
英文 中文
Look, I'm not paying 70 smidgens for a broken defraculator. 我才不会花70丁丁买一个坏掉的反定帆器
That is multiphase quantum resonator. 这是多相量子共振器
- Well, does it defraculate? - [Bleep]No. - 那它能反定帆吗- [哔]不能
Then-then-then it's a broken defraculator. 那不就是个坏掉的反定帆器吗
Like you would even know dick about fraculation. 你懂个鸡巴的定帆啊
Your planet just got cellphones, and the coverage still sucks! 你们的星球只有手机 信号还这么烂
Yeah, yeah, and your species eat sulfur. 你们的人还吃硫呢
So let's say 60 smidgens. 就60丁丁了
I tell you what, I'll do you a favor 算我帮你个忙
I'll throw in a fart. 我附赠你个屁(硫化氢)
Hey, uh, Rick, um, you think maybe I could Rick 你能不能给我
get something from this place 买件这里的东西啊
like, like a souvenir, like just to have like something cool, you know? 就一件纪念品嘛 单纯为了收藏 比如什么酷酷的东西
Not here Morty, we'll stop somewhere else 这儿就算了 Morty 我们去别的地方
because, you know, there's always another pawn shop. 反正哪里都有当铺
Oh okay, I just, um, you know, that robot over there 我就是觉得 那边那个机器人
looked pretty cool, you know? 看着好酷啊
Oh, it looks cool, huh? 看着酷是吗
That's why you want it? 因为酷你才想买
Yeah! You know, I mean it's different from the stuff on Earth, 是啊 跟地球上的东西很不相同嘛
and, you know, you take me to all these crazy places across the galaxy, 你带着我跑遍了银河系里面这么多疯狂的地方
and, you know, I don't really have anything to, 我都没有什么东西
to remember all the trips by. 能纪念这些冒险啊
It'd be kind of cool, like a souvenir. 这不是挺酷的吗 一个纪念品
You know, like, what if you passed away or died or something? 万一你去世了什么的怎么办
I wouldn't even have anything to 都没有什么东西
remember all the cool stuff we did, you know? 能让我缅怀那些酷炫的经历呢
Okay. 60 for the resonator, 好吧 共振器我出60
and my grandson wants the sex robot. 外加我外孙想要的那个性爱机器人
So, we're just going to pretend this isn't happening? 我们是要假装什么也不知道吗
I'm not saying that a bad idea, just asking. 我不是说这样不好 只是问问而已
Rick, why would you let Morty bring that thing into our house. Rick 你怎么能让Morty把那东西带回家呢
What do you want form me? 你指望我能干嘛
He thi-, he thou-, he thou-, he th-, he thought it looked cool. 他觉觉觉觉得那东西看着很酷
You know what I mean. 你懂我意思吗
Whew. Ahh. All right. Back to-, b-back upstair. 呼 啊 好了 接着 回楼上
Well, I'm invervening. 不行 我要干预这事
Intervening with puberty? 干预青春期行为吗
You'll turn him into Ralph Fiennes in "Red Dragon." 你会把他变成《红龙》里的拉尔夫费因斯的
He's just at that age. 他到了这个年纪了
Let's just be proud of him. 我们为他骄傲就好了
Jesus. Did I really set the bar that low? 天啊 我把标准降到这么低了吗
Um, Rick, could you come with me, please, quickly? 呃 Rick 你能来一下吗 快点
Ok, now if we hear squeaking, we intervene. 如果再听到嘎吱声 我们就干预
Where's the sex robot, Morty? 性爱机器人呢 Morty
That is Gwendolyn. I-I mean, the robot! 那就是Gwendolyn 我是说 机器人
She started beeping and then transformed and tried to fly away! 她发出了哔哔声 然后变形试图飞走
Strange. That's usually the man's job. 真奇怪 这一般是男人才会干的事啊
You know what I'm talking about, Morty? 知道我什么意思吧 Morty
Wubba lubba dub dub Wubba lubba dub dub!
