MFS02 E05

S02 E05

Mon, the dog again.

I know baby, I  want to strangle that crazy old thing.

just ignore it.

It’s easy for you to ignore because you have the old-man hearing. But Manny an d I— we have the young ears.

I don’t get how one dog keeps you awake when you grew up sleeping through cockfights and revolutions. 

Mm-hmm. Very funny, Jay. Manny hasn’t been able to sleep in weeks. It’s screwing his brain for school. And it doesn’t stop. It goes on and on and on and on and on and on.

Yes, that could be annoying.

That’s it . I’m going over there.(去找他们)

Gloria, now, don’t go staring something. Because whenever you do, I’m the one that—that she couldn’t hear.

the dog again 狗又叫了,什么什么又来了

strangle 勒死

cockfights 斗鸡


Screw one‘s brain for school  绞尽脑汁上课 没精神上课 screw=fuck

It goes on and on and on and on and on and on.一直叫啊叫啊叫啊。。。

Go star sth 别惹事

They’re gone, Cam.

All the children are gone.

What children.

I was running in the park, and I noticed that none of the kids lily usually plays with were there.

Well, it’s still early

But then I ran into Lori.

boobs Lori or adult-braces Lori?

Great-shoes Lori,

Oh, I like her.

And she said that they all sent their kids to preschool.

What? We agreed to wait till nest year.

It was a fake-out to make sure that their kids got a spot.

Those shinny bitches.

We have got to get her into school, Cameron, or else she’s gonna fall behind.

Don’t you think I know that?

This is perfect. Oh, leave it to the gays to raise the only underachieving Asian in America.

Run into 遇到

boobs 胸部



A fake-out 假动作 指忽悠我们

Get a spot 得到名额 争取一席之地

underachieving 未发挥水平 ,这里是指成绩不佳

Okay,here you go. Guys, breakfast. Guys. Phil. Hello.

Totally with you. Kids, put your dishes in the dishwasher.

Okay,no. that’s it. Everybody, gadgets down now! Why are you freaking out?

Because you’re all so involved with your little gizmos, nobody is even talking. Families are supposed to talk.

What are you doing that’s so important?你做什么呢这么重要 你在处理是了不得的事吗

Oh, I’m locking in my fantasy roster. i’m unbeatable. We’re totally getting an aboveground pool.

Die, studio, die! Luke, I told you to put that down now.  Come on, baby. 

One second. I’m about to beat dad’s record.

You heard your mother.

What is so funny?


Mom’s insane. Thank you, haley.

At least we talk.


Hey, it’s me. What’s a good preschool?

Uh, well, our kids went to Wagon Wheel. 

And it was good? You like it?

Oh, well, you know my kids are middle-management meterial at best. Didn’t want to waste a lot of money— yes, Mitchell, it’s good.why the interest?

I just realized that all of Lily’s friends are going to school this year, and now she’s late. 

don’t worry. She can wait another year. Just buy her a Blackberry, that’a all she’s gonna want to do anyway.

What did she say?

She says to buy her a Blackberry.

Lily doesn’t have the dexterity for that, Claire!

What I happening?

Can you just check with your school and see if maybe you can get us in?

Hmm. I-i can probably get you an interview.

Oh, no. that’s great. That’s great. Thank you, I really appreciate it. Oh, and, by the way, what do you think of that place Billingsley Academy?

Ooh, Billingsley. Very hoity-toity. You can’t get in there unless you’re really rich or you know somebody on the board.

Oh,god, this is a nightmare.

Mitch, it’s preshcool, don’t overthink it. My kids didn’t go to Billingsley, and they are fine. I have to go.(我得挂了)


That’s awesome.

