- Hi dear, how are you feeling?
- I think I could noy sleep too well lately and I am a bit annoyed and anxious about it. At the same time, I do want to feel at peace somehow. Also, I don’t want to cling too much to comfortable feelings even though they do feel good.
- Anyway, we can def clean up some of our lifestyles and clean up our minds a bit. First of all, I think we did not feel as many inner conflicts yesterday and I think what is helpful is that I was focusing on one thing at a time and I was actively taking action. I think the very first step for us is to clean up our priorities:
○ Self-care
○ Self-awareness
○ Mental health
○ Peaceful lifestyle
- Also I want to find the balance between self-care and forcing myself to do sth when I don’t want to.
- To make it clearer, the schedule I was thinking about is as below:
○ 7:30: get home
○ 7:30 - 8:30: dinner and rest
○ 8:30 - 9:30: take a walk or jog a bit
○ 9:30 - 10:00: meditate or journal
○ 10:00: sleep
○ 7 am: get up
○ 7:00 - 8:30: meditate, work out, journal: overall me-time and zen-time
I think what's a bit tricky here is that, sometimes, we want to be spontaneous and at the same time, we want to have a healthy and wholesome lifestyle :)
- Hi dear, how are you feeling
- 我就是整体感觉很焦虑,或者说是为了很多未知的并且不可控制的东西不安,所以又出现了一定程度的内耗。所以我的感觉就是人生或者说是生活有太多我不可控制的东西。想太多这个层面或者说是专注于这个方面的话会让我觉得更加失控和不安。是的,就是这样的,所以我觉得一定程度上尊重我们自己的这个感受,然后专注于眼前一些我们真正能做的事情就好了。
- 是的,也许所有一切都是经验和经历吧
- 珍惜善待自己然后活在当下