Morty, that's my catchphrase, remember? Morty 这是我的口头禅 还记得吗
Remember how-how I cemented that catchphrase? 还记得我怎么拼出这个口头禅的吗
All right. All ritht, seriously, though. 好吧好吧 不开玩笑了
Let me grab this thing. 让我来抓住它
Come on, you... rascal. 够了 你这个小淘气
Okay, unacceptable! Oh 这就过分了 噢
What is going on? 出什么事了
All right. Uh-oh. 好吧 啊噢
"Uh-Oh"? What is that?! 啥叫"啊噢" 那是个啥
Hmm. I think Morty's robot was designed for more than long weekends. 看来Morty的机器人不只是用来打发时间的
Genetic compiler, incubation chamber. 基因编译装置 孵化室
Yep. This, here's some kind of baby maker, 没错 这是个造娃机
and that there's half Morty, half who-who knows wh-what? 这是个一半Morty一半不知道啥的东西
It's my bad, guys. 是我造成的
I'll, I'll take care of it. 我会处理掉的
- Grandpa Rick! - No, no! - Whoa whoa whoa! - Rick外公-不行- 哇哦
What do you think you're doing?! 你这是要干嘛
Hey, listen. You guys quarantined the house Summer从墨西哥带橄榄回来的时候
when summer brought olives back from Mexico. 你们把房子都隔离起来了
I mean, this thing could grow to the size of Delaware. 这东西说不定能长到特拉华州那么大
I mean, it might eat brains and exhale space AIDS. 这东西指不定还会吃脑子呼出宇宙艾滋呢
We got to be careful. 我们必须得小心
I lost the chance to be careful, Rick. 该小心的时候我没小心 现在已经没机会了 Rick
I'm a father now! 我当爸爸了
You know, it's time for me to be responsible. 我该负起责任了
Isn't that right... 对不对呀
Don't name it. 别取名字
...Morty Jr.? 小Morty
Oh, Crap. He named it. 靠 取了个名字
Well, dad, it's a living thing, and it's half human. 爸 这是个小生命 而且有一半是人类
And it was born on american soil, which entitles it to... 而且它是出生在美国领土上的 所以
Jerry, majoring in civics was your mistake. Jerry 主修公民学是你自己的错
Don't punish us for it. 别用它来惩罚我们好吗
Fine. I'm gonna take this thing to my workshop 好吧 我把这东西带回我的工作间去
and do a little bit of investigating. 做点调查
Do not let that thing out of your sight. 别让这东西离开你们的视线
It looks harmless now, but it could grow into something dangerous. 现在看着人畜无害 但以后可能会变得很危险
Like the Insane Clown Posse. 就像疯狂小丑波塞一样
Yeah. Good one, Jerry. 呵呵 这笑话真不错 Jerry
2003 just called and wants its Easy Target back. 2003年打电话来把Easy Target要回去
Ohh. He's like a little me! 他就像是个小版的我
Y-you don't think he'll turn into a monster... do you? 你们不会真认为他会变成一个怪物的 对吧
They always do. 孩子都会变成怪物的
Hey, uh, 1995 called! 嘿 1995年打电话来了
They want their "cartain year called wanting its 'blank' back" formula back! 他们想把"某年打电话来把某东西要回去的句式要回去"
Why, Jerry? why expend the effort? 何必呢 Jerry 何必要费力做这种事
Life is effort. I'll stop when I die! 活着就要费力 生命不息 奋斗不止
Out. 出去
Whatcha doin'? 你干嘛呢
Well, I can't solve the problem my way, 我没法用我的办法解决这事
thanks to your family's primitive biological hang-ups. 多亏了你家里人原始的生物学考虑
Gross. I might have just touched one of Morty's loads. 恶 我好像碰到了一点Morty的精液
But maybe I can find suitable parents for Morty Jr. 但说不能我可以给小Morty找到合适的父母
on this robot's home world, which is... 在这个机器人的故乡 也就是
Gazorpazorp in the Andromeda system. 仙女座星系的格索尔帕索普星
Scoot, Summer. 闪开 Summer
Don't you need a new companion 你不需要新的小伙伴吗
now that Morty's in the family way? 既然现在Morty需要顾家了
I don't do adventures with chicks, Summer. 我不和小女生出去冒险 Summer
Oh, right. Because there's something about having a wiener 哦是吗 两腿中间有根东西
that would make me better at walking through a hole? 穿个传送门都要强些吗
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! 啊啊啊啊
Oh, crap. 该死
Grandpa Rick! Ugh! Rick外公
Help! Help! Aah! Aah! 救命 救命 啊
Grandpa Rick! Rick外公
Still think it's a good idea to go through holes without a wiener? 还觉得两腿中间没根东西就穿过传送门是个好主意吗
I want to go home. 我想回家
