· 英译中
The billionaire co-founder of Xiaomi Corp. unveiled the company's first electric vehicle Thursday, declaring ambitions to become a top global carmaker in 15 to 20 years and compete against Tesla Inc. and Porsche AG.
The SU7, which stands for Speed Ultra, will be powered by batteries from Chinese market leaders Contemporary Amperex Technology Co. Ltd. and BYD Co., depending on whether it has a single or dual motor configuration.
周四,小米公司联合创始人、亿万富翁雷军(Lei Jun)发布了该公司首款电动汽车,宣布用15年到20年时间成为全球顶尖汽车厂商,对标保时捷和特斯拉。
Speed Ultra的缩写是SU7,这款车的电池将来自中国市场领头羊宁德时代公司和比亚迪公司,具体取决于选用单电机还是双电机配置。