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The Great Barrier Reef. 大堡礁
It's home to an extraordinarily diverse community of animals and plants. 这里有着地球上最惊人的动植物群落
Here, unknown species are still being found, 我们依旧能在这里发现未知的物种
and astonishing things discovered 我们得到了惊人的新发现
about creatures we thought we knew. 刷新了我们对某个物种的认知
In this series, our research vessel, the Alucia, 在这部节目中我们的科考船艾露西亚
will allow us to explore and understand the reef as never before. 会让我们以前所未有的方式探索大堡礁
This marine paradise may be best known 这片海洋天堂里最出名的
for its spectacular coral reefs... 也许是壮观的珊瑚礁
But it also has 300 sand islands, 但这里还有三百座沙洲
600 continental islands, 六百座大陆岛
miles of lush forest, 数公里的繁茂森林
and deep ocean channels. 以及数条深海水道
Each of these habitats attracts a very different set of visitors. 每种栖息地都吸引了不同的造访者
When I first came here almost 60 years ago, 当我60年前第一次来到这里的时候
we knew very little about these communities. 我们对这些种群知之甚少
But today, new tracking systems are allowing us 但今天新的追踪系统
to follow the lives of these creatures in new ways. 让我们可以用新的方式追踪这些生物
From the ocean's great predators... 从伟大的海洋猎食者

to a mysterious whale that seeks out human contact. 到主动与人类接触的神秘鲸鱼
I'll discover their surprising reasons for visiting 我要找出它们造访此处的原因
and reveal why the reef is so important for their survival. 揭示为何大堡礁对它们的生存至关重要
Last time, 上一集
we looked at the rich community of animals that lives among the coral, 我们观察了栖息在珊瑚礁中的丰富生物群落
but the reef also receives visitors. 但大堡礁还接纳访客
Some travel for thousands of miles in order to get here 一些动物穿越数千公里而来
and stay for only a few weeks. 却只在这里逗留数周
Others linger on the fringes 其他动物则在其边缘徘徊
and come in every day. 每天都来串门
Each has its own particular reason for doing so. 它们都有自己独特的理由
The Great Barrier Reef consists 大堡礁
of 3,000 individual coral reefs. 由三千个独立的珊瑚礁组成
It stretches for 1,400 miles along Australia's northeast coast. 沿着澳大利亚东北海岸线延绵2300公里
And every year, it attracts over a million migrating animals. 它每年都会吸引超过百万的迁徙动物
We're beginning our exploration in the north, 我们将从北部开始探索
on the outskirts of this vast wilderness. 从这片广袤野生水域的边缘开始
Our research vessel, the Alucia, 我们的科考船艾露西亚号
has brought us out here to Osprey Reef. 把我们带到了鱼鹰礁上
90 miles, 150 kilometres out in the Coral Sea 这里位于大堡礁之外
from the edge of the Great Barrier. 距离约90英里即150公里
Isolated though it is, 虽然孤悬海外
it nonetheless plays a crucial part in the lives of many of 但是它仍然在众多大堡礁居民的生命中
the inhabitants of the Barrier Reef. 扮演着重要的角色
What makes Osprey so interesting 鱼鹰礁如此特别的原因
is that it lies in the path of the south equatorial current. 是因为它位于南赤道洋流的路径上
This is a moving highway 这是一条移动高速公路
that sweeps a host of different visitors towards the great reef. 将许多不同的访客带向大堡礁
We are here to discover 我们到这儿来研究
why this remote outpost is so important to them. 为何这片偏远的珊瑚礁前哨对它们如此重要
To do that, we're going to use a very special piece of technology, 为此我们将会使用一台特殊设备
the Alucia's Triton Submarine. 艾露西亚号的崔坦牌潜艇
It's the first submersible of its kind 这是同类型潜艇
ever to dive in these waters. 首次在这片水域中下潜
It does look as though water's gurgling up here, 看上去好像水已经倒灌到了这里
