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- “十四五”文化发展规划:cultural development plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan period
China has unveiled its cultural development plan for the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025) to promote socialist culture and build China into a country with a strong grounding in this regard. Calling culture the soul of a country and nation, as well as the soul of national governance, the plan, jointly released by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council, noted that without the prosperity and development of socialist culture, there would be no socialist modernization.
- the State Council:国务院
Chinese civilization has a history of more than 5,000 years, and fine traditional Chinese culture should be honored and cultural confidence strengthened. It is important to draw on ways of state governance from fine traditional Chinese culture and learn extensively from outstanding achievements of other civilizations. China should neither keep to itself, nor regard all from foreign countries as criterion. It must adhere to the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
- 相关词汇
- national governance:国家治理
- socialist culture:社会主义文化
- socialist modernization:社会主义现代化
来自:Farmland cracks! Jiangxi experiences high temperatures and drought
- County:县
- Country:国家
- meteorological:气象的
- reservoir:水库
- emerge from:从......露出
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- monster:巨型的
- monstrous:骇人听闻的
- poison:毒害
- innocent:无罪的
- swallow:吞咽
- on trial:受审
- be guilty of:犯有......罪;对......感到内疚