

英文 中文
The world is full of extraordinary animals. 世界充满着各种神奇的动物
But how well do we really understand them? 但我们对它们了解多少
How do they really think and feel? 它们真实的想法和感受是怎样的
To find out, a team of spy creatures is going undercover. 为了找出答案一组间谍动物将展开卧底工作
They not only look like part of the family, 它们不仅长得像
they behave like them, too. 而且举止也和动物们一模一样
Armed with the latest camera technology 配备着最先进的摄像技术
they are going to travel the globe 它们将前往世界各地
to understand the true nature of the animals they meet 去了解它们所遇见的动物
and reveal how intelligent they really are 看看它们到底有多聪明
how badly behaved they can be 有多顽皮
how important friendship is to them 有多重视友情
and if it's possible 如果可能的话
that they can truly love each other. 看看它们是否真爱彼此
What they discover 这些间谍动物的发现
will change our perception of animals forever. 将永远改变我们对动物的看法
Perhaps they are more like us than we ever believed possible. 也许它们比我们想象的更像我们
Animals live complex lives, 动物的生活很复杂
but how sophisticated are their emotions? 那它们的情感又有多复杂呢

On the African savanna 在非洲的大草原上
lives one of the world's most intelligent 生活着世界上最聪明
and family-focused animals 最重视家庭的动物之一
the wild dog. 非洲野犬
In this pack, 在这群野犬中
all the puppies belong to just one mother, 所有的幼犬都是一个妈妈生的
but are showered with affection 但它们却享受着
by every member of the extended family. 这个大家庭里所有成员的宠爱
When the adults go hunting, 在成年野犬外出捕猎的时候
a new pup makes an appearance. 一只新幼犬混了进来
This is spy pup. 这是一只间谍犬
The only giveaway 唯一可能暴露它身份的
is the camera armed in his eye. 是他眼中的摄像机
He is here to film the emotional dynamics of pack life, 他来这儿是为了纪录这群野犬的情感动态
but first, he must be accepted by the pups. 但首先他要让幼犬们接受他
They could easily rip him to pieces 幼犬们可以毫不费力地把他撕成碎片
so he mimics their body language, 因此间谍犬要模仿它们的肢体语言
to make them feel at ease. 好让它们放松警惕
He uses the play bow. 他弓下身子做出邀请玩耍的动作
It's a universal invitation to have fun. 这种邀请对方和自己一起玩的动作在自然界中十分普遍
He's won them over, 他骗过了幼犬们
despite his slightly-strange smell. 虽然他身上有股奇怪的味道
The adults, however, may be harder to convince. 然而成年野犬就没那么好糊弄了
So, he makes a submissive gesture and wags his tail. 所以他摇着尾巴做出臣服的姿态
Now accepted, 现在间谍犬已经被接受了
he soon gains the most intimate view of wild dogs ever seen. 他很快就捕捉到了 野犬间前所未有的亲密场景
The pups beg for food by licking the adults' mouth. 幼犬舔着成年野犬的嘴乞食
Fresh meat caught just for them. 它刚为幼犬们带回了新鲜的食物
With survival depending on teamwork, 因为生存必须要依靠团队合作
affection strengthens family ties. 爱就增进了家庭的羁绊
Unfortunately, it's not just spy pup that's watching them. 不幸的是监视着它们的不止间谍犬
The strength of their love is about to be tested. 它们的爱即将面临考验
Lions regard wild dogs as rivals. 狮子视野犬为敌
She'll kill the pups, if she can. 可以的话她会杀掉所有的幼犬
Spy pup can only lay low and observe. 间谍犬只能压低了身子 静静观察
The lioness picks up the smell of the den. 母狮嗅到了洞里的幼犬味道
The dogs try to divert her attention. 野犬想要转移她的注意力
But with pups in her sight, 但母狮看到了幼犬
she won't be easily distracted. 可没那么容易分心
