

英文 中文
I found a long, blonde hair on Simon's scarf. 我在赛门的围巾上发现了一根金色长发
You followed me? What did you think I was doing? 你跟踪我你以为我在做什么
I'm pretty sure my husband is sleeping with someone else. 我很确定我老公出轨了
I'd be nothing without her. She's... 没有她我将一无是处她是
a wonderful mother, 一位了不起的母亲
a talented doctor 一名才华横溢的医生
and not a bad little earner! 而且赚的钱也不少
So in sympathy and admiration, 怀着同情与敬佩之情
please be upstanding for a toast to Gemma. 请各位起立举杯敬珍玛
To Gemma! 敬珍玛
'Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned... 天堂之怒亦不比由爱转恨之愤
'Nor hell have a fury like the woman scorned.' 地狱烈火亦不敌受辱女人之怨
There you are! Erm, we ought to cut the cake, really. 你在这儿啊我们该切蛋糕了
- I thought you'd want to be there. - Of course. -我觉得你应该想去切-没错
- Excuse us. - Yeah, sure. -失陪了-没问题
I'm sorry, I... 抱歉我...
I'm sorry, I'm not feeling well. 抱歉我不舒服
You've only been here half an hour. 你才来这儿半个小时
No, I'm not drunk. I just... 不我不是喝醉了我只是...
I feel sick. I could be sick. I should go home. 我觉得恶心可能是病了我应该回家
Come on, you two! 你们俩快来
- Yeah, yeah! - Come on! -好好-快来
Do you want to go now? 你现在就要走吗
I'm really suffering. 我真的好难受
Is it serious? 很严重吗
No, I'm sure it'll be fine. I just... 不应该没什么大碍我只是...
I just want to lie down, really. 我只是想躺一会儿
After everything you've done? 你都为我准备了这么多了
I'll do it myself! 再不来我就自己切了
You carry on. 你继续吧
There's no point in spoiling it all. 没必要毁了你的派对
I'll take Tom back 我带汤姆回去
so you can enjoy yourself. 你自己好好享受吧
Are you sure? 确定吗
Yeah, absolutely. 当然了
I meant every word, by the way. 我说的每个字都是真心的
What now? You said we could stay! 又怎么了你说我们可以待在派对上的
I want to go back with Dad. 我要回去陪爸爸
Mum! Mum! 妈妈妈妈
- You broke the mirror. - Yeah. -后视镜撞断了-嗯
This one girl there, Isobel, her mum works for Dad. 有个小姑娘叫伊索贝尔她妈妈为我爸工作
She said her parents got divorced last year 她说她父母去年离婚了
- and her mum cries all the time. - What? -她妈妈哭了好久-什么
She was talking to me about her mum. 她给我讲她妈妈的事
Why are you talking about divorce? 你为什么提到离婚
I don't know. 我不知道
We talked about loads of stuff. 我们什么都谈
What are you doing? 你要干什么
Making a cup of tea. Do you want something? 沏茶你要来点什么吗
- Can I have a Coke? - No. -我想喝可乐-不行
- Squash? - Yeah, OK. -果汁行吗-好的
I'll bring it up. 过会儿给你端上去
OK, thanks. 谢谢
Tom... 汤姆
Love you. 我爱你
What was that noise? 刚才那是什么声音
I'm just... throwing a few things away. 只是扔掉几件东西而已
Isobel said that, when the divorce was happening, 伊索贝尔说她父母要离婚的时候
she thought she'd have to live with her dad in Reading. 她以为要和爸爸在雷丁生活
She said it was horrible. 她说那太可怕了
I don't know. 我不知道
Good shopping in Reading. 在雷丁购物很方便
I mean the divorce. The divorce was horrible. 我说的是离婚离婚太可怕了
Tom, what's the matter? Where's this come from? 汤姆怎么了这话从何而来
Isobel. 伊索贝尔
- Has Dad said anything? - Dad? -爸爸说什么了吗-爸爸
- Is that why you were annoyed? Have you had an argument? - No. -所以你才烦躁吗你们吵架了吗-没有
Mum, if you do get divorced, 妈妈要是你们真离婚了
I don't want to move. I like it here. 我不想搬家我喜欢这里
Tom, we're not... 汤姆我们不是...
