英文 | 中文 |
This is our planet's final frontier, | 这里是地球上最后的边缘地带 |
an inner world where only the most adventurous dare to go. | 一个只有最勇敢者 才敢涉足的地底世界 |
Beneath our feet are countless miles of cave shafts and passages. | 我们脚下有着绵延不绝的洞窟和隧道 |
The Cave of Swallows in Mexico, | 墨西哥境内的燕子洞 |
400 metres to the bottom, | 深达400多米 |
deep enough to engulf the Empire State Building. | 足以吞没整座帝国大厦 |
This is the biggest cave shaft in the world. | 这是世界上最大的深洞 |
Yet these depths were first explored only two years before man landed on the moon. | 然而人类直到登月前两年 才第一次进入这个深渊 |
Today caves remain the least explored places on Earth. | 今天 洞穴仍是地球上 人类最少涉足的地方 |
However, human beings are seldom the first to reach these black, damp places. | 但是 人类绝非 这个阴暗潮湿地界的第一位到访者 |
Here, live some of the strangest and least-known animals on the planet. | 这里住着一些地球上最奇异 和最鲜为人知的动物 |
This galaxy of little lights is created by thousands of living creatures. | 这“满天星斗”其实是 几千只小动物发出的荧光 |
Any animal that lives in a cave has to cope with complete blackness, | 住在洞穴里的动物都必须 适应彻底黑暗的环境 |
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but in New Zealand some have turned this darkness to their advantage. | 但是在新西兰有些动物却能利用黑暗的条件 |
A silicon strand is lowered from the ceiling, | 一根坚韧的丝从天顶上垂下 |
alongside hundreds of others. | 边上还有好几百根 |
Beautiful though these threads are, | 虽然这些丝看起来很漂亮 |
they have a sinister purpose. | 它们却是阴险的陷阱 |
This is a cave glow worm. | 这是一种洞穴萤火虫 |
To trap its prey it goes fishing with a line of silk. | 它利用一根根的丝来诱捕猎物 |
The silk comes from glands in the glow worm's mouth | 丝产生自萤火虫口中的腺体 |
and is loaded with droplets of mucus. | 上面缀着一串粘液滴 |
Each glow worm produces dozens of these threads. | 每条萤火虫都会吐很多根这样的丝 |
Once its lines are set, | 当一排丝架设完毕后 |
the glow worm hangs from a mucus hammock | 萤火虫便用粘液将自己悬吊起来 |
and waits, like a patient angler. | 然后像一位耐心的钓鱼者似的 等待猎物上钩 |
But the glow worm doesn't leave everything to chance. | 不过 萤火虫并不会听天由命 |
That ghostly blue light is the result of a chemical reaction | 这些诡异的蓝光是一种化学反应的结果 |
taking place inside a special capsule in its tail. | 由尾部的一个特殊腔囊产生 |
The light literally shines out of its backside. | 这些从尾部发散出来的荧光 |
It's a lure for attracting prey. | 正是用来吸引猎物的诱饵 |
Insects seem irresistibly drawn towards the source | 昆虫总是禁不住光源的诱惑 |
and then get trapped by the sticky lines. | 结果就被这些粘乎乎的丝拿住了 |
Once stuck, | 一旦被粘住 |
there is no escape. | 根本没有脱逃的机会 |
Now it's just a matter of reeling in the line | 现在 它只需收起丝线 |
and slowly consuming the catch - alive. | 然后慢慢吃掉尚且活着的猎物 |
By ensnaring the insects that hatch in this cave, | 通过诱捕洞穴内羽化的昆虫 |
these glow worms have solved the biggest challenge that permanent cave dwellers face - | 这些萤火虫成功地解决了 终生穴居动物面临的最大难题 |
finding a regular and reliable source of food. | 即找到长期而可靠的食物资源 |
One kind of rock makes this whole underground world possible - | 这些地底世界之所以会存在都是因为一种岩石 |
limestone. | 石灰岩 |
Most of the world's caves are found within it | 世界上大部分洞穴内都存在石灰岩 |
and it covers nearly 10 percent of the earth's surface. | 它覆盖了地球表面将近10%的面积 |
Limestone is composed of minerals derived from marine shells and corals, | 石灰岩由海螺和 珊瑚中的矿物沉积后形成 |
so although this rocky escarpment in the United States is now hundreds of metres above sea level | 所以 尽管美国境内的这座石壁 如今矗立在海平面以上几百米高的地方 |
it was actually formed under water. | 它实际上却是在水下形成的 |
The limestone towers of Vietnam's Ha Long Bay | 越南下龙湾的石林 |
are a reminder of this link with the sea. | 能说明石灰岩与海洋的关系 |
Originally, this whole area would have been one solid block of limestone, | 起初 这整个地方都是 一整块坚固的石灰岩床 |
the base of a coral reef. | 珊瑚礁的基座 |
In Borneo, rain has sculptured the limestone into extremely sharp-sided pinnacles. | 在婆罗洲 雨水已将石灰岩 雕凿成无比尖削的石塔 |
