How to make hard choices?
Ted Talk
- 对自己的选择后悔,同时相对的,对没有选择的那一方会加以想象同时给予更高的期待。打个比方,你今天去商场买了一件一百刀的衣服,然后第二天,你就会又去商场看,那件衣服降价了没,其他衣服是不是比你买的那件更好。当这两者之间有一点点比你买的划算(比如说,有一点点折扣,又或者是看起来你多一点点喜欢)就会让你后悔不堪。这就是偏见,因为你稍稍有点以偏概全了,把没有买的放大,把买到手的好处视而不见然后把坏处放大。所以你就会感到非常的不舒服;
- 凭感觉做选择,不知道自己要的是什么。你不知道你要什么,你不知道什么对你来说比较合算,更不要说你心里为了选择衡量的那把尺子了。于是,本是一个简简单单的选择就会变成一个非常困难的抉择让你犹豫不决。焦虑,紧张,烦躁都会油然而生。甚至会影响到其他的事情产生连锁反应;
- 从众心理,自己的选择不是自己的选择,是众人的选择,最大部分是家里影响。听命于别人并不是最好的选择也不是对于自己来说正确的选择,因为不知道自己要什么,如2所说一样。
- alternative related choice for the hard choice: each choice has their some way better than the other (in economic, it called comparative advantage)
- if the one is absolute better than the another one, then we called absolute advantage in economic)
- family influence and the value in the monetary return from learning are the main factor for decide career job
career choice
- Number example as rational choice to make a comparison: only three options ( >, =,< )
Decision making's Step:
- use the scientific thinking to measure the value (with number example which only three options if can);
- expend out the reason for you to make the choice (use your reason to persuade yourself as possible as you can for making decision);
- comparing the benefit with the risk from behind the choice, and reward and punishment as well
ps: recognize that the choice in our life don't have the best alternative
Hard Choice is Not a Curse