This is your home. 这就是你的家
You'll live here as long as you like. 你想在这住多久就住多久
I promise. 我保证
Ok. 好吧
- Was that Dad? - It's a bit early. -是爸爸吗-有点早啊
Maybe he's drunk. 也许他喝醉了
Don't be silly. 别傻了
I've never seen you drive like that before. 我从没见过你开车开得那么不顾一切
I'm ill. 我病了
Can I... can I come in? 我能进去吗
Is... Tom upstairs? 汤姆在楼上吗
I'm having a rum and Coke. You? 我要喝朗姆可乐酒你呢
No, no, I'm fine. 我不用了
Erm, is that Simon's stuff? 那是赛门的东西吗
How long have you known? 你知道多长时间了
What? Known what? 什么知道什么
I found his other phone in the boot. 我在他后备箱找到了另一部手机
Pictures of them together. Your texts. 他们的合照还有你的短信
You need to be honest with me now before I really get fucked off. 趁我还没发火你赶紧说实话
How long have you known? 你知道多长时间了
- Oh, God, Gemma... - Yeah. -天啊珍玛-说吧
Did you tell him? 你告诉他了吗
I haven't said anything except I'm ill. 我只说我病了其他什么都没说
Answer my question. 回答我的问题
He came in with something maybe... 大概四周之前
- maybe four weeks ago. - Four weeks? -他去找过我-四周
I thought it might be an STI, 我以为是性传播感染
so I asked him about sexual partners. 就问起性伴侣情况
- Today just gets better and better - Oh, no, it's OK. -今天真是越来越舒心了-不没事的
In the end, it was fine. 检测结果没问题
It's just that, when I asked him the question, he paused and... 只是我问他那个问题的时候他停了一下
so I guessed. 所以我猜的
And since then, 从那之后
I have been telling him every week, 我每周都告诉他
texting him, 给他发短信说
"You deal with this or I will." "你赶紧处理好否则我帮你处理"
I am so sorry! 我真是太抱歉了
- Can I give you a... - What? -我能...-什么
- A hug? - No. -抱你一下吗-不
I don't know who you are. 我不认识你
Neil. Anna. His assistant. 尼尔安娜他的助理
You. Who else? 你还有谁
If that's who was on the phone, that's probably it. 如果是手机上的人那可能是吧
Her parents, presumably? 按说她父母是知道的
- I don't know. - Why didn't you tell me? -我不知道-你为什么不告诉我
And don't say it's because you didn't want to take sides. 别说是因为你不想偏袒一方
Well, technically, I'm not allowed to tell you anything. 严格讲我什么都不能告诉你
- He's my patient. - He's my husband! -他是我的病患-他是我丈夫
I thought it would be better if he told you himself. 我觉得让他亲自告诉你更好
He promised me he would. 他答应过他会的
How long has it been going on? 他出轨多长时间了
Well, I'm not... I'm not sure. 我不确定
No, you've asked. He's told you. 不你问过他告诉你了
Three months. 三个月
I'm sure it's not serious. 他俩肯定不是认真的
I mean, it's serious for you. 你觉得是认真的
You warned him, 你给他通风报信
yesterday, when I talked about the blonde hair. 那昨天我提到金色长发的时候
Oh, God. I'm so sorry. 天啊我真是太抱歉了
You should be. 你的确应该愧疚
- Gemma, please... - No! -珍玛求你-不
Anyway, I've decided. 无论如何我决定了
When Simon gets back, he'll move out. 等赛门回来让他搬出去
What, forever? 什么永远吗
Because, I mean, it's probably just sex, isn't it? 可能只是上床而已
A midlife crisis? 中年危机
He probably knows he's made a mistake, still loves you and... 他很可能知道自己犯了错误依然爱你
Whose side are you on? 你到底是站谁那边的
I don't want to be on a side. 我不想选边站
Wrong answer!
Yours. 你那边
Go back to the party. 回派对上去吧
He should have a good time and really enjoy himself. 他应该享受派对玩得开心
- I don't think... - Don't tell him that there's anything wrong. -我不觉得-别告诉他出了什么问题
I want him to come in and see those suitcases 我要让他一进来
and understand in that second... 看到旅行箱的那一刻就明白
exactly what he's lost. 他失去了什么
I'd like to stay here with you. 我想在这陪你
- No. - I... -不-我
don't think that you should be on your own. 觉得你不该一个人待着
I think, if you want us to stay as friends, 要是我们还想继续做朋友
you should do exactly as you're told. 你就应该按我说的做
Of course. 当然
I loved that. It was amazing. 我太喜欢了真棒
The... party. 派对
Not the piss. 我不是说尿尿
- Simon... - You should be in bed. You're ill. -赛门-你该上床休息你病了
- I couldn't sleep. - I'm really tired. -我睡不着-我真的很累
Sorry! Sorry! Drunk. Drunk. 对不起对不起我喝多了
Can you bring some water up, please? 你能帮我拿杯水上来吗
Morning. 早啊
I forgot to turn off the alarm. 我忘了关闹钟
- It's a good job you didn't. You need to be up. - Why? -还好你没关你该起来了-为什么
Right! Yes! 没错对啊
Tour of the ground, meet the players. Are you excited? 参观球场见见运动员你激动吗
Dad, were you drunk last night? 爸爸你昨晚喝多了吗
Don't know what you're talking about, mate. 我不知道你在说什么伙计
I didn't touch a drop. 我一滴酒都没碰
- How are you? - Better. -你还好吗-好多了
- What was it? - What? -你怎么了-什么
You didn't feel well. 你之前不舒服
I don't know. 我不知道
Just had a pain in my stomach. 只是有点胃疼
You should get it checked out. 你应该去检查一下
Yeah, I will, if it carries on. 我会去的如果还疼的话
Enjoy it. 玩得开心
- Yeah, I will. - Bye! -我会的-拜拜
Was I all right last night? 我昨晚还好吗
Were you "all right"? 你昨晚"还好吗"
I didn't say anything to upset you? 我是不是说了让你不开心的话


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