英文 | 中文 |
停电 下 篇:模拟辩论 | |
Backup generators should have come on already. | 备用发电机早该启动了 |
- Maybe it just needs a minute. - It doesn't just need a minute. | -也许需要等一会儿-根本不需要等 |
It's an emergency generator that's supposed to make a seamless handoff | 应急发电机本该无缝切换 |
so if this happens during a show. | 以防在直播时停电 |
- Herb? - Power's out in the whole building. | -赫布-整栋楼都停电了 |
It's been explained to me 19 different ways | 他们用19种方式向我解释过 |
how we can never lose power in the studio. | 演播室里绝不会停电 |
What about all the redundancies? | 冗余电源呢 |
There was a round of budget cuts before you got here. | 你来之前台里刚削减了预算 |
- And they cut some of the redundancies... - Don't say it. | -削减了一些冗余电源...-别说了 |
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because they thought they were redundant. | 因为他们觉得有些多余 |
Okay. | 好了 |
That's a good sign, right? | 这是个好兆头对吧 |
Those are battery powered. | 那些灯是电池供电的 |
When should I start to worry? | 我该开始担心了吗 |
I'd have started already. | 早该了 |
Electricians are on their way. | 电工马上就到 |
We lost power in the studio. | 演播室里停电了 |
What makes you say that? | 你是怎么发觉的 |
Everybody, listen up. It's the whole building. | 大家听好整栋楼都停电了 |
We've sent for maintenance to check on our generator. | 我们找了维修人员来检修发电机 |
- They should be here in a minute. - They've got to walk up 25 floors. | -他们马上就会到-他们得爬25层楼 |
Okay, they should be here in a couple of hours. | 好吧他们几小时内就到 |
Neal, I want you to be in charge | 尼尔你来负责 |
of rationing battery life for laptops and cell phones. | 笔记本和手机的电池配给 |
- I have a question. - Yes? | -我有个问题-什么 |
What if the power doesn't go back on? | 要是不来电怎么办 |
I don't think that's a realistic possibility. | 你觉得这可能吗 |
I don't mean ever. I mean | 又不是说永远不来电 |
what if the power doesn't go on by showtime? | 要是到节目播出的时间还没来电怎么办 |
Do we have a contingency? | 有应急方案吗 |
No. | 没有 |
Mac? | 麦肯 |
A miracle. | 奇迹 |
A miracle happens. | 奇迹发生 |
We become a team again. | 我们回归为一个团队 |
We all hate this, right? | 大家都讨厌这样对吧 |
We're gonna hate it more after 10 minutes of no air conditioning. | 再停上10分钟空调就更讨厌了 |
No, not the power outage. | 不我不是说停电 |
We hate what we're doing. | 我们讨厌自己正在做的事 |
We hate that we're covering casey Anthony and Anthony Weiner. | 讨厌自己报道凯西·安东尼和安东尼·韦纳 |
We hate that we have to do it to save the ratings. | 讨厌自己为了挽救收视率而出此下策 |
We hate that we have to bump important stories. | 我们讨厌自己为此而砍掉重要新闻 |
And we're starting to be not very pleasant people to be around. | 渐渐地我们变得难以相处 |
Guys, this is real. | 这是真的 |
I'm not making this up. | 不是我编的 |
Just a minute ago when I was prepping | 就在刚才我正准备 |
for a pretape with that idiot who's still sitting in the studio... | 给还坐在演播室里的那蠢蛋做预录时 |
- Are you talking about me? - No! | -你在说我吗-不是 |
Yes. When I was prepping for her pretape I said, | 就是在我准备给她做预录时我说 |
"God, please show me a sign that I'm not doing a big thing badly." | "上帝请给我个指示我是不是大错特错了" |
And right that second all the power went out. | 就在那一刻停电了 |
