

英文 中文
The world is full of extraordinary animals. 世界上充满了各种神奇的动物
But how well do we really understand them? 但人类对它们了解多少
How do they really think and feel? 它们真实的想法和感受是怎样的
To find out, a team of spy creatures is going undercover. 为了找出答案 一组间谍动物将展开卧底工作
They not only look like part of the family, 它们不仅长得像
they behave like them, too. 而且举止也和动物们一模一样
Armed with the latest camera technology, 配备着最先进的摄像技术
they are going to travel the globe 它们将前往世界各地
to understand the true nature of the animals they meet 去了解它们所遇到的动物的真实面目
and reveal how intelligent they really are 看看它们到底有多聪明
how badly behaved they can be 有多顽皮
how important friendship is to them 有多重视友情
and if it's possible that they can truly love each other. 如果可能的话看看它们是否真爱彼此
What they discover will change our perception of animals for ever. 这些间谍动物的发现 将永远改变我们对动物的看法
Perhaps they are more like us than we ever believed possible. 也许它们比我们想象的更像人类
When it comes to solving life's problems, 在解决生活问题的时候
just how clever can animals be? 动物可以有多聪明
In the forest in Borneo lives one of our closest animal relatives, 在婆罗洲的森林里 生活着一群人类近亲
the orangutan. 猩猩

These great apes share 97% of our DNA. 这些类人猿和我们共享着97%的DNA
They're one of the most intelligent animals on Earth. 它们是地球上最聪明的动物之一
To film the behaviour of these shrewd primates 要拍摄这些精明的灵长类动物的行为
requires an exceptionally lifelike spy creature. 需要非常逼真的间谍动物
To be totally convincing, 要令它们信服的话
Spy Orang-utan must mimic their facial expressions. 间谍猩猩必须模仿它们的面部表情
Rather than bare her teeth, she needs to appear friendly. 比起呲着牙 她更需要表现出友善
By sending out the right signals, 通过发出正确的信号
she soon draws attention. 很快她就引起了注意
Adult males are always interested in any new female. 成年雄性猩猩总是会对新来的雌性猩猩产生兴趣
But he needs some convincing that all is quite what it seems. 但他需要一些看上去更能让他信服的东西
Spy Orang-utan pouts her mouth, 间谍猩猩撅着嘴
a sign she's not a threat. 表示她不具威胁
As news gets around, a young male comes to investigate, 消息传开后一只年轻的雄性猩猩过来查看了一番
and he, too, seems unsure. 他好像也不确定
Time for some careful reflection. 需要仔细思考一下
He keeps a safe distance, 他保持着安全距离
and finds an imaginative way to test the spy creature's reactions. 并采用了一种新方式来试探间谍动物的反应
It's a somewhat unorthodox way to make new friends. 这是一种非正常的交友方式
Solving problems creatively is proof of a clever mind. 创造性地解决问题证明了它们拥有聪明的头脑
Over time, as more orangutans visit the strange new creature, 随着越来越多的猩猩过来围观这个陌生的新面孔
confidence grows that she's not a threat. 大家也越来越肯定了她不具威胁
One youngster seems especially curious. 一只年轻的猩猩看起来特别好奇
Young orangutans learn by constantly interrogating their surroundings, and everything in it. 年幼的猩猩通过不时打量周围的环境来学习
Spy Orangutan captures a unique view 间谍猩猩拍到了
of an intelligent young mind developing. 聪明的小脑袋正成长的独特画面
Curiosity satisfied, he heads back. 好奇心满足以后 他便回去了
Among these orangutans, 在这群猩猩中
the thirst for knowledge has inspired some astonishing behaviour. 对知识的渴望激发出了一些令人惊讶的行为
Careful to keep her baby dry, 这位母亲小心翼翼地使她的宝宝保持干爽
the mother leaves the jungle to visit an old research outpost. 离开树林来到一个研究基地
