I've got a female, age 41, |
我这有位女患者41岁 |
died in a sauna of apparent heatstroke, |
蒸桑拿时猝死表面上是因为中暑 |
But her urine came back normal for hydration. |
但其尿液显示水含量正常 |
What are her electrolytes? |
那电解质含量呢 |
Uh, they're these things in her body that contain free ions? |
你指的是血液中的带电荷的无机离子吗 |
Wait. I know. |
等等我知道了 |
You're thinking hypernatremia. |
你的意思是血钠过高 |
I'm thinking you should go now. |
我的意思是你该闪人了 |
Hello, Megan. |
你好梅根 |
Todd, w-what are you doing at Lacey's school? |
托德你在莱西的学校干什么 |
I'm not at Lacey's school. I'm at the office. |
我不在莱西的学校我在办公室 |
What are you doing calling her on her cellphone? |
你打她的手机干什么 |
Well, you screen my calls to the house. |
因为你总把我的来电转到家里座机上 |
You know, the phone works both ways, Megs. |
打电话是两个人的事梅格丝 |
She could call you if she wanted to. |
她想打自然会打给你的 |
Why would she want to? |
她怎么可能给我打电话呢 |
I'm the bad guy, aren't I? |
我是坏人不是吗 |
I... |
我 |
would like to come to Lacey's birthday, please. |
想去给莱西庆祝生日拜托 |
Look, Megs, we've been through this. |
梅格丝我们都说过了 |
- You know, you're not invited. - Wait a-- |
-你不在邀请之列-等等 |
You lost her, okay? |
你已经失去她了好吗 |
Just like you lost me. |
正如你已失去我一样 |
- Wait a minute. I just want to... - I'm sorry. |
-等一下我只是想-对不起 |
- I gatta go. - Todd, at least let me... |
-我挂了-托德至少让我 |
talk to her. |
跟她说说话 |
This is Dr. Megan Hunt, |
我是验尸官 |
medical examiner, |
梅根·亨特医生 |
Assisted by Peter Dunlop, medical investigator, |
这是我的助手彼得·邓洛普验尸员 |
Performing an autopsy on Angela Swanson, age 32. |
验尸对象名为安吉拉·斯旺森32岁 |
So what do we know about our girl? |
这个女孩的已知资料有多少 |
She's local. Grew up in, uh, Narberth. |
她是本地人在纳伯斯长大 |
Senior associate at |
是佩杰·豪威尔及沃克 |
Paige, Howell and Walker. |
律师合作社的高级助理 |
Single, no boyfriend. |
单身没有男友 |
Colleagues say she was a workaholic. |
同事说她是个工作狂 |
Pretty much lived at the office. |
几乎就住在办公室里 |
Well, she's obviously in excellent physical condition. |
显然她的身体素质极佳 |
Calluses on her feet, a few minor scars. |
足下生茧零星的小伤疤 |
Healed bite marks on the left forearm, |
前臂有已愈合的咬痕 |
Both posterior and anterior, probably canine. |
前后齿痕都有可能是犬类 |
Keeps her nails clipped, a little bit chewed. |
指甲经常修剪有点爱啃指甲 |
Any DNA under 'em? |
指甲缝里有残存的DNA吗 |
All in good time, detective. |
有点耐心探长 |
Looks like she grinds her teeth. |
貌似她有磨牙的习惯 |
完整版请点击 |
Another sign of stress. |
又是紧张的迹象之一 |
Scaring on the skull above the hairline... |
发际上方有一条伤疤 |
And a small nodule or neoplasm at the base of her neck. |
颈下发现一个小结节或是肿瘤 |
She got her head bashed in. |
她的头部受到了重击 |
Can we get to the murder weapon already? |
我们能研究一下凶器吗 |
Look at her. |
看看她 |
Tell me what you see. |
告诉我你看到了什么 |
A dead girl. |
一个死去的女孩 |
I see... a beautiful young woman |
我看到的是一位年轻貌美的女子 |
who ate well and kept fit. |
胃口很好而且注重身材 |
For whom? |
这么做是为了谁呢 |
A boyfriend? Did she break up with him? |
是男朋友吗他们分手了吗 |
Look deeper. She shows signs of stress. |
再进一步想想她生前压力很大 |
A workaholic. |
是个工作狂 |
Was she up for partner? Did she piss somebody off? |
她被升为合伙人了吗有没有得罪谁呢 |
Was somebody jealous, out to get her? |
有没有遭人记恨几欲除之而后快 |
The answers are all here, |
答案都在这里 |
because that's what we do. |
因为这就是我们的工作 |
I honor the body for what it tells me |
我尊重尸体因为它能告诉我 |
about Angela Swanson's life |
安吉拉·斯旺森的生前故事 |
and how that life came to an end. |
以及她命丧黄泉的原因 |
The body is the proof. |
逝者之躯便是如山铁证 |
It will tell you everything you need to know |
只有沉心静气观察入微 |
if you just have the patience to look. |
它便会说出你想知道的一切事情 |
I'm gonna get some coffee. |
我要去喝咖啡了 |
The skull collapsed into the occipital lobe |
头骨塌陷压入枕叶 |
in a v-shaped depression. |
呈V形凹陷 |
There are flecks of rust throughout. |
四周粘附有诸多锈斑 |
Your murder weapon is heavy, maybe cast iron, |
凶器是重物可能是铸铁制品 |
square with a dull edge, |
鉴于有一头为钝形 |
possibly a large plumber's wrench or some kind of mallet. |
可能是水管工用的大号扳手或锤头什么的 |
- And, detective. - Yeah. |
-对了探长-在 |
I take mine with cream, no sugar. |
我那杯咖啡加奶不加糖 |
He's usually not so pleasant. |
他总是板着个脸 |
Neither am I. |
我也这样 |
I heard you were some big neurosurgeon a few years back. |
我听说几年前你是很牛逼的神经外科医生 |
Used to be. |
曾经是 |
So why are you working here? |
那你现在为什么到这里工作 |
You can't kill somebody |
因为只有已死之人经我之手 |
if they're already dead. |
才不会枉送性命 |
Yes, the--the Carol Ramsey tote. Is it in yet? |
对卡罗·拉姆西的包包到货了吗 |
Oh, great. Okay. Uh, I'll be in. |
太棒了好的我会过去的 |
What is your name again? Thank you. |
再问一下您贵姓谢谢 |
Working hard I see. |
工作真勤奋啊 |
You here just to annoy me? |
你来就是为了烦我吗 |
I put a hold on Angela's stomach contents. |
我在等安吉拉胃内容物的检查结果 |
The liquid we found was some kind of sports drink, |
我们从中提取的液体是某种运动饮料 |
and the tissue sample from her neck is at the lab. |
从颈部提取的组织样本还在化验 |
And the diaphragm, too, right? |
子宫帽也送去了吗[避孕用品] |
Yeah, that, too. About that, |
对那个也在化验说到这个 |
why does a woman wear a diaphragm on a morning run? |
什么女人会在晨跑时戴着子宫帽啊 |
Well, she either had sex |
要么她是刚做完爱 |
or was planning on having sex or... |
要么就是正准备做爱或是 |
some women use them as a barrier before they get their period. |
有的女人在非经期拿它当保险闸用 |
I didn't know that. |
这我之前可是闻所未闻 |
Clearly. And what about the scar above her hairline? |
正常那她发际上方的伤疤是怎么回事 |