And so obviously I thought, "There's my answer." | 我当时想"这就是他的回答" |
Raise your hand if Mac's freaking you the hell out right now. | 谁被麦肯吓着了请举手 |
No, listen to me! | 不听我说 |
Just tell us how we do the show if the power doesn't-- | 告诉我如果不来电我们怎么做节目 |
By being a team again. And that was God's plan. | 回归为一个团队这是上帝的计划 |
Keep God out of this and talk more about electricity. | 别提上帝说说供电的事 |
We do the show outside right in the plaza. | 我们去外面的广场上做节目 |
- How? - Yeah, we can do this. | -怎么做-是啊我们能做到 |
What do we need? A desk, a camera, | 我们需要什么一张桌子一台摄像机 |
some microphones, and a way to beam a signal into space. | 几支话筒还有发射信号的装置 |
The grips take apart the anchor desk. | 工作人员把主播台拆了 |
And carry it down 25 flights? | 然后搬下25层楼吗 |
You bet your ass they do. | 绝对没问题 |
We can use a single tripod-mounted handheld. | 可以把便携机架在三脚架上 |
- We park a sat truck out there. - That's right. | -在外面停辆卫星车-没错 |
- Run the video and graphics through Washington. - Yes! | -录像和图像从华盛顿那边播-没错 |
I'm in your sight line the whole time, | 我会保持在你视线中 |
in your ear and standing next to camera. | 站在摄像机旁用耳机给你指示 |
I'll have a laptop with a constant iNews connection. | 我找一台笔记本时刻连接着iNews |
How do we get power to editors to run the Avids? | 非线编设备的供电怎么办 |
What did they do in Apollo 13? | 阿波罗13号的太空员是怎么做的 |
They shut down all the power in the command module | 他们关闭了指令舱的电力 |
and siphoned it into the LEM. | 进入了登月舱 |
I don't think that's gonna work here. | 这招对我们没用吧 |
What would they have done if there was a hardware store in space? | 如果太空里有五金店他们会怎么做 |
- Buy a generator. - We're gonna buy two. | -买发电机-咱们要买两台 |
One goes in an Avid bay and the other stays downstairs. | 一台给非线编设备供电另一台演播现场用 |
- What time does the sun set tonight? - 8:37. | -今晚太阳几点下山-8点37分 |
Why in the world would you know that? | 你怎么会知道这种事 |
One of those things. | 个人爱好 |
We'll need HMIs with gels for the top half hour | 前半小时用带滤光片的HMI灯 |
and incandescents for the bottom half. | 后半小时用白炽灯 |
We need the NYPD for security | 由纽约警局负责安保 |
and we need to trust each other. | 我们要互相信任 |
Does anybody think we're not good enough to pull this off? | 有谁认为我们没本事做到吗 |
No! | 没有 |
Should I still be sitting here? | 我应该继续坐在这儿吗 |
I'm so sorry, Sandy. | 不好意思桑迪 |
I know you had your heart set on entertaining us | 我知道你决心要和我们分享 |
with private details of a man you were sexting with | 你的色情短信对象的隐私细节 |
and maybe a "Playboy" Spread, | 或是他的《花花公子》版面 |
but we're not able to do pretape. | 但现在没法做预录了 |
So if you want to do the show, you're gonna have to do it live. | 你若想上节目就只能做现场 |
I already committed to FOX, | 我已经答应FOX台了 |
and no offense, but it's a bigger audience. | 无意冒犯但他们的观众更多 |
Shoot! Does anybody think we can't do this? | 该死有谁认为我们没本事做的 |
- No! - This is a blessing in disguise. | -没有-塞翁失马焉知非福 |
I say the power going out is the best thing that ever happened to us. | 照我说这场停电反倒是"福" |
I say the power going out is what is gonna save this... | 照我说这场停电即将拯救... |