The pack keeps up the diversion. 野犬们继续努力转移她的注意力

But it's the desperate mother who decides to risk all 但绝望的母亲决定拼上一切
goading the lioness to attack her. 刺激母狮来攻击她
Over and over, she teases the lion, 她一遍又一遍地挑衅母狮
while the pack provides backup. 同时其他的野犬也提供援助
After 40 minutes of relentless pressure, 经过了40分钟无休止的紧张博弈
the exhausted lioness accepts defeat. 筋疲力尽的母狮认输了
Spy pup had a ringside view of this extraordinary encounter. 间谍犬亲眼见证了这场惊心动魄的交锋
And in the aftermath, the pups are reunited with their mother. 之后幼犬们便回到了母亲身边
Although family affection runs deep, 家族感情再深厚
nothing competes with the love of a mother. 也比不上母爱
After the lion's visit, 狮子离去后
it's her that cleans the den. 她便来清理洞穴
For her pups, it's a chance to enjoy the dust bath. 对幼犬们来说这是一个享受沙尘浴的好机会
Even spy pup joins the fun. 连间谍犬也乐在其中
A mother's love is so fundamental, 母爱如此重要
could it be found in a relic from a prehistoric age? 那我们能否在史前时代的遗物身上找到呢
In Uganda, 在乌干达
this Nile crocodile is coming ashore 这条尼罗鳄正缓缓上岸
for a very important event. 她有一件非常重要的事
Her babies are about to hatch. 她的宝宝们即将出世
Sharing her nest are some very special hatchlings. 巢穴里还有些非常特殊的鳄鱼宝宝
Ones with cameras in their eyes. 他们的眼中装有摄像机
They are here to record 他们到这来纪录
the relationship between a mother crocodile and her young. 鳄鱼母子之间的关系
The spy hatchlings have been filming her for days, 这些间谍鳄鱼已经拍了好几天
as she waits for her real young to arrive. 她正等待真正的鳄鱼宝宝诞生
The calls of her babies synchronise their hatching, 伴随着一阵阵叫声它们破壳而出
encouraging the whole brood to emerge at once. 整窝鳄鱼宝宝一股脑地探出头来
They are also cries for her attention. 它们也开始用叫声吸引她的注意力
For three long months, 在这漫长的三个月
she protected her eggs day and night, 她没日没夜地守护着这些蛋
as she waited for this moment. 就是为了这一刻
Now, she meets her babies for the first time. 现在 她与宝宝们初次相见
They are delicate and vulnerable. 它们十分脆弱
But they are not safe here. 但这里并不安全
She must get them to water. 她必须把它们运到水里去
Her solution is extraordinary. 她的解决办法非同寻常
Despite having the most powerful bite in nature, 尽管有着自然界最强劲的咬合力
she carefully gathers them in a throat pouch, 她小心翼翼地把它们放到喉咙里
beneath a stockade of deadly teeth. 用锋利的牙齿围起来
She is as gentle as a croc could ever be. 作为一条鳄鱼她温柔到了极致
Safe in her care, tails dangling between her teeth, 小鳄鱼在她的照顾下安全无虞尾巴在她的齿间晃来晃去
she takes them to water. 她把它们送到水里
She won't enjoy her babies' company for long. 她并不能享受太久天伦之乐
Crocodiles can have 80 hatchlings 尼罗鳄一窝通常能孵出80只小鳄鱼
and another batch is crying for her attention. 另一批鳄鱼宝宝还在等待着她照料
She won't leave any behind. 她不会漏掉任何一条小鳄鱼
Even spy hatchling. 即使是间谍鳄鱼
Safe in her cavernous mouth,all survive unscathed. 在她大大的嘴巴中 所有的小鳄鱼都毫发无损
And spy hatchling is still filming. 间谍鳄鱼仍在暗中观察
They still need her protection. 小鳄鱼依然需要鳄鱼妈妈的保护
Even in the water,just one in ten survive 就算到了水里 小鳄鱼们也只有十分之一的存活率
for danger is everywhere. 因为危险无处不在
A grey heron. 一只苍鹭
He has the pick of the bunch. 锁定了这群小鳄鱼
