英文 | 中文 |
The human brain is remarkable. | 人类的大脑精妙绝伦 |
Once a day for nine years | 九年来我一直 |
I thought I'd lost my watch | 觉得自己丢了手表 |
cos I can't remember which wrist it's on. | 结果只是忘了戴在哪个手腕上 |
And yet, just after two weeks, | 然而两周之后 |
all the little things that scared me at first are like second nature, | 起初吓到我的小事已经驾轻就熟了 |
catheters, chest tubes, IVs... | 尿液导管 胸管 静脉管 |
Everything has started to click. | 一切开始变得"合拍" |
Are you? Because if you have time to listen to music, | 开心不 你要是有时间听音乐 |
then I assume you have time to finish your paperwork. | 那我觉得你也有时间去写报告 |
Keep moving. | 看什么看 |
That work day started like every other. | 这个工作日像往常一样开始了 |
How's it goin'? | 你好吗 |
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I'm 37 years old and I'm a janitor. | 我是个37岁的清洁工 |
How do you think it's going? | 你觉得我好吗 |
There is nothing wrong with being a janitor. | 当清洁工没什么不好的 |
Really? Thank you, you've turned my life around. | 是吗 谢谢 你改变了我的人生 |
I think I'll have to go and tell my janitor wife and | 我会告诉我的清洁工老婆 |
all our janitor kids | 和我的清洁工孩子 |
that life is worth living. | 咱还是有活头的 |
And that comes straight from our hero, Dr Whozits, Dr Nothing. | 这话还是咱的英雄"无名小卒"医生说的 |
No, seriously, come on. | 别走啊 拜托 |
You can come over to my humble house | 莅临寒舍指点指点 |
and point out things that are cheap. | 哪些东西是廉价货 |
Luckily, I had the night off to regroup. | 真幸运 我有一个晚上来重振旗鼓 |
That dog is creepy. | 那狗好吓人 |
Be nice to Rowdy. | 对Rowdy好一点儿 |
The guy we bought him from | 卖狗的那个人 |
used to keep him in a box full of old hats. | 把他放在堆满旧帽子的箱子里 |
Dude, why is she here all the time? | 为啥她老是在这里 |
Just give her a chance, man. | 给她个机会啊 伙计 |
Ow, you want to hit that. | 噢 你想泡她 |
-No! - Yeah! | -才不是- 就是的 |
She's just a friend. | 她只是个朋友 |
I think it's healthy, hanging out | 这多健康 跟一个女孩好好相处 |
with a girl without the ultimate goal being sex. | 而不是把性作为最终目的 |
You know? | 懂不 |
I'm not following. | 完全不懂 |
Creepy. I had a run-in with that nurse, Carla, yesterday. | 真吓人 我跟那个护士Carla吵了一架 |
She forgot to check out the stats on a patient | 她忘了检查病人的数据情况 |
and she gave me attitude about it. | 还跟我摆架子 |
Did you tell on her or something? | 你告她状了 |
- Who's responsible for this? - She is. | - 这是谁负责的- 她 |
I don't remember. | 我记不得了 |
Why would you automatically assume it was my fault? | 你为啥自动认为那是我的错 |
It'd be a good point, except that Elliot puts her foot in her mouth. | 说得好 因为Elliot说话总是不经过大脑 |
A lot. She can't really seem to stop. | 她看起来是不会闭嘴了 |
Just because I occasionally say something stupid | 我偶尔说了点蠢话 |
doesn't mean | 并不代表 |
I'm in the hospital going door-to-door annoying people, | 我就会在医院里一间一间地烦人 |
like some crazed Jehovah's Witness. | 像疯狂的耶和华见证人一样 |
- You're not? - No. | - 你不是吧- 不是 |
My mother is. | 我妈是 |
He's black, too. You should tease him about that. | 他还是黑人 你应该拿这个开他玩笑 |
Me, I'm doing better with new people. Like Carla, for instance. | 我跟新同事相处得更好 就拿Carla来说 |
