

英文 中文
I'm here, surrounded 环绕在我身边的
by one of nature's greatest wonders. 是自然界最伟大的奇迹之一
A living structure so enormous, 这个活的生物结构非常巨大
it can be seen from space. 太空中都能看见它
The Great Barrier Reef. 大堡礁
Home to one of the most extraordinary communities of animals on the planet. 这里栖息着地球上最独特的动物群落
I've been fascinated by it for almost 60 years. 过去60年我一直为它着迷
Here, unknown species are still being found. 我们依旧能在这里发现未知的物种
And scientists are making astonishing discoveries 科学家们得到了惊人的新发现
about the creatures that we thought we knew. 刷新了我们对某个物种的认知
In this series, our research vessel, the Alucia, 在这部节目中我们的科考船艾露西亚
will allow us to explore the reef as never before. 会让我们以前所未有的方式探索大堡礁
Using the latest technology, I'll visit its mysterious depths. 我会借助最新的科技探寻它神秘的海底
Nobody has ever dived as deep as this 过去从未有人在大堡礁
before on the Great Barrier Reef. 潜入到如此的深度
I'll learn of its surprising origins. 我将会了解它令人惊人的起源
And discover how this wonderfully diverse community 发现这神奇而多样的生物群落
has been created by some of the very smallest creatures on the reef. 是如何被礁石上最微小的生物所创造
But visited by some of the most impressive animals on the planet. 一些地球上最吸引人的动物也到访此地

It's an ecosystem like no other. 这是个独一无二的生态系统
Vital to our oceans. 对我们的海洋至关重要
And surprisingly, we are still uncovering its many secrets. 我们仍在惊叹中揭开它的秘密
The Great Barrier Reef lies on Australia's north-east coast. 大堡礁坐落于澳大利亚东北海岸
It's 1,400 miles long. 它有2300千米长
And at its widest, 150 miles across. 最宽处有240千米宽
It consists of almost 3,000 individual coral reefs. 它由将近3000个独立的珊瑚礁
And 900 islands. 和900座岛屿组成
And for me, it's truly 对我来说
one of the most extraordinary places on the planet. 它真是世界上最独特的地方
People say to me, 人们问我
"What was the most magical thing you ever saw in your life? 你这一生所见到的最神奇的东西是什么
"What was the most magical moment 作为自然博物学家
in your career as a naturalist?" 你所经历的最神奇的一刻是什么时候
And I always say, 我总是说
the first time I put on a mask 我第一次戴上潜水面罩
and went below the surface 潜入水下
and moved in three dimensions just with a flick of my fin 仅凭脚蹼的拍打四处游动
and suddenly saw all these amazingly multicoloured things 然后突然看见在那里栖息着的
living in communities right there. 一群群色彩斑斓的生物时
Just astounding things. 我惊叹连连
Unforgettable beauty. 无法忘却它的美丽
I first came to the Barrier Reef nearly 60 years ago. 我第一次到大堡礁是大约60年前
And I remember very clearly how amazed I was 我非常清楚的记得看到这些复杂多样的生命时
to see such a complexity of life. 我有多么着迷
But today, we have ways of looking at the reef, 但现在我们有很多种以前从未用过的
technical ways, which we never had before 专业方法可以用于观察大堡礁
and give us a completely new vision of this wonderful place, 令我们能用全新的视角研究这个仙境般的地方
which is surely 这里是
one of the greatest treasures of the natural world. 自然界最伟大的宝库之一
Now I've returned. 现在我回到此地
And taking me on this journey is the Alucia, 艾露西亚将带我踏上这段旅程
a 56-metre state-of-the-art research and exploration vessel. 它是一艘56米长采用最新科技的科考船
For this expedition, we've been granted unprecedented access 这次考察我们获得了史无前例的权限
to some of the most remote corners of the Great Barrier Reef.' 可以到达大堡礁最偏僻的角落
Onboard is a team of experts. 一队专家和我们同行
And at our disposal, all the latest technology. 我们也可以使用最前沿的科技
Our mission is to reveal a hidden world 我们的任务是揭示一个隐秘的世界
and to complete a series of dives 并完成前人从未在大堡礁尝试过的
that have never before been attempted on the Great Barrier Reef. 一系列潜水研究

