体系架构(Enterprise Architecture, EA)的开山之作,之前一直引用,从来没有系统的学习,通过翻译加深理解,与感兴趣的朋友一起学习探讨。讲完了三列内容,文章来到了尾声,在文章的结论了,又再一次强调了架构是多维的集合,视角不同架构呈现也不同。
When the question is asked, “What isinformation systems architecture?” the answer is, “There is not an informationsystems architecture, but a set of them!” Architecture is relative. What youthink architecture is depends on what you are doing. For an example, see Table6.
We are having difficulties communicatingwith one another about information systems architecture, because a set ofarchitectural representations exists, instead of a single architecture. One isnot right and another wrong. The architectures are different. They are additiveand complementary. There are reasons for electing to expend the resources fordeveloping each architectural representation. And there are risks associatedwith not developing any one of the architectural representations.
Research is being done to create moreexplicit definitions for each of the architectural representations in thisframework, to understand the design issues, the reasons for developing eachrepresentation, the risks associated with not developing any one, and the“tool” implications of each cell.