but in fact, my feet aren't wet. 不过实际上我的脚并没有湿
S-O, S-O, this is Nadir. Am I clear to vent? Over. 这里是娜迪尔我可以下潜了吗完毕
Copy Nadir. So you are clear to vent, clear to vent. 收到娜迪尔可以下潜可以下潜
Have a good dive, guys. 祝你们潜水愉快各位
Roger. Venting now. 收到现在下潜

There we are! 看到了
The sub not only gives us stunning 360-degree views, 这辆潜艇不仅给了我们360度的环绕视野
it allows us to dive to depths 还带着我们下潜到
where no unprotected human has ever been. 从未有人亲身下潜到过的深度
For this dive, we are only going down to about 35 metres, 这次下潜我们只会潜到大概35米的地方
just over 100 feet, 差不多100英尺
where much of the wildlife we're hoping to film will be feeding. 多数我们想要拍摄的野生动物会在此觅食
Marine geologists have recently gathered sufficient data 海洋地质学家们最近收集到的数据
for us to create an accurate three-dimensional picture 足以让我们首次描绘出一幅精确的
of Osprey Reef for the very first time. 鱼鹰礁三维画面
It is, in fact, a huge mountain hidden beneath the waves 事实上它是隐藏在海浪下的一座高山
and rising steeply from the seafloor 2,400 metres below. 从2400米的海底拔地而起
The top of this vast seamount creates a shallow lagoon 这座巨大海底山的山顶出现了一潭浅泻湖
that supports a flourishing community of corals. 这成为了繁多珊瑚种群的栖息地
This wall of rock ahead of me is the flank of Osprey Reef. 在我眼前的这一面岩壁就是鱼鹰礁的侧翼
When cold, deep, nutrient-rich currents from the ocean come in and strike it, 当冰冷且营养充足的深海洋流冲击岩壁时
they defect it upwards. 它们会转向向上
And that creates an oasis for living creatures of all kinds. 如此一来便创造了众多生物的生命绿洲
Many creatures live here throughout the year. 很多生物终年都栖息在这里
And the boss of them all is one kind, sharks. 其中的老大便是鲨鱼
There's one! Close up. 那里有一只靠近一点
Whatever else you say about sharks, 无论你对鲨鱼持什么观点
they are so beautiful in the water. 它们在水中都是如此的美
Resident predators mean one thing 有捕猎者常驻意味着一件事
a plentiful supply of food. 这里有充足的食物供给
For creatures travelling vast distances to get to the reef, 对于那些长途跋涉来到珊瑚礁的生物来说
that makes Osprey a very desirable waypoint on their journey. 鱼鹰礁是它们旅途中不可多得的驿站
Seamounts are stopping-off points for visitors. 海底山是大堡礁访客们的临时落脚点
They come from far and wide. 它们从世界各地远道而来
From tiger sharks to turtles. 从虎鲨到海龟
And they come to refuel and also, it seems, recalibrate. 它们来此歇息片刻似乎还在调整方向
It appears that this is a signpost 这里似乎就是去大堡礁路上的
and a checkpoint on the way to the reef. 指示牌和检查站
Visitors arrive year round. 访客们全年络绎不绝
Among them are hammerheads. 锤头鲨就是其中之一
Like all sharks, 跟所有鲨鱼一样
they have tiny sensors on their nose 它们鼻子上有微型传感神经
which can pick up signals from the Earth's magnetic field. 能够接收地球磁场的信号
And that helps them navigate 这能帮助它们
through the blue infinity of the open ocean. 在这片无垠的蓝色海洋中寻找方向
There are tiger sharks here, too. 这里还有虎鲨
They come to the reef to feed. 它们到大堡礁来是为了觅食
And they seem to know exactly where they're going. 它们似乎对路线了如指掌
The proportion of their brain dedicated to smell 它们大脑中负责嗅觉部分的所占比例
is the largest of any shark. 是所有鲨鱼中最大的
Their two nostrils work independently, 它们的两个鼻孔独立工作
allowing them to smell in stereo 使得它们能够鼻闻四方
and track prey over huge distances. 并追踪到极远的猎物
From Osprey, some tiger sharks 一些虎鲨从鱼鹰礁出发
travel to a very specific destination on the reef. 去往大堡礁中一处非常特别的地方