Totally with you我在我在 我在听我在听

gadgets小机械 这里指手机 电子设备

Freaking out 你干嘛这么烦躁 吓人 干嘛发飙

So involved with 深陷 着迷


Talk 说话 沟通交流

fantasy roster 梦幻花名册

Lock in 锁定

locking in my fantasy roster 打游戏 挑选我的最佳团队梦之队 选人

unbeatable 战无不胜 打不垮

aboveground pool地上泳池

insane 精神失常 发疯

are middle-management meterial at best 最多算个中等货色变(这段话是讽刺M,表示C当然为孩子选好的学校。)

why the interest?你怎么对这个感兴趣了

dexterity 灵巧 dexterity for 有能力做xx

Academy 专科院校,研究院

hoity-toity 自命不凡 很拽

somebody on the board 校董会有人开后门

nightmare 噩梦

Overthnk 别想太多

Buenos dias. 

Hi. We haven’t formally met. i’m Gloria Pritchett from next door.

Larry Paulson. Yeah, I’ve seen you. Mm. Lucky guy.

Wait a minute, then tell me.

Your dog doesn’t barking. All morning, all night. He wakes my son up, and he needs his sleep.

It’s not my dog. It’s my soon-to-be ex-wife’s. She moved out three weeks ago.

Is she coming back for it?

Not unless it starts crapping money.

Well, you need to do something about the dog.

The dog is old and stupid.

Who are you really mad at,Larry? The dog or your wife?

Who the hell os this kid?

Hey, there’s no need for that. I’ll tell you who he is. his name is “shut up your damn dog”!

You know what’s ironic? You come over here complaining and I have never once said a word about that obnoxious parrot of yours. That’s always squawking.


What parrot?

What is he talking about? What parrot?

How the hell do l know?

Wo, what do we do now?

Nothing, we did it. He heard us.

He didn’t hear nothing.

Jay, don’t go. Jay.

Formally met 正式见面

Wait a minute, then tell me. 等着瞧;话别说太早,是福是祸一会就知道。


Ironic 讽刺的

obnoxious 讨厌的

parrot 鹦鹉 

squawking 嘎嘎叫

Okay,we have called this family meeting because the personal electronics have gotten out of control.

starting today, there’s going to be a one-week ban on all cellphones, texting,


IM'ing video chatting, video-gaming- anything on the internet.

How am I supposed to do my homework?

The way I did.

With a chisel and a piece of stone.


Can’t unplug of my funny bone.

I have a huge science paper due.

And we have a great set of encyclopedias… somewhere. What do you think the public library is for?

I thought that was a bathroom for homeless people.

Can I still play plants vs. Zombies?

Are you not listening?

But you learn about plants.


And plants are life. Are you against life?

How am I supposed to talk to my friends?

Talk to them at school.

Ot at a juice bar.(果汁店)

Or on the house phone.

Nobody even knows our number.

I don’t even know our number.

So, you’re saying dad’s not going to go online?



That’s right.

What about fantasy football?

Not a problem. My team’s set this week.球队这边已经安排好了 I am completely on board your mother’s horse and buggy to yesteryear. For the next week, I may as well be Amish. Jebediah Dunphy. Raising barns, witnessing murders, making electric fireplace hearths.

Oh! This is so unfair.

You know what? We’re gonna make this fun. Turn it into a game.  Whoever says unplugged the longest, wins.

Not what I had in mind, Phil.

What do we win?

What do you want?

I want a new computer.


We’re gonna get them off of electronics, with the promise of more electronics?

I want chicken pot pie. 

And chicken.

I want a car.

No way! 


Yeah, I’m getting a car!

Yeah, fun , right?

Phil! We cannot afford a third car.

relax. They’re never gonna last as long as us.

Oh, honey, don’t take this the wrong way. But I have almost no faith in you. 但几乎对你毫无信心

personal electronics=consumer eclectronics 个人电子产品=消费电子

ban 扭转

IM'ing=Instant Message的缩写,也就是即时讯息


unplug 拔掉电源插头

funny bone 麻筋,这里指的是幽默感

Science paper科学论文

encyclopedias 百科全书

house phone 座机;内线电话

fantasy football疯狂足球

I am completely on board your mother’s horse and buggy to yesteryear.


