1 任何事物都有好的一面,也有坏的一面。积极的人会更加关注事物中积极的因素。他们总是认为,问题是可以被解决的,成功总会到来的,一切都会变好的。
Positive Thinker. A positive thinker is someone who focuses on the good aspects of situations and believes in their ability to overcome challenges. They approach life with a constructive mindset, seeking solutions rather than dwelling on problems.
2 积极的人总是能看到变好和成长的可能性,因此会发现和抓住更多的机会。
The ability to see opportunities. Optimism often leads to the ability to see opportunities in challenges. Pessimism, on the other hand, can sometimes cloud one's perspective and limit possibilities.
1 消极的人总是关注事物中的消极因素,这会让他们产生关于成长、成功和幸福的限制性信念,认为自己做不到,从而行动力大大减弱。
Pessimism can lead to inaction. Pessimism can lead to inaction because Pessimists are often paralyzed by the fear of failure and the belief that their actions won't lead to success.
2 消极的人,被困在负面的信念中耗费了过多的心神,从而导致他们难以在行动上专注,且没有更多的精力投入在重要的工作中。要警惕,提不起劲去做事的一种状态,我们应当是神采奕奕、朝气蓬勃、充满希望的!
Decreased performance at work. When you’re burned out, your ability to focus and be productive diminishes. Tasks that used to be easy can become overwhelming, leading to decreased performance at work.
Reframing unhelpful chatter. We need to reframe the unhelpful chatter and challenge negative thinking. For example, start paying attention to the type of thoughts you have each day. If you notice that many of them are negative, make a conscious effort to reframe how you are thinking.