Son of a bitch! | 你妹啊 |
You're a freaking riot, you know that? | 你耍我啊你 |
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I meant to tell you, | 我跟你说 |
you should use the word bombshell more | 今晚凯西·安东尼的报道 |
in the Casey Anthony coverage tonight. | 你该多用几次"出人意料" |
Sandy, you're back in business. | 桑迪我们继续 |
- Great. - Let's go. | -好极了-来吧 |
Bombshell after bombshell today | 今日凯西·安东尼 |
in the trial of Casey Anthony for the murder of | 被告谋杀两岁亲生女儿凯丽的庭审中 |
her two-year-old daughter Caylee. | 连连出人意料 |
Casey's brother, Lee Anthony, took the stand | 凯西的兄长李·安东尼出庭作证 |
to testify about the events of the night of July 15, 2008, | 描述2008年7月15日晚发生的事 |
when Caylee was reported missing. | 即凯丽被报失踪当晚 |
- Watch and listen. It's riveting stuff. - Roll five. | -仔细看很精彩-进五号视频 |
When you asked your sister | 当你问你妹妹 |
why won't you allow us to see Caylee, | 为什么不让你见凯丽的时候 |
what do you recall her saying? | 还记得她怎么说吗 |
I told Detective Edwards that she said... | 我告诉爱德华警官她说... |
I'm paraphrasing... | 这不是原话 |
"Because maybe I'm a spiteful bitch." | "可能因为我是个狠毒的贱人" |
Lee Anthony described his odyssey that month | 李·安东尼描述了那个月 |
trying to find his missing niece. | 寻找外甥女的艰苦历程 |
Oddly, he was never questioned | 奇怪的是辩方称他曾猥过凯西 |
about the defense's claim he molested Casey. | 但他从未因此受到盘问 |
For the latest, we're joined live from Orlando | 最后我们连线ACN在奥兰多的记者 |
by ACN's Selena Machado. | 赛琳娜·玛奇朵 |
- Can you describe how you're feeling right now? - No. | -你能描述一下现在的感受吗-不能 |
Selena, how did Casey seem today | 赛琳娜在兄长陈词过程中 |
during her brother's testimony? | 凯西看起来如何 |
Well, her demeanor was different with Lee | 她跟李在一起时的行为举止 |
than it was with her mother. | 与跟母亲在一起时截然不同 |
The normally outspoken Democratic New York congressman | 坦率直言的纽约民主党议员 |
is suddenly tongue-tied and evasive. | 突然变得吞吞吐吐含糊其辞 |
Here he is again today with "The Today Show"'s Luke Russert. | 今天他又上了卢克·卢瑟特的《今日秀》 |
美国收视率最高的晨间新闻和脱口秀节目 卢克·卢瑟特是NBC台采访众议员的国会记者 | |
- Roll 16. - That's not a picture of you? | -进16号视频-那不是你的照片吗 |
You know, I can't say with certitude. | 我不能确定 |
My system was hacked. Pictures can be manipulated. | 我的电脑被黑了照片可能是伪造的 |
Pictures can be dropped in and inserted. | 也可能是拼接而成的 |
Someone committed a prank on me. | 是有人对我恶作剧 |
Somehow got access to my Twitter account | 盗窃了我的推特账号 |
and right away put up a picture | 然后立刻贴出一张艳照 |
that made fun of the name Weiner. | 开"韦纳"这名字的玩笑 |
Hey, we can be doing mock debate prep during this. | 我们可以利用这段时间准备模拟辩论 |
Hey, debate prep. | 准备辩论吧 |
You don't have to watch this. | 你们没必要看这个 |
We don't know for sure what happened here. | 我们不能确定到底发生了什么 |
I spoke earlier today with Sandy Witless, | 今天早些时候我采访了桑迪·惠特斯 |
- a bartender... - Whiddles, like carving wood. | -一名酒吧招待...-惠德斯就像刻木头 |
Excuse me, Sandy Whiddles, a bartender here in Manhattan | 抱歉桑迪·惠德斯曼哈顿酒吧招待 |
who had been tweeting with congressman Weiner for the past several months. | 她与韦纳议员在推特上聊了数月 |