This is the human world, 这是人类的地盘
a treasure trove for inquiring minds. 一个值得探索的宝地
She quietly helps herself. 她默默地拿了点
A bar of soap. 一块肥皂
She carries her find in her mouth back to the forest 她用嘴叼着 回到了森林
and joins a friend. 回到新朋友身边
They appear to use the soap just as we would. 看起来就像我们用肥皂那样
Around 40 years ago, 大约40年前
rescued orangutans released here learned to use soap 被解救的猩猩放生在这里后

by watching local people washing in the river. 通过观察当地人在河里洗澡 学会了使用肥皂
But, remarkably, these orangutans were born in the wild, 但惊人的是 这些猩猩是在野外出生的
so the idea has spread among the wild population. 所以这个方法在野外的猩猩群体里传播开来了
The sharing of the soap suggests how new orangutans 分享肥皂的行为展示了猩猩
may have learned the technique. 是如何学习新技巧的
It's become a form of animal culture, passed on to the young, 这成了一种动物文化 传承给年轻的一代
something only seen among a few intelligent species. 这仅存在于一些高智商的动物中
Why they are so keen to lather up 为什么它们如此热衷于泡沫
is intriguing and not completely understood. 这个问题非常有趣但原因还不为人知
But then, nearby, a female does something 但是 就在跟前 一只雌猩猩做出了
that might shed light on this extraordinary behaviour. 一些可以揭示这种非凡行为的事情
She chews a piece of bark 她咀嚼着一小片树皮
and creates a frothy lather in her mouth, 嘴里产生了泡沫
just like soap suds. 就像是肥皂泡
Rubbing it on her arm, 在胳膊上摩擦着
she makes the same movements as she would if washing with soap 她做着和用肥皂清洗一样的动作
but then starts to eat it. 然后吃掉了
Orangutans are known to use medicinal leaves in similar ways. 人们已经知道 猩猩用类似的方式使用药用叶子
So perhaps the bark has therapeutic qualities, too. 所以也许这种树皮也具有疗效
Maybe soap washing caught on so easily 也许用肥皂洗澡如此流行
because it mirrored their natural behaviour. 是因为这反映了它们的自然行为
They also eat the suds, but strangely, 它们也吃肥皂泡 但奇怪的是
they seem to enjoy the taste. 它们似乎很喜欢这个味道
It doesn't harm them in any way. 反正对它们不会有害
Perhaps it aids their digestion,too. 也许这也有助于消化
And now Spy Orangutan gives it a try 现在间谍猩猩也尝试着
much to the real one's fascination. 像真猩猩一样入迷
Intelligent curiosity is vital for orangutan survival 生活在这复杂的森林里聪明且好奇心强
in a complex jungle world. 对猩猩来说至关重要
In the cold and harsh conditions of Alaska, 在阿拉斯加寒冷恶劣的条件下
animals also rely on their wits to stay alive. 动物们同样依靠着它们的智慧存活
Here, sea otters gather together in congregations known as rafts. 在这里 海獭聚集在这里 像竹筏一样
They are notoriously difficult to approach. 它们是出了名的难以接近
So Spy Sea Otter offers the best chance to infiltrate their world. 所以间谍海獭提供了一个接近它们的好机会
He approaches slowly 他慢慢地接近
and soon captures some of the closest and most intimate views possible. 很快就捕捉到了一些最亲密的画面
Happy he's harmless, 确认他无害后
the otter gets on with his daily routine. 海獭继续他的日常
Wherever he goes, 不论他去哪里
Spy Otter keeps a spying eye on him. 间谍海獭始终监视着他
Sea otters spend up to 50% of their time feeding, 海獭每天花上一半的时间觅食
catching seafood delicacies such as clams and crabs. 捕食一些美味的水产 比如蛤和蟹
But some shells are just too tough for their teeth to crack. 但是一些贝类太过坚硬 难以用牙齿咬开
This is where their ingenuity comes in. 这就是体现它们智慧的时候了
Stones are dredged from the seabed 从海底捞出的石头