Crocodiles have changed little since the age of the dinosaurs, 从恐龙时代起鳄鱼就几乎没有进化
but their maternal care is anything but primitive. 但这种母爱行为却一点都不落后
She'll protect her babies for the next two months. 在接下来的两个月里 她将继续保护她的崽子们
Such care becomes stronger when whole families are involved. 当整个家族都参与进来时 这种照看关系会变得更加紧密
African elephants show a much more developed sense of love. 非洲象表现出的爱更加成熟
Their extended family is made up of related females, 它们庞大的家族由具有亲缘关系的母象群体组成
led by a wise old matriarch. 由一头睿智的年长母象作为首领
She holds the wisdom of the generations 她积累了几代的知识
and this needs to be passed on to all. 并且这些知识需要传递给后代
To infiltrate the herd,a new spy creature is needed. 为了潜入这个象群需要一个新的间谍动物
One based on a bird that lives among them. 一个是根据生活在象群附近的鸟设计的
This is spy egret,complete with a filming eye. 一只眼里装有摄像头的白鹭
The first challenge will be surviving the initial encounter. 第一个挑战是能否在初次碰头时生存下来
It could be a brief assignment. 过程可能很短
He is facing 40 tonnes of unstoppable herd. 他正面对着重达40吨 一直前行的象群
His first test over, 第一个任务完成
it's now down to business. 言归正传
As well as spy egret, there are other cameras covering the action. 除了间谍白鹭 还有其他的机器一起行动
Spy tortoise can, quite literally,get under the elephants' feet. 陆龟间谍能够轻易地穿梭于大象脚下
The cameras soon capture something remarkable. 不一会摄像头就捕捉到了精彩的画面
A vulnerable new arrival,less than an hour old. 一头虚弱的小象刚出生不到一个小时
His mother must help her new-born to his feet. 母象必须帮助他学会站立
It's the start of the most important relationship of his life. 这是他建立生命中最为重要的关系的开始
His first steps are a challenge. 对他来说 迈出第一步便是一个挑战
The bond between them will be complete when he finally suckles. 它们之间的关系将在小象第一次吸吮母乳时正式确立
Easier said than done. 说起来容易做起来难
His mother gently guides him to the spot. 母象温柔地引导着小象寻找乳头
It's time to meet the relatives. 是时候去见一见其他亲属了
It's a big occasion. 这是个大场面
Each member of the family wants to introduce themselves. 家族里的每个成员都争先恐后地过来打招呼
They will all play a role helping him grow up. 它们都将帮助小象成长
For now,the attention is overwhelming. 现在这些关心令小象有点不知所措
But in the coming years,he'll learn all he needs to know 但是在接下来的几年里 他将从这些慈爱的母象那里
for his survival from these loving females. 学会一切生存技能
The babies of some animals have to find their place 即使在更大的家庭中动物宝宝们
in even larger animal families. 也必须找到自己的位置
This temple in Rajasthan 在拉贾斯坦的这座寺庙里
is home to a troop of 120 Indian langurs, 生活着由120只长尾叶猴
made up of related females and their offspring. 组成的母系家族
They are the most gentle and affectionate monkeys in the world. 它们是世界上最有礼貌 也最深情的猴子
It's a sisterhood with an unusual system of childcare. 这些雌性长尾叶猴有一种不同寻常的育儿方法
To see how this works in practice, 为了了解这是怎么运作的
a spy baby monkey is joining the family 一只间谍猴混进了这个家庭
complete with camera eye and a range of life-like movements. 她眼里装了摄像头 动作看起来像真的猴子一样
The plan is to blend subtly into the crowd. 原本计划让间谍猴偷偷潜进入
But the monkeys have other ideas. 但是却被叶猴们发现了


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