

英文 中文
Hey, you guys see the dude I brought in today... 你们看到我今天带回来的人了么
The drug dealer? 81 years old. 那个毒贩 都81了
I think it's the oldest collar of my entire career. 我觉得他是我职业生涯逮到的最老的
I once arrested a 96-year-old for flashing. 有次我逮捕了一个96岁的暴露狂
I was terrified he'd die in my backseat... 我吓死了 怕他会死在我车后座
Or flash me. 或者是露给我看
My oldest collar was 78, but the PCP 我逮过最老的是78 不过迷幻药
made her fight like she was 20. 让她打架的时候像20岁的
What about two 50-year-old twins? 那50岁的双胞胎呢
Does that count as a 100-year-old? 能不能算是100岁
- No good. - No. - 不算- 不算
You talking oldest bags? 68. 你们在讨论最老的么 我的纪录是68
- That's not that old. - Yeah, but I was only 20. - 那不是很老啊- 不老 但是我当时才20
20? Were you even a cop then? 20岁 你那么年轻就当警察了么
No, man, it was before I got into the academy. 不是 是在我去军校之前
Charles isn't talking about his oldest arrest. Charles说的不是他逮过的最老的
No... yes, I am. 不是 是 我是
Yeah, oldest arrest... 68, like I said. 对啊 逮捕过的最老的 是68 正如我所说
God, you had sex with a 68-year-old 天啊 你20多岁的时候

when you were in your 20s? 居然和68的上床了
You know how it is. 你懂得
When you have a chance to bed an older woman, you... 当你有机会和年长的女人上床 你
No, that is not an older woman. That's an old woman! 不对 那可不是年长的 那是年老的
That's someone's grandma! 那是奶奶级人物啊
She was, actually. That's how I met her. 她还真是 我们就是那样邂逅的
Went to college with her grandson Marvin. 我和他孙子Marvin是大学同学呢
Don't... don't knock it till you try it. 你没试过就不要乱说
She had a replacement hip with some serious torque. 她的髋骨可是金属转矩的呢
It was like having sex with a transformer. 就像是和变形金刚做爱一样
No. That is no one's fantasy. 可真没人意淫过这个
Peralta Peralta...
Where are we on the Lincoln place murder? 林肯地区的凶杀案进展如何了
Well, like I told Captain Holt earlier this week, 这周早些时候我告诉Holt警监
we are at the one-yard line. It's a football reference. 离目标一步之遥 这是橄榄球术语啊
Yes, Jake. I played linebacker at Syracuse. 我知道 Jake 我在意大利锡拉库扎当过中后卫
- Really? - In High School, I played center field - 真的假的- 高中时候 我在音乐剧<失魂记>
in the musical damn Yankees. 演过棒球中外场呢
Yeah, you don't want to brag about that. 你可没必要炫耀这个啊
Peralta, you want to loop everyone in? Peralta你要不要再给大家复习一下
- Ehh... - That was not a request. - 嗯嗯呃- 我可没有问你
Fine. 好吧
Get ready for some stuff on a screen. 准备好看大屏幕
Meet Fred Gorman... 给大家介绍Fred Gorman
Prominent citizen, lawyer, corpse. 杰出公民 律师 尸体
Now meet his wife, Ann Hoert. 这是她老婆 Ann Hoert
She did not take his last name, 她没有取他的姓
but I believe she did take his life. 但她取了他的命
- Nice. - Thank you, Charles. - 真押韵- 谢谢 Charles
Now, Hoert had means, motives, and opportunity. Hoert有这个打算 有动机也有机会
I just need to find the murder weapon. 我们只需找到杀人凶器
For some reason, the D.A. won't move forward with the arrest 出于某种原因 地检在我们找到她杀人用刀之前
until we find the knife she used. 是不会给我们逮捕令的
Is that reason that they want to win the case? 那不是他们想赢得案件的原因么
Well, find it. 那找到它
The family's close to the mayor, 那一家和市长很亲近
and I'm catching heat from the higher-ups. 上级也一直在给我施加压力
I'm gonna ask you again. 我再问你一次
Do you need any resources or personnel? 你需不需要任何人力物力的帮助