- Here's that interview. - Roll 22. | -下面是采访内容-进22号视频 |
- Thank you for speaking to us, Sandy. - Thank you. | -谢谢你接受采访桑迪-谢谢 |
When did you become a Twitter follower of the congressman? | 你几时开始在推特上"关注"议员先生的 |
Let me say first that I was more than a follower. | 首先声明我不仅仅是"关注"了他 |
We had a relationship, which is obvious when you read the texts. | 我们有暧昧关系的一看聊天记录便知 |
Does he usually smoke at his desk? | 他常在主播台上抽烟吗 |
I have copies of the texts right here. | 我有聊天记录的打印稿 |
I know you're eager to read the tweets. | 我知道你很想念出那些聊天记录 |
- We'll get to those in a moment. - Okay, because... | -我们一会再说-好的因为... |
Did the congressman ever talk to you or tweet to you | 议员先生可曾亲口提及或私信你 |
anything that he was working on in one of his committees? | 任何关于他在委员会里的工作事宜 |
No. I have copies of the tweets right here. | 没有我有聊天记录的打印稿 |
Two minutes and 20 seconds in the C block to educate the public | 只有2分20秒来教育大众还是在第三段 |
on most irresponsible economic inaction in my lifetime. | 这可是我平生所见最不负责的经济不作为 |
I know, it's all upside down because of Casey Anthony. | 我懂全是因为凯西·安东尼案 |
Once ratings are back up... | 一旦收视率回升... |
We're committing journalistic malpractice. | 这是新闻渎职罪 |
Fortunately, there's no such thing. | 幸好没有这种罪 |
How great would it be if there was? | 要是有的话该多好 |
I can understand your frustration. | 我能理解你的挫败感 |
- What's your thing again? - It's a website for trolls. | -你要做什么来着-一个钓饵者的网站 |
They get together and talk about their conquests. | 他们聚在一起谈论各自的钓饵战利品 |
And I want to produce a story and Mac's given me the go-ahead | 我想制作一个新闻故事麦肯准许我 |
- to go to the next level. - Go on the website? | -继续深入下去-加入那网站 |
Yeah, but I can't get in the conversation | 对但我没法打入内部 |
till I can point to another website and show how I've... | 除非我能展示我在另一个网站... |
- Been an asshole? - Yes. | -干了混事-是的 |
I have to go onto a message board and disrupt the conversation | 我必须去留言板里捣乱 |
to the extent that havoc ensues. | 制造出巨大混乱 |
Then I can go on the troll website and brag about it. | 然后我就能去钓饵网站炫耀了 |
But you don't want to do something or say something | 但你不想用你的言论 |
- that would hurt someone you don't know. - Right. | -中伤陌生人-对 |
You want to say things that would hurt me. | 你想用言论来中伤我 |
Yes. | 是的 |
What website? | 什么网站 |
You've heard of EconomyBrain.com? | 你听说过经济头脑网吗 |
Yes, it's a financial news aggregate blog and discussion forum | 听过是集合财经新闻的博客和论坛 |
that attracts an intelligent level of debate. | 充满了高水平的辩论 |
And the commenters have a very high opinion of your analyses. | 许多评论员都对你的分析评价很高 |
So you'd like my permission to... | 所以你是想我允许你... |
Jump in there and invent heinous and incendiary lies about you, | 冲进论坛煽动造谣诽谤你 |
end the intelligent debate, and start a whole new one | 终结高水平辩论开启一个新话题 |
about, say, whether or not you're a whore. | 比如你是不是个婊子 |
My dad has friends who are economists, too, | 我爸也有些经济学家朋友 |
So with Father's Day just around the corner, | 父亲节近在眼前 |