On board 在火车(或轮船、飞机)上

horse and buggy 轻便马车(玩具)

yesteryear 昔日

Amish 阿曼门诺派(北美洲戒律严谨的宗教团体,过简朴的农耕生活,拒绝使用某些现代技术) 

Raising barns, witnessing murders, 穴居狩猎 茹毛饮血 钻木取火

Barn 畜棚

witnessing 目击

fireplace 壁炉

Hearths 壁炉炉床;壁炉前的地面;家和家庭生活

Get off of 远离XX  离开XX

chicken pot pie鸡肉馅饼

afford 支付得起

Joanie will be right out. She’s just finishing up another interview.

You’re welcome

I really like this place. Lookout all these drawings

I know.

And did you see the duckies in the yard? Lily love duckies.

I know. I’m gonna mention that.

Okay, well, do, because that’s really gonna set her apart from the rest of the kids. We should also mention how she always perks up when we watch “Charlie Rose.”

That was one time. He was interviewing Elmo.

You boys ought to be relax.

Oh, I’m sorry. We just— we really want to make a good impression.

Mm. Gay adoptive parents with a minority baby? Sugars, you can get into any school you want.

What was that? Really?

Oh, you didn’t know that? Oh,yeah. All of these schools like to brag about their diversity. you’re diverse times three. In demand. You’re like Jimmy Buffett tickets to these hybrid-driving, straight white folks.

I hear that, girl.


finish up 结束

Perk up 振作 perk sb/sth up 使XX充满活力


minority 少数民族 外籍

brag about 吹嘘

diversity 多样性

diverse times three 多元化的三次方 (神奇三侠客)随口说的算不上知识点

In demand 很受欢迎 需求量大


I’m coming.

Where the hell is the dog?

Who is it?

It’s our neighbor.

The dog is gone.

Maybe it ran away.

It was chained to a tree.

Maybe your wife took it.

According to my credit card, my wife is in europe, searching for the world’s most expensive hotel.

Then what do you want from us? 这关我们什么事?

You come over complaining about the dog and the nest day it’s gone? You Tell me .

I’ll tell—

How dare you? You come to our house, you ring our bell many times. And you accuse us of taking your dog.

You should go home.

We’re not done here.

Yes, we are.

What did you do?

You don’t want to know.

Gloria’s grandfather and uncle were butchers, so she’s always had a certain comfort level when it comes to… killing. One time, we had this rat…

What? First you smash it, then you cut head off.

It was like nothing to her.

I go to church now.

She left the head out there to send a message to the other rats.

have a certain comfort level when it comes to 对… 习以为常

smash 打

to send a message to= to send a signal 留个信=杀一儆百


Hi,honey. How was your day at work?

Amazing. Mwah.

Graat. What happened?

Instead of wasting my lunch hour surfing the web, checking football stats, I put on  some mellow music, and I meditated.

Wow. For how long?

I have no idea. Just woke up 20 minutes ago.

Hey,mom. I need a bar of soap and a black marker for an art project.

Okay,well. The marker’s over there, and the soap is under the sink. Isn’t it great how much time you have now that you’re not wasting it online?

Oh,my god. Is this what you always sound like?

Look what I built, dad. Dunphy towers. 200 condos, a happy family in every one.

Way to go, buddy. I got to hand it to you, honey. 24hours without video games, he’s already contributing to socity.

Die! Die!

To be fair, he’s using his imagination.

There’s no fire escapes! They cut corners! I’ll cut your corners!

Hello? Oh,hi. Luke, honey, it’s for you, hi, griffin. How are you? Yeah, he’s right here. Hold on.

Hey, Griffin. Oh,my god!

What happened?

There’s a parasailing-donkey video on YouTube.

Oh,my god. Wait , luck. What about the contest?

I quit. I’m not made of stone, you know.

Uhh! Ic an’t believe it. I got a “B” on my paper.

Good for you .