No, sir, I've got it. 不用 警官 我可以的
Dismissed! 散会
Sergeant Jeffords, my office. Jeffords警长来我办公室
He probably wants to talk to you about 他可能想和你讨论一下
how your shirts aren't tight enough probably. 为什么你的衬衫不够紧身
Okay, how can we help? What do you need? 好 我们可以帮点什么 你需要什么
I need nothing. 我什么都不需要
I'm about to solve this case, meet the mayor, 我要破了这个案子 见一下市长
and sell my life rights to Channing Tatum 跟Channing Tatum签了卖身契
so he can play my less attractive brother in the ensuing film. 他就能在新电影里扮演没我帅的兄弟了
Come on, Peralta, Holt said to use the whole team. 不要这样 Peralta Holt说要投入所有警力
We all want this solved. 我们都想尽快破案
I appreciate the offer, but I work best alone... 我很感谢你们想帮忙 最好还是我自己来
Except when it comes to sex. 除了做爱的时候
Actually, sometimes including sex. 实际上 有时候也包括做爱
Will you just let us help? 你就让我们帮忙吧
Okay, fine. 好吧 好吧
I will let one of you help me... Charles. 我就让一个人帮忙 Charles来
And I am choosing Charles because he's the least likely 我选他是因为他最不可能
to steal my thunder. 抢我风头了
I would never steal his thunder. 我绝不会抢你风头的
I-I'd be afraid to borrow it. 借一下你的风头我都怕
Terry, I'd like you to accompany me to a gun range. Terry 跟我一起去靶场吧
You mean drive you there and wait outside... 你是说让我开车送你去然后在外面等着你么
Far away from the guns. 离枪越远越好
I spent eight years in the public affairs office, 我在公共事务这行业做了8年了
so my tactical skills are a little rusty. 枪技有点生疏了
I need some pointers. 需要点指导
Sir, I haven't fired a weapon since the incident. 长官 自从那个事件之后我就再也没开过枪了
The mannequin incident... I'm familiar. 假人事件啊 我很了解啊
Actually, there was an incident after that. 实际上 那之后还有个事件
Another incident? 还有
You got to cool it, man. 哥们儿 你得冷静啊
I'm gonna get some candy. 我去拿糖吃
Sir, I may not be the man for the job. 长官 我可能不是最佳人选
You used to be the precinct's champion marksman. 你以前可是管辖区的神枪手啊
I only want to take pointers from the best. 我需要最好的指导
So I'll keep it low-key. 那我们低调行事吧
We'll go after work to a private range. 下班后去私人靶场吧
No cops, no pressure. 无警察 无压力
Gun range. 靶场
- I told Gina she could join us. - I want to get certified. - 我告诉Gina她可以跟我们一起去- 我想拿到配枪资格
There has been a ton of crime in my neighborhood, 我住的那区最近很不安生
and the cops in my precinct are very bad. 那片区的警察也是吃白饭的
You live in our precinct. 你就住我们片区
Yeah, I know. 我知道
I know we've gone over this before, 虽然我们之前问过了
but I have to ask you again. 但我们还要再问一次
Is there anywhere you can think of in that hallway 走廊里有没有任何地方你觉得
where a knife could be hidden? 可以藏住一把刀
Well, since I've already told you, like, three times, no, 我都跟你们说了 得三次了吧 没有
why don't I just record it? 我还是录个音
Then I don't have to say it again. 我就不用再说一次了
The hallway, like all other hallways, 走廊 和所有走廊一样
does not have a secret knife-hiding place. 没有秘密藏刀的地方
All right, you want to hear it again? 好 你要再听一遍么
Idea for a novel... 小说的构思
A mild-mannered doorman gets bitten on the penis by a radioactive spider 一位温良恭谨的门童的鸡鸡被有辐射的蜘蛛咬了
and becomes the world's greatest lover. 遂而成为世界上最厉害的伴侣
No, don't stop it. I want to hear what happens. 不要停 我想知道发生了什么
This is terrific. 真好
He saves the first lady, if you must know. 你要非想知道的话 他救了第一夫人
Sounds compelling. 挺引人入胜的
Oh, boy. 天啊
Well, hello. 你们好啊
I heard you guys were making the rounds again. 我听说你们要再巡查一遍
All right.
- This one's all you, tiger. - Come on! - 猛男 归你了- 拜托
Police! 警察
Hey, ma'am. 女士
Thank God! Here, hold this. 谢天谢地 给 抱着
- The lasagna's burning. - Okay. - 千层面要糊了- 好吧
Get the dog, but don't let it touch the baby! 抓住狗 不要让它碰宝宝
Oh. Okay. Peralta. 好 我是Peralta
Yo, I looked at the photos of your victim on your desk. 我看了你桌子上受害人的照片
Is that Rosa? Tell her I said hi. 是Rosa么 替我问好
The puncture wounds are similar 那个伤口和我之前
to a case I had a while back. 一个案子的很像
They aren't from a knife. 不是刀伤
I think it's something spiral, like a corkscrew. 我觉得是某种螺旋状的东西 比如说螺旋开瓶器
Shh, shh, shh, shh. 嘘 嘘
Don't shush me. I'm helping you. 别嘘我 我在帮你
No, no, I'm holding a baby. 不是 我抱着孩子呢
That was actually very helpful, thank you. 你说的那些很有用 谢谢
Uh-oh. You better get back here. Now. 你最好回来 现在就回
Oh! Hello, Peralta. 你好啊 Peralta
No, no, no! 不 不 不
I don't know why you're so upset, man. 我不知道你为啥这么不开心
I'm the one who had to come to this backwater stink hole. 我才是收拾这个烂摊子的人
What's up, little man? 小矮人 你还好吧
- What's up?- Feeling sexy? Huh? - 你好啊- 感觉很性感吗
Yeah, I feel sexy. 是啊 我很性感
- Yeah, you look sexy, man.- You know I do. - 你很性感- 我就是性感
Watch out for that door. 小心门
Yo, how much you bench, seriously? 说真的 你能举多重的哑铃
Captain, please, please, pretty please 警监 求您了 求您了 求求您
do not let him take over my case. 别让他接手我这个案子
Major crimes is stepping in. Nothing I can do. 重案组一旦介入 我也爱莫能助
You're off the case. 这案子不用你管了


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