Bambi, that blonde stick you hang out with? Tell her... | 斑比 那个跟你玩的金发妞 告诉她 |
You might have to write that down for me. | 你最好帮我写下来 |
and Dr Cox, we've really connected, | 至于我跟Cox医生 关系就甚是亲密了 |
I'm kinda like his protothea. | 我差不多成了他的小心腹 |
- I need to see his chart... - Done, copied | - 我要看他的病历- 搞定 复印了 |
and highlighted. | 还加亮了 |
Unfortunately, radar, I'm fresh out of gold stars. | 很不幸 小红花已经发完了 |
Multilobar pneumonia at 31. | 31岁就多叶性肺炎 |
How much does this guy smoke? | 他抽多少烟啊 |
I don't know. | 我不知道 |
You realized, of course, | 你也知道 |
it's your attention to detail that impresses me most. | 你对细节的关注才能打动我 |
- How many packs a day, genius? - Half a pack. | - 每天抽几包啊 小天才- 半包 |
I'm sorry. I phrased the question wrong. | 对不起 我措辞不当 |
How many packs a day, really? | 每天抽几包啊 说实话 |
Eleven. | 11包 |
You don't know where I'm coming from. | 你又不知道我家在哪儿 |
Two or three packs. | 两到三包吧 |
Well let's hear it. | 听听你的 |
I don't smoke so... Zero packs. | 我不抽烟的 所以 零包 |
What tests have you ordered? | 他想问你打算做什么检查 |
I was just... I was totally kidding with you. | 我就是 呃 跟你开个玩笑 |
He was. We're all in on it. | 他确实是 我们都说好了 |
I like Will. That actually makes this harder. | 我喜欢Will 但这并不是什么好事 |
I ordered blood cultures and a high-resolution CT. | 我准备做血液培养和高清CT |
What are you looking for? | 你这是要查什么 |
Cancer. | 癌症 |
When you say the word "cancer", | 你说"癌症"的时候 |
every person reacts the same way. | 每个人的反应都是一样的 |
- Excellent. - Not like that. | - 太好了- 不是那样 |
There it is. | 像这样 |
I never know what to say to Turk's stupid surgery buddies. | 我从来都不知道跟Turk的傻瓜外科男们说什么 |
But I'm getting better. | 不过现在好多了 |
So... | 所以 |
- How's surgery? - It rocks. | - 手术如何- 棒呆了 |
But my bedroom, that's where I really operate. Am I right? | 不过我的卧室才是我真正操作的地方 对不 |
Come on, show Todd some love! | 好啦 来给Todd一点爱 |
I hate showing Todd love. | 我讨厌给Todd一点爱 |
Bambi, why are you over here slumming with these scalpel jocks? | 斑比 你为什么跟这些开刀的野蛮人在一起 |
Please, baby. This here's the VIP table. | 拜托 小甜心 这是贵宾座位 |
Why don't you sit your fine self down? | 为什么不让你那美臀坐下来 |
"Baby, this here's the VIP table..." | "小甜心 这是贵宾座位" |
I'm not really interested in her. | 我不是真的对她有兴趣 |
Then the Todd'll show that little biscuit some love. | 那Todd就要给那小甜饼一点爱了 |
Maybe he's a bit interested. | 也许他有点兴趣 |
Fine. Todd'll show himself some love. | 好吧 Todd给自己一点爱 |
I'm thinking about asking Carla out today, what do you think? | 我要约Carla出来 你怎么看 |
I think the janitor's out to get me. | 我觉得那个清洁工要找我算账 |
Wow, thank you so much for your help. | 谢谢你帮了我大忙 |
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You know what? Why don't you be just a bit more paranoid? | 你还能再多疑一点吗 |
- Wait, Turk... - That's him. | - 等等 Turk- 就是他 |
Hi, how are you? | 嗨 你们好吗 |
I need David Farr's chart. | 我要David Farr的病历 |
We all need lots of things. | 我们都要很多东西呢 |
