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Distinguished judges, ladies and gentlemen:
Good afternoon!
I am honored to be here on such a special occasion.And it is the An-Hui library that gives us the precious opportunity to have a better understanding in reading. Words can not express how lucky I am. And the topic what I want to share to all of you is "Be devoted to reading".
What's the meaning of "Be devoted to reading"? Someone may confused. Well, I think it’s not a complicated thing that should make a specific definition on it.
Firstly, I want to say reading is giving the nation and the world a push. Gorky have said: ”Books are the ladder of human progress”.
Personally speaking, I do agree with this proverb.Books are not piles of paper, actually, every book represents a writer's wisdom and their sole mind,once you are feeling lonely, the silence wisdom can refresh you mind quietly.
Secondly, a lot of people think little of reading, and yes, there are a lot of misunderstandings about it, such as wasting of time, like dolls in the world and so on.However, once you’ve put your heart into books, the only feeling is a sense of belonging, we are all lonely indeed, we may feel unsafe,but books are loyal,they still there whenever we turn our heads.
And the third thing I want to mention is the attitude of us: I don't just mean a sitting posture that you are pretend to skim the whole articles, making narrow comments on and then...throw it from the window and shouted in mind : "Get away from me!" But told your friends:"Hey, see! I've just enjoyed my own journey in spirits! How excellent I am!”
If so, sorry, but I must say, you are just cheat yourself totally. What you can do, I mean, is get out of you comfortable zone in order to embrace something in a larger horizon.Just bathed in the sea of books, peacefully and wholeheartedly.
For me, I cherish everyday and I'd rather use money to buy time. But now I rather use time to buy a brain that can absorb all kinds of wisdom from the books. I can feel a different ways of thinking which gives me more room to touch the world.
I believe we can seize this future together by reading, just enjoy the peaceful journey, that is: pick up some books causally.Never care about how and what you can get. Just keep and enjoy moving! Finally, I believe, you will obtain something which superior than anything in the world!
Once get it, revolutionary changes born in physical and mental. So, I ask all of you present to join hands in finding ways to make a different. Let us work hard to improve ourselves!
Finally, I wish you the best luck in everything you do!Thank you very much for your attention.