230 miles north of Osprey lies Raine Island. 在鱼鹰礁370公里以北的地方便是雷恩岛
Every summer, the tiger sharks arrive without fail. 每逢夏天虎鲨都必定会来这里
They're here to take advantage of a major event on the reef - 它们是想赶上大堡礁上的一个重要活动
the arrival of the female green turtles. 雌性绿海龟的到来
The tiger sharks aren't here to kill, 虎鲨不是来这里杀戮的
they've come to scavenge on the dead. 它们是来这里清理尸体的
The unlucky turtles who have not survived 那些在耗尽精力的迁徙中
their exhausting immigration. 不幸死去的海龟
This is why the tiger shark has earned the unflattering title... 因此虎鲨得到了一个不怎么好听的名号
Dustbin of the Sea. 海洋垃圾桶
They prefer the easy life of the scavenger, 它们更喜欢清道夫的轻松生活
so the majority of green turtles 所以大部分绿海龟
have little to fear from these predators. 都不怎么害怕这些捕猎者
In the summer months, the turtles arrive in thousands. 在夏日成千上万的海龟到达此处
They have come from as far as New Guinea, Vanuatu 它们从东边的新几内亚瓦努阿图
and New Caledonia to the east, 以及新喀里多尼亚
as well as from the Torres Straits and beyond to the west. 还有西边的托雷斯海峡甚至更远处远道而来
Some have travelled an impressive 1,500 miles 一些海龟甚至游了整整2400公里
to reach this particular beach. 才到达这片海滩
It measures only a few hundred metres across, 这片岛屿只有几百米长
a tiny speck in a vast ocean. 不过是沧海中的一粟
But Raine Island plays a major role in their lives. 但是雷恩岛却在它们的生命中扮演着重要的角色
70% of the Barrier Reef's breeding green turtles 大堡礁的繁殖期绿海龟中
come here to lay. 有70%会来到这里产卵
It's one of the most important nesting sites in the world. 这是世界上最重要的筑巢地之一
I first visited Raine for a television series 我首次踏上雷恩岛
called Zoo Quest back in 1957. 是在1957年来这里拍摄《动物园探索》
At the time, Raine was little known and rarely visited. 那时雷恩岛还默默无名且人迹罕至
It was then I met my first green turtle hatchling. 当时我第一次见到了绿海龟蛋的孵化
Back then, we had no idea 在那时我们完全不知道
just how extraordinary a story these turtles had to tell. 这些海龟身上有多么神奇的故事
We now know that if they survive, 我们现在才知道如果它们能活下去
they'll spend the next 40 years of their lives at sea. 它们将在海洋中度过接下来的40年时光
Only then do they return to Raine to breed. 然后重回雷恩岛产卵
And astonishingly, 令人震惊的是
they return to exactly the same beach where they themselves hatched. 它们会回到自己孵化时的同一片海滩
How they find their way back after decades at sea 海中生活数十年后的它们如何找到回家的路
is one of the mysteries that surround this species. 仍是有关这种生物的谜团之一
But new research is suggesting that, just like the sharks, 但新的研究显示海龟和鲨鱼一样
they navigate using the Earth's magnetic field. 也通过地球磁场寻找方向
They weigh up to 130 kilos, 它们重达130公斤
so hauling themselves up the beach is a gruelling task. 所以拖着沉重的身躯爬上海滩是艰巨的任务
But it's expected 但据预估
that 30,000 of them will come ashore to lay their eggs this year. 今年仍会有三万只海龟上岸产卵
With space in short supply, it's every female for herself. 由于地方不大雌海龟们都各自为政
Once they've dug a hole, laying can begin. 一旦它们挖好了洞就可以开始产卵了
Each egg is roughly the size of a Ping-Pong ball. 每个蛋大概和乒乓球一般大
A female may lay up to 120 of them at a time 一只雌性海龟每次可产120个蛋
and she's able to do this six times in a single breeding season. 而在一次繁殖期中她可以产卵6次
Once the eggs are laid, she buries them. 当产完卵后她会把蛋埋好
For the next 60 days, 接下来的60天


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