Great. Dr Kelso? You're the Chief of Medicine. | 好极了 Kelso医生 你是内科主任 |
Is there a special way to communicate | 跟护士们说话是不是 |
with the nursing staff that I'm not getting? | 需要特别的交流技巧 |
Sugar won't work. They're already so sweet. | 糖肯定没用 因为她们已经很甜美了 |
Now, listen, Dr Whatever-the-hell-your-name-is, | 好了听着 不管你叫什么名字 |
you tattled yesterday, I responded. | 你昨天打小报告 我回应了 |
I feel closer to you than ever, really. But the ramifications are yours. | 我的确跟你是一伙的 但是后果你得自己负责 |
So don't try to drag me into your pathetic, whiny, little squabble | 别把我拖进你们之间可悲的牢骚口角 |
with that godawful bunch of malcontents. I hope you all kill each other. | 我巴不得你们挥刀相向呢 |
Have a great day, ladies. | 祝今天过得愉快 女士们 |
I hate this place. | 我恨死这个地方了 |
Dr Cox, I got Will's CT results back. | Cox医生 我拿到Will的CT结果了 |
No cancer. So what shall I tell him? | 没有癌症 那我该怎么跟他说 |
I'd open with that. | 要我的话就直说 |
It's just he's headed down such a bad road | 可他已经走上了不归路 |
I thought maybe you and I could talk to him... | 我们是不是可以跟他谈谈 |
When you really lock in with a mentor, | 当你有个导师的时候 |
you start to understand the meaning behind their words. | 你就得明白他的真正意思 |
- You do whatever you want. - Means "Great idea". | - 你爱怎么着怎么着- 意思是"好主意" |
I'm just happy you haven't messed up yet today. | 我对你今天还没搞砸什么事儿很满意 |
Means "You're really coming along as a doctor". | 意思是"你这医生当得像模像样了" |
Don't ever touch me. | 不许再碰我 |
Means "Don't ever touch him". | 意思是"不能再碰他了" |
Just thought it was a nice moment. | 我还觉得时机不错呢 |
- I don't wanna. - Come on. | - 我不想- 拜托啦 |
Carla, I shouldn't have told Dr Kelso on you. | Carla 我不该跟Kelso医生告你的状 |
No, you shouldn't have. | 你确实不应该 |
The comfortable silences. | 舒适的沉默啊 |
But thank you for apologising. | 不过谢谢你的道歉 |
Okay, good. | 挺好啊 |
I just wanna make one thing clear. | 我想把这事儿说清楚 |
Nothing needs to be clear. | 没什么好说的了 |
I still think you were the wrong. | 我还是觉得你是错的 |
Checking orthostatics is your job. | 检查心电图是你的工作 |
And... I need to know that you're gonna take care of it. | 而且 我得知道你明白这点了 |
That's all I'm saying. | 我就这点意思 |
There. All better. | 行了 好多了 |
So, yes. As of now, you have no signs of cancer. | 是的 就现在而言 你没有癌症的迹象 |
Who rules? Will rules. | 谁最棒 Will最棒 |
Well i's important to realize this isn't great news. | 你要意识到这不是个好消息 |
Are you sure? 'Cuz that's how it first hit me. | 你确定吗 因为我第一感觉是好消息 |
Well, you're on a slippery slope. | 你的身体处在危险边缘 |
And...I need to scare him | 而且 我知道我得吓唬他 |
but I had a sense he'd heard it all before. | 但我想他以前都听过这些话了 |
Luckily, part of being a doctor | 幸运的是 作为一个医生 |
is your ability to improvise. | 我能随机应变 |
Right now, the one thing that I want you to think about... | 现在 我要你考虑的是 |
How would you like to sound like this? | 你希望以后听起来像这样吗 |
Let me see. | 让我瞅瞅 |
- This is so cool. - No, it's not. | - 太酷了- 不 一点都不酷 |
- Biddy, biddy, biddy. Okay duck! - It's not a toy. | - 妹子 妹子 妹子- 这不是玩具 |