Yeah, no duh. 哦 你现在当然想了
Great. Now I have to take over a whole planet 好极了 我现在得拿下整个星球
because of your stupid boobs. 就因为你胸前那玩意儿
You're doing great, Morty 干得很好啊 Morty
Really? You think? I mean, I'm not doing much of anything. 是吗 我也没在干什么呀
What do I do if it cries? 他要是哭我怎么办啊
Then you put it down and let if cry itself out. 那就把他放在边上让他哭个够啊
Yeah, right. We tried that technique on Summer, 这招我们在Summer身上试过
and she's gonna end up stripping. 然后她就开始脱衣了
Isn't she? Yes, she is. 她是不是这样的啊 没错
She's gonna strip for attention. 为了吸引我们的注意 她会脱衣服
Because she was denied it. 因为我们不许她这样做
Stop filling it with your own insecurity. 别用你自己缺乏安全感的方式教宝宝
You're gonna turn it into Morty- uh, um 你会把他养成另一个Morty 呃
more- more- more of you. 跟 跟 跟你自己一样
Well, we can't all be raised like reptiles by a mentally ill scientist. 又不是谁都是被心理不正常的科学家像冷血的爬行动物一样养大的
What the aah! Aah! 搞什么 啊 啊
Listen to me. I'm not rewarding this behavior. 听着 你现在的表现是得不到奖励的
Knock if off, both of you! G-give me him! 你们够了 把他给我
Give me my baby! 把我的宝宝给我
You're both nuts. 你们都是疯子
I'm gonna raise Morty Jr. myself! 我要自己教小Morty
Where's your hands 小手在哪里
There's your hands 小手在这里
And that's how we play handy hands 我们来玩挥挥手
Oh, you are going to ruin that kid, Morty. 你会毁了这个孩子的 Morty
At least we can agree on that. 至少我们在这点上达成了共识
Thanks, Dum-Dum. 谢谢 蠢蠢
I said, "Thanks, Dum-Dum." 我说"谢谢 蠢蠢"
Go get more. 再多弄点来
Summer, put your burka on! Summer 把你的罩袍穿上
That burka is a human-rights violation, 这罩袍简直就是侵犯人权
and I spend a lot on this top. 而且这件上衣花了我不少钱的
Look, I'm trying to repair a p-portal gun with a bunch of sex-doll parts, 我在用一堆性爱娃娃的零件修传送枪
and I have to do it one-handed 而且我还只能用一只手
to keep these Belushis from carting you off. 不然这些Belushi就会把你抓走
The least you could do is be ashamed of your gender. 你至少做点贡献 对你的性别感到点惭愧吧
Ugh. What's the deal with this place? 这地方到底怎么回事
Why is it such a sausage planet, 这星球上怎么都是带把儿的
and how did such backward idiots invent robots? 这些落后的白痴又怎么会造出机器人来的
Obviously, at some point, the Gazorpians became so evolved 很显然 在某个时期 这些格索尔帕人 发展到了一定程度
that they replaced females with birthing machines. 他们用生育机器取代了女性
The resultant lack of distraction and hen-pecking 这样一来 不会被女性分散注意力 也没有唠叨
allowed them to focus entirely on war, 让他们专注于战争
so they bombed themselves back to the stone age, 然后把自己的文明炸回了石器时代
and now they just fight with each other over fake [Bleep] 所以现在他们为了争夺假的[哔]
with sticks and rocks all day long. 整天拿着石头棍子打来打去
You think it's efficient to get rid of woman? 你觉得没有了女性会更有效率
You ever see a line for the men's room? 你见过男厕所门口排队吗
Are you hear- do you li- do you hear me, Summer? 你听 你有 你明白我的意思吗 Summer
Droppin' loads. 投放
- Droppin' loads - Droppin' loads - 投放- 投放
The plot thickens. 剧情变复杂了啊
Uh you might want to cover your eyes, Summer. 你还是把眼睛遮住吧 Summer
Yeah, like it was my dream to watch. 好像我多想看似的
Yeah, baby! 好极了 宝贝儿
Summer, grab- grab hold. Summer 抓紧了
Yeah, baby! 好极了 宝贝儿
Aaaah! 啊啊
Grandpa Rick, where are we going? Rick外公 我们这是去哪啊
Well, obviously, Summer, it appears the lower tier of this society 显然啊 Summer 看来这个社会的下层阶级
is being manipulated through sex and advanced technology by a hidden ruling class. 是被隐藏的统治阶级通过性和高科技控制的
Sound familiar? 听着耳熟吗
Ticketmaster 票务大师(美国票券经销商)
Oh, there, there we go, Summer. 说曹操曹操到 Summer
Hey, hey, brother. Hey, bro. 嘿 哥们儿 兄弟
Nice racket you got going on here. 你们这套好厉害啊
Listen, I'm Rick Sanchez from Earth, dimension c-137. 我是来自地球的Rick Sanchez 1-137次元
