五花肉最近在国外过得不顺,和媳妇闹别扭,有点儿不想过了,他去找律师,他说:“我想立个遗嘱,但是我又不知道怎么做?”,人家律师很专业,就告诉他了“没问题,包在我身上了,leave it to me.” 老五的英语在我们这些人里面算可以的,听力特别好,一听就感觉不对劲,心里琢磨呀,leave it to me,难道这孙子是说要把遗嘱都leave to 他?这不行。这亏肯定不能吃,老五就说了:“我知道你们律师收费贵,你得拿走一大部分。但是我还是想留一点儿给我的家人leave a little to my family.”
I have a friend, called LaoWu.
People call him LaoWu WuHuaRou, not for his ranking in his family.
Now that everybody feels troublesome calling his whole name, so we use its shorten form, LaoWu.
These days, things seemed to go worng with his marriage while he lives abroad. Then he decided to go to his lawyer and say, "I'd like to make a will but I don't know exactly how to go about it." The lawyer was a good one who smiled at Laowu and replied :" Not a problem, leave it to me."
LaoWu’s command of English of language is the best among us, particularly his listening which once shocked the IELTS's examiner in a test.
On hearing the phrase “leave it to me”, he somehow felt something different. He turned it over in his mind, speculating “ Is this stupid taking about that I should leave my will to him?” There is no way falling for it, so he said:”Well, I knew you were going to take a big portion, but I would like to leave a little to my family too!”
老五把leave it to me的意思搞错了,人家的意思是这件事叫给我办,一定给你办得妥妥的。