No, it would be good for you. It’s terrible for me. Thanks to your moldy encyclopedias, my take on mitosis was completely out of date. They don’t even call it protoplasm anymore, it’s cytoplasm.

Well,you could have asked one of us.

Now you’re making jokes?

I’m not making a joke.

Really? What’s the difference between a gamete and a zygote?

don’t fall for it,Claire. She’s just making up words.

that’s it. I need the internet. I’m out of your stupid contest.

And then there were three.

She’s kind scary.

We’re not buying her a car.

Surfing冲浪 ,surfing the web 这里是浏览网页

football stats足球数据,意思是足球动态

mellow music 舒缓的音乐

meditate 冥想

a bar of soap一块肥皂


condos同 condominium;一套公寓住房(有独立产权的公寓)


Way to go北美,非正式)【用于表示快乐、赞同或兴奋】行,好

got to 开始

hand it to 认输 甘拜下风 敬佩

contributing to socity.对社会有贡献,造福社会 contributing 捐助

fire escapes 防火梯

cut corners 抄近路 走捷径

parasailing-donkey 驴子水上滑翔 进行滑翔伞运动 

moldy=mouldy 发霉的

mitosis 有丝分裂

was completely out of date 完全过时


cytoplasm 细胞质; 胞浆

gamete 配子

zygote 受精卵

don’t fall for it别上当 

Hey, buddy, what you reading?

“ The old man and the sea.”

You like it?

I like that Hemingway gets to the point.

You read a lot of his stuff?

Taht was a hint,Jay.

Oh, okay. I want to ask you something… between you and me.

You want to know if I think my mom did something to the dog.



Don’t most kids drink soda?

Who knows what they do?

So, your mom.

Jay, I’ve learned a few things in my 12 years. Don’t skimp on linens, don’t compliment a teacher on her figure, and when it  comes to my mom, never ask questions I don’t want the answer to.

I don’t buy it, sensitive kid like you. I think you want to know every bit as much as I do.

You’re wrong. Then why is your hand shaking?

This is my fifth one of these today. I may have a problem.

Okay. That’s enough.

get to the point 开门见山

get straight to the point 直中要害

hint 暗示

Who knows what they do? 谁知道他们干嘛-谁管他们喝什么

Don’t skimp on linens. 别在亚麻床单上省钱(bed shieet 以前床单都是这类材质,现直接引用这个材质代表床单)

compliment 赞美

figure 身材

I don’t buy it, 我不相信

No,no,no, 4:00 tomorrow is fine. Yeah, my life partner and I will see you then.  thank—thank you.

Since when do you call me your life partner?

Sinece a spot opened up at Billingsley Academy.

But I like Wagon Wheel. It had all the duckies. And it reminded me of where I went in Missouri.

Cam, everyone goes to Brillingsley for a reason— it’s the Harvard of preschools.

She’s not even 2 years old yet. She doesn’t need the Harvard of preschools. She needs finger painting and duckies.

I’m begging u please just say”ducks.”

great news, Wagon wheel loved you. You’re in.

Oh. Wagon wheel wants us.

Oh, yes.

Okay. Well, that’s great and everything, but actually we have an appointment tomorrow atBillingsley.


Yeah, apparently we are in very high demand.

Oh, well, just so you know. I don’t think Wagon Wheel is gonna hold a place for you.

Well, I think we’re gonna take our chance.

Take our chance? That sounds chancy.

You know, you were the one who called me in a panic. You were the one who needed me to get you in.

I’m sorry, Claire. I didn’t mean to put you out.  But let’s not get too dramatic here. You wrote an e-mail.

It wasn’t’ an e-mail. It was a phone call from a land line.

what did you do?

What’s the best for lily/

Did you?

Cam, this is the first time that being gay is a competitive advantage. They’re choosing teams for gym class. and we’re finally getting picked first.