this'll save me the trouble of shopping for him. | 看来我不用费事给他买礼物了 |
I know. | 我明白 |
Just print out the whole whore debate and | 我只要把婊子辩论的全文打出来 |
put it in a nice frame for him. | 好好裱起来送给他就行了 |
It would be my first story, | 这是我的第一则报道 |
and I really think it's a good one. | 我真的觉得这故事很棒 |
I think so, too. | 我有同感 |
Just let me know when it's over. | 结束了告诉我 |
- You're the greatest. - I really am. | -你是最棒的-我还真是 |
This is Hang Chew's. | 这家店叫"杭州" |
The staff adopted it as their hangout | 员工常来这儿玩 |
'cause they get cheap food and drinks until 9:00. | 因为这里九点前都有便宜食物和饮料 |
- Can you spell that? - N-I-N-E O-C-- | -怎么拼-鸡咦偶 - 九 |
Okay. | 算了 |
Is it important that you treat me like I'm an asshole? | 你把我当做混蛋真的那么重要吗 |
I wouldn't say important so much as... | 与其说是重要不如说... |
- I know you'd agree it would be better - It just sort of feels right. | -我相信你也认为-就是感觉好 |
- to keep our personal past out of this. - Yeah. | -还是公私分明比较好-没错 |
That said, I'd like to point out that you broke up with me, too. | 那我要指出你也甩过我 |
Listen, Brian... | 听着布莱恩... |
I broke up with you, we got back together, | 我甩了你又和好了 |
and then you broke up with me. Those are the facts. | 然后你又甩了我这是事实 |
I sure hope we're on the record for this. | 真希望这些能记录在案 |
And during the second act, you were with Will behind my back. | 和好之后你却背着我和威尔在一起 |
Once again, I was with you behind Will's back. | 再说一遍我是背着威尔和你在一起 |
Yeah, and it makes me feel great when you say that, | 你这么说我感觉好多了 |
but I do think we should stick to the story. | 但我们还是得忠于事实 |
The story is this: Will is a heavyweight, | 事实就是威尔是重量级的人物 |
and for a long time he was pretending to be a lightweight, | 却在很长一段时间里伪装成轻量级 |
because lightweights get higher ratings. | 因为轻量级的收视率更高 |
Yes. | 没错 |
Will's a lonely guy, isn't he? | 威尔非常寂寞不是吗 |
- Is he... - He's lonely. | -他怎么会...-他很寂寞 |
He doesn't care about ratings because of the money. | 他在意收视率不是因为钱 |
He cares about ratings because the audience makes him feel less lonely. | 他在意收视率是因为观众能消解他的寂寞 |
What do you plan on writing about, Brian? | 你打算写些什么布莱恩 |
I don't know yet. | 我还不知道 |
I have to talk to Sloan. Excuse me one second. | 我得找斯隆谈谈失陪 |
He is a lonely guy. | 他的确很寂寞 |
I don't know if that started around the time | 我不知他的寂寞是否因为 |
I told him I'd been sleeping with you, | 我向他坦白跟你偷情的事 |
but I'll bet it didn't help. | 但至少也是火上浇油了 |
Governor Pawlenty, | 波伦蒂州长 |
the possibility exists that New Hampshire will become | 新罕布什尔州可能将成为 |
《工作权利法》使员工不必强制加入所在公司工会 该法律在州议会通过后于5月被州长否决 议会需要2/3的票数才能推翻否决至今未能通过 | |
the 23rd state to pass right-to-work legislation. | 第23个通过《工作权利法》的州 |
As president, would you support a federal right-to-work law? | 您若当选会支持《工作权利法》成为联邦法吗 |
- You should have this. - Give me a second. | -你应该答得上-让我想想 |
Try for much of my life | 比如从我有记忆起 |
my father was a Teamster truck driver. | 我爸就是国际卡车司机兄弟会的一员 |
My brothers and sisters were in Unions. | 我的兄弟姐妹都加入工会 |
I was in a union. | 我也加入了工会 |