Don't mean you any harm. Coming in peace. 只有和平的意图 没有任何恶意
It's all cool in the, uh- "Good in the neighborhood" 挺好的 "邻里和睦"
is what I was trying to come- is what I meant. 我是想说这个 就这意思
Oh, I get it. The old behind-every-great-man Amazon twist. 噢 我懂了 剧情转向了老套的"男人背后都有的"亚马逊人
Silence! 安静
Your slave is ill-mannered. 你的奴隶真是缺少管教
My slave? 我的奴隶
We assume you're from a more primitive world, 我们猜你是来自一个落后些的世界
where men are still permitted to be servants. 男人还被允许作为仆人
If he is a rogue male, tell us now, 如果他只是个男无赖 说一声
and we will kill him. 我们现在就杀了他
He's my slave. He's my slave. He's definitely my slave. 他是我的奴隶 是奴隶 绝对是
Ugh! Ohh! Oh-oh-oh! 啊 哦哦噢
Oh, boy. What's the opposite of "Wubba lubba dub dubs"? 天啊 这简直是"Wubba lubba dub dub"的反面
Am I right, ladies and gentlemen? 对不对 女士们先生们
Are you guys kidding me? 这是在逗我吧
Oh, Morty Jr.! 小Morty
You're gonna be a special little guy, aren't you? 你是我特别的小家伙 对吧
You, oh yeah. You're my special little guy. 没错 你就是我独一无二的小家伙
Ohh. Ohh, ha ha! 噢噢 哈哈
What was that, Morty Jr.? 什么 小Morty
Were you gonna say, "Dada"? 你是想说爸爸吗
Say, "Dada." 说爸爸
Death! 死亡
"Dada." 爸爸
Damnation! 诅咒
Um..."Dada"? 爸爸
Destruction. Domination. 破坏 统治
Nice. 好样的
The spider in sector C is still alive. C区的蜘蛛还活着
Plan your route accordingly and expect delays. 请据此规划您的行程并做好延误的准备
We're not telling you what to do. 我们并不是在告诉您该怎么做
We're just sharing how we feel. 我们只是在分享我们的想法
And now weather. Is anyone else cold, or is it just me? 现在播报天气 是只有我 还是其他人也觉得冷
I am Mar-Sha, ruler of Gazorpazorp. 我叫Mar-Sha 格索尔帕索普的统治者
I am here if you need to talk. 有什么心事都可以跟我说
What is this place? 这是什么地方
Paradise. We bulit it during the great passive-aggression, 乐土 我们在消极敌对期的时候建造了这个地方
when the females separated from the males 因为他们愈演愈烈的破坏行为
due to their increasingly destructive behavior. 女性脱离了男性
I'm here if you need to talk. 有什么心事都可以跟我说
I'm here if you need to talk. 有什么心事都可以跟我说
From here, we dispense mechanical surrogates 我们从这里将这些代孕机器人投出去
to maintain our population. 以维持我们的人口
Fertilized surrogates are returned here to our nursery. 受孕的代孕机会被带回我们的育婴所
The females are placed into educational programs 女性会接受教育
where they can discover a service to our paradise 让她们能够回馈这片乐土
that fulfills them most. 同时最大程度地自我实现
Males... 至于男性
...they get to play outside. 他们去外面就好
That was just a baby. 那还是个婴儿
And within a day, he'll be an adult male Gazorpian, 一天之内 他就会长成一个成年的格索尔帕人
one of the most aggressively violent creatures in the universe. 宇宙中最为凶残暴力的生物之一
Wait a minute. We're here becuase a male Gazorpian was born on our planet. 等等 我们来这儿是因为有一个男性格索尔帕人出生在了地球上
You speak when you're spoken to, ding-a-ling! 没人和你说话不许随便开口 傻瓜
It's true, though. One of your babies was born on Earth. 不过这是真的 有一个你们的孩子出生在了地球上
Are you the ruler of this Earth. 你是地球的统治者吗
How did you know? 你怎么知道
The quality of your top. 因为你的上衣
Do you love it? 喜欢吗
I love it. 爱死了
- I'm here if you need to talk. - I'm here if you need to talk. - 有什么心事都可以跟我说- 有什么心事都可以跟我说


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    茶点故事阅读 41,867评论 3 333
  • 文/蒙蒙 一、第九天 我趴在偏房一处隐蔽的房顶上张望。 院中可真热闹,春花似锦、人声如沸。这庄子的主人今日做“春日...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 32,338评论 0 24
  • 文/苍兰香墨 我抬头看了看天上的太阳。三九已至,却和暖如春,着一层夹袄步出监牢的瞬间,已是汗流浃背。 一阵脚步声响...
    开封第一讲书人阅读 33,458评论 1 272
  • 我被黑心中介骗来泰国打工, 没想到刚下飞机就差点儿被人妖公主榨干…… 1. 我叫王不留,地道东北人。 一个月前我还...
    沈念sama阅读 48,906评论 3 376
  • 正文 我出身青楼,却偏偏与公主长得像,于是被迫代替她去往敌国和亲。 传闻我的和亲对象是个残疾皇子,可洞房花烛夜当晚...
    茶点故事阅读 45,507评论 2 359