But to do that, 为了完成这一任务
we have had to bring in a very special piece of equipment. 我们需要使用一台非常特殊的设备
This is a Triton submarine. 这是崔坦牌潜艇
The very latest in submersible technology. 它代表了最先进的潜水技术
And the first of its kind to be brought to these waters. 它也是同类设备中最先来到这片水域的潜艇
The submersible's captain, Buck Taylor, will lead the dive team. 潜艇船长巴克·泰勒将会领导潜水团队
With 2,000 dives under his belt, 潜水2000多次的他
his expertise is unparalleled. 拥有无人能比的专业技能
While our film crew rigs the submersible 当我们的摄制团队
with no fewer than eight cameras, 在潜艇上安装了起码八台摄像机时
Buck gathers the rest of the team together 巴克召集其余队员
to brief us on the dives ahead. 简要说明了潜水注意事项
"Welcome to the MV Alucia submersible team..." 欢迎来到艾露西亚潜水摄制组
The submersible offers spectacular filming opportunities, 这次潜水是一个绝佳的摄影机会
but it's not without its dangers. 但也有一些危险
Coming from the rescue background, 我做过搜救工作
I've been in a submersible up to my waist in water, 我曾碰上潜水艇漏水水位及腰
I've had a fire in a submersible. 也曾在潜水艇中遇上火灾
"No smoking, smoking materials..." 请勿吸烟勿携带烟草制品
As well as these hazards, Buck is also obliged to raise 除了这些危险巴克也需要介绍
one of the more intimate limitations of submersible life.' 潜水生活中最私密的限制之一
We do have facilities of a toilet onboard. 潜艇上配备了卫生间
Obviously, because it's quite confined, it's not very discrete, 但条件有限它并非是独立空间
so we do have some towels out that we can hold up around you. 可是我们有毛巾可以用来裹住身体
It's quite interesting 这很有趣
trying to explain about going to the toilet 介绍如何在一个可以容纳三人
in a three-man submersible in a sort of sphere 直径不到两米的球型船舱中方便
that's less than two metres diameter. It's quite intimate. 这是非常私密的话题
He was six foot three... 他有一米八呢
We've got cameras pointing from every direction. 而且舱内各个方向都安装了摄像机
Good. Thank you. 好的谢谢
Thanks very much. I'm looking forward to it a lot. 非常感谢我非常期待
The Alucia's first mission 艾露西亚的首次任务
is to take us to the Barrier's stunning ribbon reefs 是将我们送往大堡礁辽阔边界北部
in the north of its extensive range. 壮美的带状珊瑚礁
It's an area of outstanding natural beauty 这里是一片奇绝的自然美景
and the perfect place to begin our explorations. 也是我们探索之旅的完美起点
The story of the Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁的故事
starts with its most important inhabitant, the coral itself. 从它最重要的居民珊瑚虫开始
Hidden inside these branching structures 这些建造大堡礁的成千上万微小生物
are the thousands of tiny creatures that build these reefs. 就藏在这些枝枝桠桠的建筑当中
And they have an enormous claim to fame. 它们声名远扬
Together, they've built the largest living structure on earth. 因为它们一起建成了地球上最大的活建筑
But these fascinating coral creatures are only active at night. 但这些迷人的珊瑚只在晚上活动
So to capture their behaviour, 为了记录它们的行为
we'll need to do something I've never done before. 我们要做我以前从未做过的事
Tonight, a team of specialist divers, scientists 今晚由专业潜水员科学家
and programme-makers, like myself, have gathered together 和像我这样的主持人组成一队
to have a closer look and a longer look 希望能够在夜晚近距离长时间地观察大堡礁
at the reef at night than perhaps has ever been possible. 完成从前不可能的科考
When I came here 60 years ago, 60年前我来这里时
the idea of a night dive was almost inconceivable. 夜晚潜水是难以想象的
It seemed to me, a beginner, 对于当时还是初学者的我来说
to be far too dangerous. 这实在太危险了
But now, technology is going to help me. 但现在科技会帮助我
Once I'm in, it's over to Buck and the support team, 我进去以后一切就交给巴克和后勤团队了
who remain onboard the Alucia, 他们会留在艾露西亚上
to make sure everything goes smoothly. 确保一切顺利
They've spent months preparing for this moment. 他们为了这一刻准备了好几个月
Our submersible, known to the crew as the Nadir 我们的潜艇船员们叫它娜迪尔
has, of course, made dives like this all over the world. 曾经在世界各地完成过这样的潜水
She's descended to the deepest part of the oceans, 她曾潜入海洋的最深处
but she's never visited the Barrier Reef. 但她从没来过大堡礁
It's a first for all of us. 对大家来说都是第一次
But before we can go anywhere, 但在我们出发之前
we'll need to position the Nadir 我们需要把娜迪尔放置在
at a safe distance from the Alucia. 距艾露西亚有一段安全距离的地方
It's a substantial operation, 这是个大工程
but finally, we're ready to get underway. 最终我们准备好出发了
S.O. Nadir, just approaching the buoy. 这里是娜迪尔正在靠近浮标
Am I clear to vent? 可以排水下潜了吗
Roger, Nadir. You are clear to vent, clear to vent. 收到娜迪尔可以下潜可以下潜
Have a good dive, guys. 潜水愉快伙计们
Sinking beneath the waves is a very surreal experience. 潜入波浪之下是梦幻般的经历
Your first instinct is to hold your breath. 你下意识地屏住呼吸
At night, the reef is a ghostly world. 晚上的大堡礁像幽灵的世界
Tiny shrimp-like creatures dance in the lights. 像虾一样的小生物在灯光中跳舞
Look at that! 快看
With little light, there is a lot less colour, 由于光线微弱颜色变得很暗淡
but this is still a very magical place. 但这里仍然是一个神奇的地方
There's something! My first fish! 有东西第一条鱼
Our submersible will eventually take us to depths of 300 metres. 我们的潜艇最终会带我们到300米深处
Now, we're only 30 metres down, 但现在只有30米深
but that's exciting enough for a start. 但这已经是一个足够激动人心的开始了
In these dark waters, 在这片黑暗的水域
Buck needs to be careful as we move around the front of the reef. 巴克在大堡礁前移动时要非常小心
Coral reefs are sometimes described as marine cities. 珊瑚礁有时也被称为海底城市
And the comparison is indeed a good one. 这个比喻的确非常形象
We're here to take a closer look at the reef's architecture. 我们来仔细观察大堡礁的建筑
Its coral buildings. 其中的珊瑚楼房
There are more than 450 different species of hard coral. 这里有超过450种不同种类的硬珊瑚
The plant-like structures we can see 我们看到的这些植物一样的东西
are actually made of limestone. 事实上是由石灰岩构成的
And living inside are thousands of highly industrious little animals 住在里面的是成千上万非常勤劳的小动物
called coral polyps. 它们叫珊瑚虫
At night, the water around the reef 晚上珊瑚礁周围的水中
becomes filled with clouds of tiny microorganisms 充满了很多微小生物
called the zooplankton. 我们称之为浮游动物
And that's what the corals eat. 珊瑚虫以它们为食
The coral polyps themselves emerge from their stony skeleton 珊瑚虫从石头骨架中
and start groping in the water with their tentacles. 探出触手搜寻食物


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