I always got picked first. I could throw a dodgeball through a piece of plywood. But I see your point.

life partner伴侣

duckies 鸭鸭 宝贝儿

apparently 明显地

we’re in very high demand 我们很抢手

hold a place for you为你保留位置

Take our chance 试试运气

chancy 冒险 不靠谱

I didn’t mean to put you out. 我不是有意麻烦你

Get too dramatic夸张

land line陆上通讯(运输)线 固定电话

a competitive advantage 竞争优势

dodgeball 躲避球

plywood 胶合板

don’t sneak up on me like that. What are you doing out here?

You got in my head about my mom.

Is that the rat shovel?


Are you checking it for signs of dog?

I was going to.

Well, let’s do this quick. if she catches us, we’re as dead as that dog probably is.

What are you doing here?


Why are you looking at that shovel? Do you think did something with that shovel, Manny?

He think you killed the dog.

You little rat

Don’t call me a rat! She kills rats!

sneak up on me like that 偷偷走近;偷偷挨近;突然降临;出其不意地发生

Get in my head about 你让我一直在想

You really think that I would kill a dog?

Well, what was I supposed to think?

I don’t know. How about I didn’t kill a dog?

Just tell me what you did with it.

He’s in a better place.

That’s what people say when something’s dead.

Okay, fine. I took him to a farm where he as plenty of room to run.

That’s the second thing people say when something’s dead.

My hairdresser’s brother has three kids. They live in the country. They were so happy to have the dog. That they gave me a jar of pickles. Is that also what the say when something is dead?


Look. Look how happy they are. Instead of his tied to a tree outside with no one to talk to.

Why don’t you just tell me this in the first place?

Like you would be okay with me stealing a dog?


Exactly. That’s why I didn’t tell you. Now the dog is happy, Manny can sleep, and we have pickles.

Okay, it worked out this time.

But don’t forget that stealing is against the law.

Now, maybe in Colombia.

Ah, here we go. 又来了because inColombia we trip over goats and we kill people in the street. Do you know how offensive that is? Like we are Peruvians!


Work out圆满结束;完成

Trip over 绊倒

offensive 无理

Peruvians 秘鲁人

The contest was hard. Reservations. Even though we had sworn off the internet, the rest of the world hadn’t. Orlando. Domestic. Representative.

You’ve got mail.

Really, Claire?

You don’t understand. I was trying to deal with our plane tickets to visit your family.

Please stop. You’re just embarrassing yourself. 

Well, it’s looks like it’s just you and me, old man.

Bring it.放马过来


sworn off 谢绝 发誓不用

Domestic 国内的

Representative 代理人


And finally, here we are back at the office. If you two would like to take a seat, I will let Mr. Plympton know that you’re here.

Thank you.

Yes, thank you. This place is amazing!

I told you.

It’s like Howarts!

The ladybug sanctuary.

Oh, my gosh. The little cobblestones.

So sweet, I know.

Screw the duckies. We belong here. Do you think they’re gonna let us in?

Cam, relax. We’re queer, we’re here.

Yes, we are.

Okay. Just a few more minutes.

Thank you .

Yes, thank you.

Hi. I’m Stephanie kaner.  And this is Javar. We have an interview with Mr. Plympton.

Wonderful. These two are first. You’ll be next.

Single white mother, black child.

So what? Lily’s asian. We’re gay. In the school admissions poker game. We’re the winning hand.

Oh, honey, sorry. My partner Kavita.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

Hello.  Nice to meet you.

It will be just a few minutes. Disabled interracial lesbians with an African kicker.

Did not see that coming.

ladybug 飘虫

sanctuary 庇护所

cobblestones 鹅卵石

queer 同性恋 基佬

school admissions poker game 入学扑克比赛

The winning hand一手好牌

Disabled interracial lesbians 跨种族伤残拉拉

African kicker 非洲;踢的人;(尤指)踢球的运动员;(一连串事情的)意外结局——非洲娃娃

Did not see that coming. 始料未及

it’s been a while since I read an actual newspaper. Miss that sound. 


What is it?