But the dissolving power of rainwater has other, much more dramatic effects underground. | 不过在地下 雨水的溶解作用 还能产生其它更壮观的效果 |
Rivers that flow over limestone often seem to completely disappear. | 流经石灰岩的河川 到最后似乎总是无影无踪 |
When the water reaches the more resistant bed of limestone | 当水流遇到更坚硬的石灰岩床时 |
its course is altered. | 就会改变路线 |
Once underground, | 一旦进入地下 |
the water takes on a new, more erosive power. | 水便有了一股新的、更强的侵蚀力 |
During its journey from the surface | 在地面上流淌时 |
the water absorbed carbon dioxide from the soil | 水从土壤中吸收了二氧化碳 |
making it mildly acidic. | 成为弱酸性 |
And over millions of years this acid eats away the limestone | 石灰岩经过几百万年的酸蚀作用 |
creating a maze of caverns and passages | 形成了迷宫般的溶洞和通道 |
that sometimes go on for miles. | 有的甚至深达数英里 |
This is the biggest underground river passage in the world, | 这是世界上最大的地下河通道 |
so big a jumbo jet could fly through it. | 大到可以通过一架大型喷气式客机 |
It's Deer Cave, in Borneo. | 它就是婆罗洲的鹿洞 |
The sheer size of Deer Cave | 鹿洞的容量很大 |
allows some animals to gather there in huge numbers. | 使得大批动物到此聚集 |
A staggering 3 million wrinkle-lipped bats live here. | 这里住着数量惊人的300万只犬吻蝠 |
The bats roost high on the walls and ceilings | 这些蝙蝠倒挂在洞壁和天顶上 |
where they're well protected from the outside elements | 它们在此完全不受外界因素的干扰 |
and safe from predators. | 还能躲开天敌 |
And while they're up here | 它们高悬在洞穴上方时 |
the bats produce something very important. | 会产生一种非常重要的东西 |
This hundred metre high mound is made entirely of bat droppings - | 这堆100多米高的东西 全都是蝙蝠的排泄物 |
guano. | 粪便 |
Its surface is covered by a thick carpet of cockroaches, | 地面上爬满了密密麻麻的蟑螂 |
hundreds of thousands of them. | 它们的数量无以为计 |
Caves are one of the few habitats on Earth not directly powered by sunlight. | 洞穴是地球上少数几种 不直接依赖阳光的生态环境之一 |
In the absence of plants this food chain is based on a continuous supply of bat droppings. | 在缺少植物的情况下 这里的食物链 完全依赖供应不断的蝙蝠粪便 |
The cockroaches feed on the guano | 蟑螂的食物就是粪便 |
and anything that falls into it. | 以及任何掉进里面的东西 |
The droppings also support other types of cockroaches | 粪便也能养活其它种类的蟑螂 |
which spend part of their day resting on cave walls. | 它们一天大部分时间都呆在洞壁上 |
These in turn become food for giant cave centipedes, | 这些蟑螂也接连成为了 洞穴大蚰蜒的美餐 |
some more than 20 centimetres long. | 有的蚰蜒能长到20厘米长 |
Bizarrely, there are crabs here, too, | 奇怪的是 这里甚至还有螃蟹 |
sifting through the droppings for nutrients. | 它们从粪便中过滤营养物质 |
All these animals spend their entire lives within the cave. | 所有这些动物都在洞穴内度过一生 |
They're totally dependant on the digested remains of food that's brought here from outside. | 它们完全依赖的食物消化残渣 都是来自于外界 |
Each evening in just two hours | 每天傍晚 只是前后2小时内 |
three million bats leave the safety of the cave | 300万只蝙蝠一起离开安全的洞穴 |
to hunt for insects in the forest outside. | 在森林外围捕食昆虫 |
But not all will return. | 但并非所有的蝙蝠都能返回 |
As they leave the cave | 蝙蝠离开山洞后 |
the stream of bats form a doughnut-shaped ring. | 即在空中组成一个面包圈一样的队列 |
The wheeling bats seem to confuse a rufus-bellied eagle, | 旋绕的蝙蝠群似乎已将 棕腹隼雕弄得晕头转向 |
but they must still survive the attacks of other, more specialised, birds of prey. | 但它们仍须躲过 其它更专业的猛禽的攻击 |
Peregrine falcons and bat hawks are the jetfighters of the bird world. | 游隼和蝠鹞是鸟类中的喷气式战斗机 |
Good hunting will end as the light fades | 天黑后 再高超的捕猎本领 也将无用武之地 |
so the bat hawks bolt their catches on the wing | 于是蝠鹞一边飞一边吞下猎物 |
and fly straight back for more. | 然后径直返回继续捕猎 |
Any bat separated from the group | 任何一只脱离群体的蝙蝠 |
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becomes a clear and obvious target and is asking for trouble. | 立刻成为显眼的目标 很快便遭了殃 |
Yet the nightly onslaught has little impact on bat numbers - | 然而 每天傍晚的攻击只会 对蝙蝠数量产生很小的影响 |