then placed on their chests as anvils. 放在胸前 作为石砧
He can then crack even the toughest shell. 就算是最坚硬的贝壳也能敲开
It's a brilliant solution, 这是一个绝妙的方法
but a mother with a newborn faces a problem. 但带孩子的母亲就有麻烦了
How to feed with a baby on board? 宝宝躺在上面 她该怎么办
Newborn otters are covered with soft, downy fur 新生的小海獭身上覆盖着柔软的绒毛
to keep them warm and buoyant. 来保暖和增加浮力
It takes three months to gain the waterproof adult fur 需要三个月后才能长出防水的成年皮毛
needed to dive underwater. 才能潜入水底
So, when he's wet and bedraggled, 所以 当他又湿又脏的时候
the mother grooms his fur and blows in air 海獭妈妈便会梳理它的毛发 吹着气
to keep him dry and buoyant. 让他保持干燥 好浮起来
Having spruced him up into a floating fuzzball, 把他整理成毛球一样后
she confidently leaves him to bob about on his own. 她放心地让它自己浮着
She's now free to dive for food 现在她可以潜水去找吃的了
leaving baby asleep 离开熟睡的宝宝
in his furry flotation suit. 它靠着绒毛浮在水上
When he awakes,he finds his mother has gone. 当他醒来时 发现他的妈妈已经离开
He swims to reach her, 他想要游到她的身边
but he's now fighting the tide. 却要与浪潮抗争
But his mother must eat while she can. 他的妈妈需要尽可能地多吃
The survival of both depends on it. 这关系到母子俩的生存
The baby may be struggling, 宝宝可能要游得很费力
but here, mothers believe in tough love. 但是在这里 海獭妈妈坚持严厉的爱
She can't miss the opportunity to feed. 她不能错过觅食的机会
No matter how vigorously her baby swims, 不论她的宝宝游得多么起劲
the current carries him away. 浪潮还是卷走了他
But his mother is smarter and more caring than she seems. 不过海獭妈妈更聪明 而且比看上去更关心她的宝宝
Far from being neglectful, 非但没有疏忽
she's teaching her baby a vital survival lesson. 她还教会了她的宝宝至关重要的生存技能
He's been born into a tough world. 他出生在一个举步为艰的世界
These sea swells are nothing 与他要面临的未来相比
compared with what he'll face in the future. 这些海浪都不算什么
Intelligent animals spend a lot of time teaching their youngsters. 聪明的动物都会花大量的时间来教它们的孩子们
It's how they pass on vital skills. 这是它们传授重要技能的方法
Now another lesson. 现在是另外一课
In rough weather, sea otters 天气恶劣时 海獭
wrap themselves in kelp 用海藻包裹着自己
to use as an anchor. 就像用锚一样
Sometimes, it helps to cosy up with someone else. 有时 这也可以趁机与其他海獭套近乎
Spy Otter tries it out. 间谍海獭也试了一下
Clearly, this is harder than it looks. 很明显 这比看上去更难
In this harsh environment, 在这样艰难的环境中
the otters' intelligence helps them eke out a living. 海獭的智慧帮助它们维持生活
The arid forests of north-east Brazil 巴西东北部的干旱森林里
could hardly be more different, 情况又完全不同了
but here, too, necessity is the mother of invention. 但这里 有需求就也有创造
It's so dry, bearded capuchins find little in the way of fruit. 这里非常干燥 黑纹卷尾猴几乎找不到水果
Instead, they have to make do with dried seeds and nuts. 所以它们只能食用种子和坚果
But these nuts have incredibly hard shells. 但是这些坚果的壳非常硬
To crack them open, they use stones as tools, 为了弄开这些坚果 它们把石头用作工具
some almost as heavy as they are. 有些几乎和它们自己一样重
It's a cultural tradition 这是一种文化传统
that's thought to be at least 700 years old. 至少有700年了
Spy Rock stakes out their favourite nut-cracking site. 间谍石头监视着它们最喜欢敲果壳的地方
It takes both skill and intelligence to perfect the technique. 熟练掌握这项技能需要同时具备技巧和智慧


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