Brady’s injured. No! He’s my whole team. I have to change my roster.

Honey, if you can’t do it over the phone. You can’t do it, because we’re not buying haley a car.



Well… well, I’m just gonna go to the bathroom.

Phil Dunphy, don’t you even dream of it.

Claire, all my friends are in that league.

I’m gonna like an idiot.

So what?

So I paid a huge entrance fee.

How huge?

Not huge, tiny.

Oh, my is she not cracking up there?  listen to her.

No, I know, but do you know ?

Wait a minute. She’s alone.


She’s alone.

Oh, my god.

I know. You should see her pants. I’ll text it to you. Oh, wait. Okay, hold on. I’ll sed it. Sophie, I have to call you back.

I knew it. I knew you couldn’t do it. I told you I’d outlast them.

This sucks!

What’s going on?

I’ll tell you what’s going on.

I win.

Nobody gets a car, dump Tom Brandy, and our long amish nightmare is over,

I can’t believe you thought you were gonna put one over us.

I can’t believe that he’s actually on the internet.

Believe it, girl.

So, you’re actually online right now? 


Well, then I hate to break it to you, daddy. But you lose.


What? This isn’t my phone. I carved it out of a bar of soap, And colored it in with a marker.

Phil, she carved a telephone out of a bar of soap.

I can’t believe! I’m getting a car!

Holy crap. We’re been shawshanked.

Whole team 表示他是球队的灵魂 核心


don’t you even dream of it.你休想

League 联盟

a huge entrance fee 一大笔入会费

outlast 比…更长久

Sorry to break it to you 抱歉对你这样说

I hate to break it to you  我本不想说

break it to you 把..剁碎 详细解释给你听

carved it out of 雕刻出来

Holy crap.真扯淡

Shawshanked 肖生克的救赎 就是说他们被骗了

Sorry about the delay. I was going over the plans for our new dance studio.


So, tell me about yourselves.

Well, I’m a lawyer.

Many of our applicants are attorneys. what sets you apart?

Um, well, I —

While my white-man name is Tucker. I am 1/16 Cherokee. Ready for child to soar like eagle.

Oh, good.

Go over 仔细检查;认真讨论;用心思考

attorney 代理人

set apart 使与众不同;使突出

to soar like eagle  像雄鹰一样展翅高飞

So, what are you saying?

You’re not getting a car.

But I won.

Yes, but we never thought you would.


So, congratulations on your victory. Nobody can ever take that away from you.

So true. Mm-hmm.

But I spent two days in my room talking to a bar of soap. It’s not fair.

Totally not fair. We’re outraged.

bad parenting.

But we had a deal.

Which, in hindsight, was utter nonsense.

Hey. We hated Billingsley.

The place is so stupid. Ugh!

You blew the interview, didn’t you?


In a wheelchair.


in hindsight, was utter nonsense 事后想一想 事后想一想 事前猪一样

outrage 义愤填膺

hindsight 事后聪明

utter 完全


blew the interview 面试泡汤

You still mad at me?

You tell me.

What is this?

I’ve been think if you said as much about America as I said about Colombia, I’d be plenty ticked off.

Doesn’t make up for everything, but… 

A trip to Colombia?

I want to see your village, learn your culture. I love you. I’m sure I’m gonna love where you come from. 

Aw, Jay. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

No way he’s going to my village. I was in two car accidents when I was living there. Both time I hit a goat. One was hit pretty bad. But it was a good thing I had a shovel in the trunk.

I’d be plenty ticked off. 我早就气疯了

Tick off 在…上打钩;怒斥;责骂;惹恼;激怒

The tribe builder foretold that though I lay with fire-haired man the giving hawk would bring us baby, with her sink th e color of sweet corn, which my people call maize.

Please stop.

Well, um…

Knowledge is her sustenance, like so much maize which, you’ll remember, means “Corn.”

What if o was a single dad?

Lay with 与… 在一起

maize 玉米色(黄金之子。。。)


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