by the morning the vast majority will be back in the safety of the cave. | 到了早上 大多数蝙蝠 仍会安然无恙地回到洞中 |
Bats are not the only commuters in these Bornean caves. | 蝙蝠并非婆罗洲洞窟中的唯一常客 |
There's a day shift as well. | 这里也有“做日班”的居民 |
Returning from hunting in the sunlight | 完成白天的狩猎工作后 |
these commuters rely on their loud clicks to find their way through the cave passages in total darkness. | 这些住客利用它们响亮的叫声 在漆黑一片的洞穴通道内辨别方向 |
They're cave swiftlets. | 它们就是洞金丝燕 |
Like bats they use echolocation to navigate. | 和蝙蝠一样它们也利用回声定位来导航 |
We need lights to see what's going on, | 我们必须有光才能看清前方的路 |
but in the pitch black the swiftlets manage unerringly to locate their individual nesting sites, | 但是金丝燕却能在黑暗中 准确无误地到达自己的筑巢点 |
which are only a few centimetres across. | 而它们的巢窝相隔不过几厘米远 |
It's a remarkable skill and one we still do not fully understand. | 我们至今仍未能完全了解 这种了不起的本领 |
These birds are unusual for another reason. | 这些鸟之所以特别还有另外一个原因 |
Their little cup-like nests are made entirely from threads of saliva. | 它们小巧的杯状燕窝完全由唾液丝筑建 |
It takes more than 30 days to complete one. | 每个燕窝得花上30多天才能完工 |
The nests are very precious objects, | 燕窝是非常珍贵的东西 |
and not only for the birds. | 不仅只是针对这些鸟而言 |
For 500 years people have been harvesting the nests of cave swiftlets. | 500年来 人们一直采集洞金丝燕的燕窝 |
It's a very risky business. | 这是一项非常危险的工作 |
with virtually no safety equipment | 事实上没有任何安全措施 |
and using ladders made from forest vines the gatherers climb into the highest reaches of the cave | 采集者利用树藤编成的梯子爬到洞穴的最高处 |
often more than 60 metres from the floor. | 通常高出地面60多米 |
The work may be hazardous in the extreme, | 这项工作看起来极度危险 |
but the rewards are great. | 但却能得到丰厚的回报 |
The pure white nests of cave swiftlets | 洞金丝燕的纯白燕窝 |
are the main ingredient of birds' nest soup | 是燕窝羹的主要成分 |
and gram for gram are worth as much as silver. | 每克燕窝的价值堪比白银 |
As soon as its nest is removed a bird will immediately build another. | 燕窝被摘去后金丝燕很快又会再吐一个 |
So, as long as this valuable harvest is properly controlled, | 所以 只要这种利润可观的 采摘行为得到适当控制 |
the colonies will continue to flourish. | 燕群仍旧可以长盛不衰 |
These Bornean caves are among the biggest in the world | 婆罗洲的这些洞窟是世界上最大的洞穴 |
and they're still getting bigger | 它们仍在不断扩大 |
as each year rainwater eats away a little more limestone. | 因为每年雨水都会侵蚀掉少许石灰岩 |
But water in caves doesn't only erode. | 可是洞里的水不光只是侵蚀 |
It also builds. | 它们还能造景 |
This water is loaded with dissolved limestone | 这些水中含有溶解的碳酸钙 |
and when it meets the air in the cave | 当它与洞内空气接触时 |
some of that is deposited as a mineral - | 其中的一些就会沉淀为一种矿物 |
calcite. | 方解石 |
As it builds up | 随着它的积累 |
so the calcite forms decorations that hang from the ceiling - | 方解石形成了悬在洞顶上的装饰物 |
stalactites. | 钟乳石 |
Each drop leaves behind only a miniscule amount of calcite, | 每滴水珠只会留下极少量的方解石微粒 |
but over time the process can produce some spectacular results. | 但随着时间的推移它们变成了最引人入胜的景观 |
If the water seeps though the ceiling quickly, | 若是水从洞顶滴落的速度较快 |
then the calcite is deposited on the floor of the cave | 方解石就会在洞穴地面上沉积 |
and that creates stalagmites. | 最后形成石笋 |
Variations in water flow and the air currents | 水流和气流的变化 |
produce an infinite variety of forms, but all are created by the same process - | 造就了千姿百态的溶洞地形但它们的形成过程都是一样的 |
the slow deposition of dissolved limestone. | 都是由水溶碳酸钙缓慢沉淀而来 |
And when stalactite meets stalagmite | 钟乳石与石笋相遇后 |
a column is born. | 便形成了石柱 |
Structures like these in North America's Carlsbad Cavern | 北美洲卡尔斯巴德溶洞中的这些构造 |
can take many thousands of years to develop. | 经历了数千年的形成过程 |
But sometimes the formations in a cave stop growing altogether. | 但有时洞穴内的这些活动会完全停止 |