜欢乌龟这到底是怎么回事啊
Come one, come all, 来吧大家都来吧
to the mattress prince's kingdom of savings! 来看超值王子床垫啊
- Take me with you. - Aaah! -带我走吧-啊
Mock all you want, brother, 随你怎么嘲笑我老哥
but I got a good feeling about this summer. 但是我对这个暑假有很好的预感
I wouldn't be surprised if the man of my dreams 如果我的梦中情人现在从那扇门走进来
walked through that door right now. 我也不会惊讶
Oh! Oh! Not good. Ow. 噢 噢真不舒服噢
- Oh, why?! - Ha ha ha! -哎为什么-哈哈哈
All right, all right, look alive, people. 好了好了大家打起精神
I need someone to go hammer 谁跟我去森林深处
up these signs in the spooky part of the forest. 把这些指示牌钉上
- Not it! - Not it! -不是我-不是我
Uh, also not it. 呃也不是我
Nobody asked you, Soos. 没人叫你苏斯
I know, and I'm comfortable with that. 我知道而且我没意见
Wendy! I need you to put up this sign! 温迪我需要你去钉上这些指示牌
I would, but I... uhh... can't... uhh... reach it. 我也想但是我呃够不着
I'd fire all of you if I could. 我真想把你们全部辞掉
All right, let's make it eeny-meeny-miney... 好吧那我们就挑兵挑将吧
- You. - Oh! What? -你去-噢不是吧
Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm 斯坦舅公每次去深林
in those woods I feel like I'm being watched. 我都感觉被监视着一样
- Ahh, this again. - I'm telling you, -哎又来了-我要告诉你
Something weird is going on in this town. 这小镇上有些诡异的事情正在发生
Just today my mosquito bites spelled out "Beware." 今天蚊子在我身上咬了“当心”的字样
That says "Bewarb." 那是当丁
Look, kid, the whole "Monsters 听着小子深林怪物的故事
in the forest" thing is just local legend 只是我这种家伙鼓吹出来的本地传说
drummed up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that. 目的是把商品卖给那种笨家伙
So quit being so paranoid! 所以不要再疑神疑鬼了
Ugh. Grunkle Stan. 哎斯坦舅公
Nobody ever believes anything I say. 没人相信我说的话
What the...? 搞什么
"It's hard to believe it's been six years since I began studying 真难以相信我研究俄勒冈州重力泉的
the strange and wondrous secrets of Gravity Falls, Oregon." 奇闻怪事已达六年之久
巨型 吸血蝙蝠
What is all this? 这些都是什么
"Unfortunately, my suspicions have been confirmed. 很不幸我的怀疑被证实了
"I'm being watched. 我被监视了
"I must hide this book before he finds it. 我必须赶在被他发现之前把这本书藏起来
Remember, in Gravity Falls, there is no one you can trust." 记住在重力泉不能相信任何人
No one you can trust... 不能相信任何人
- Hello! - Aaah! -嗨-啊
Whatcha readin'? Some nerd thing? 你在看什么书呆子看的东西吗
Uh... uh... it's nothing. 呃 呃什么都没有
"Uh-uh... it's nothing." 呃 呃什么都没有
What? Are you actually not gonna show me? 干嘛你真的不打算给我看吗
Uh, let's go somewhere private. 呃我们去个隐秘点的地方吧
It's amazing! 这真是太棒了
Grunkle Stan said I was being paranoid, 斯坦舅公说我疑神疑鬼
but according to this book, 但是根据这本书
Gravity Falls has this secret dark side. 重力泉真的隐藏着一些黑暗的秘密
Whoa! Shut up! 哇哦不是吧
and get this, after a certain point, 而且在看了好几页后
the pages just stop, 记载就停止了
like the guy who was writing it mysteriously disappeared. 就好像作者离奇失踪了
Who's that? 谁啊
Well, time to spill the beans. 好吧是时候坦白了
Broop. Beans. 这儿豆子
This girl's got a date. Whoo whoo! 我有个约会呼呼
- Ha ha ha! - Let me get this straight. -哈哈哈-让我先弄明白
In the half hour I was gone you already found a boyfriend? 你是说在我离开的半小时内你找到了一个男朋友
What can I say? 我还能说什么呢
I guess I'm just irresistible! 我猜我就是让人无法抗拒
Coming! 来啦
- What you readin' there, slick? - Oh! -你在看什么小屁孩-噢
I was just catchin' up on, uh... 我只是在看呃
- "Gold chains for old men magazine"? - That's a good issue. -老男人金链杂志-这期很精彩
Hey, family! 嗨家人们
Say hello to my new boyfriend! 跟我的男朋友打个招呼
- Hey. - How's it hangin'. -嗨-你好啊
We met at the cemetery. He's really deep. 我们是在墓地遇见的他很有深度
Ooh! Little muscle there. 噢有一小块肌肉呢
What... what a surprise. 真惊讶啊
So what's your name? 那么你叫什么名字
Uh... Normal... Man! 呃正常人
He means "Norman." 他说“诺曼”
Are you bleeding, Norman? 你是在流血吗诺曼
It's jam. 是果酱
Oh! I love jam! 噢我喜欢果酱
Look at this! 你看你们我们多般配
So, you wanna go hold hands or... whatever? 那么你想去牵牵手或者随便干点什么吗
Oh! Oh, my goodness. 噢我的老天
Don't wait up! 别等我们了
There was something about Norman that wasn't right. 这个诺曼有些不对劲
I decided to consult the journal... 我决定翻阅一下这本日志
"Known for their pale skin and bad attitudes, 因他们苍白的皮肤和差劣的态度而闻名
"These creatures are often mistaken for... Teenagers?! 这些生物常常被误认为青少年
"Beware Gravity Falls's nefarious... 留心怪诞小镇的邪恶
Zombie!" 丧尸
Did somebody say "Cromby"? What is that, "Cromby"? 刚刚有人讲框尸吗什么是框尸
It's not even a word. You're losin' your mind. 根本没有这个字你快疯了吧
I like you. 我喜欢你
Oh, no! Mabel! 噢 不梅宝
- No! No, Mabel! Watch out! - Uhh! -不不梅宝小心-呃
Daisies? 雏菊
You scallywag! 你这淘气鬼
Is my sister really dating a zombie, 我的妹妹真的在跟一个丧尸约会吗
or am I just going nuts? 还是我疯了
It's a dilemma, to be sure. 这诚然是个左右为难的处境啊
I couldn't help but overhear 我不自禁听到你
you talking aloud to yourself in this empty room. 在这间空房子里大声自言自语


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