英文 | 中文 |
Hi. | 嗨 |
Do you want to buy her the earrings? | 你想帮她买对耳环吗 |
'Cause that's why she's crying, | 她就是因为耳环才哭 |
because of $6 earrings that... | 家里明明已经有 |
She has them at home already. | 同款的耳环了 |
But she wants them for right now, so... | 但她现在又要 所以... |
You should go into that store and buy them for her. | 你要么去那家店给她买一个 |
'Cause I'm not doing it. | 要么别盯着我看了 |
Or stop looking. | 反正我是不会买 |
You want a hotdog on a stick? | 想要吃热狗吗 |
Yeah, what happend? | 喂 怎么了 |
Hi, Richard. | 嗨 理查德 |
Hey. Hey. Uh... | 嗨 呃... |
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Look, uh, Richard... | 呃 理查德... |
Yeah, look, Richard, I... I... | 理查德 我... 我... |
Richard. | 理查德 |
I'll see you at school things. | 我们在文具店碰面吧 |
Yeah. Okay. | 嗯 好的 |
Who was that? | 谁打来的电话啊 |
Sophie's dad. | 索菲的爸爸 |
Yeah. That was a big mistake. | 这是一个天大的错误 |
What about Charles' dad? | 查尔斯的爸爸怎么样 |
What about him? | 怎么样 |
Is he tall? | 他很高吧 |
To me. | 对我而言很高 |
Listen, Jack. | 听着 杰克 |
I started this firm, | 这事务所是老娘创办的 |
and you are not getting rid of me. | 你是摆脱不了我的 |
Listen, Jack. | 听着 杰克 |
Listen, Jack. | 听着 杰克 |
Listen, Jack. I started this firm. | 这事务所是老娘创办的 |
You're not getting rid of me. | 你是摆脱不了我的 |
I don't care what you and that bimbo try to pull, | 我不管你和那个妓女要干什么 |
I will eat your goddamn lunch on this deal. | 这次我一分都不会让给你 更要把你那份都吞掉 |
Listen, Jack. | 听着 杰克 |
Ugh. Figures. | 呃 角色名 |
Of course. | 当然 |
Of course you're here. | 你当然会来这里 |
Of course you're here. | 是你当然会来这里 |
Listen, Jack. I started this firm, | 听着 杰克 这事务所是老娘创办的 |
and you're not... | 你不会... |
You're not... You're not gonna do that. | 你不会... 你不会想这样表演的 |
Don't do that. | 不要这样 |
It's good to practice. | 练习是件好事 |
It is. | 是的 |
Shh. | 嘘 |
How are you? What's goin' on? | 你还好吗 没发生什么事吧 |
Well, I wish for one boring day. | 我希望能有个无聊的一天 |
I really hate you, Mom. | 我恨你 妈妈 |
You are so unfair. | 你太不公平了 |
Good. Fine. Go live with your father. | 很好 去和你爸住吧 |
Yeah, I'm leaving right now. | 嗯 我正在走呢 |
Very crazy good. House full of young girls kicking my ass. | 真他妈的好 一屋子小姑娘惹人烦 |
- You are so unfair!- Get in the house. | - 你太不公平了- 回屋里去 |
Go to bed. | 躺床上去 |
I'm gonna make your life a living hell. | 我要让你体验下人间炼狱 |
I hear ya. I only have one, | 我知道那些小孩 但我只有一个孩子 |
so I can't even imagine. | 简直无法想象三个孩子会成什么样 |
- You have kids? You have a kid?- I do. | - 你有孩子?你有一个孩子?- 是的 |
- I have one.- That's so weird to me. | - 我有一个- 真不可思议 |
- What?- No, I didn't... | - 什么- 不 我不是... |
You don't seem maternal. | 你看起来不像生过孩子一样 |
Thanks. I appreciate that. | 谢谢夸奖 |
That's what... They all say that, too. | 大家都这样说 |
Um, are you dating Luke? | 你在和卢克约会吗 |
What? No. | 什么 没有 |
I don't know. Somebody said that. | 我也不清楚 有人告诉我的 |
- No.- No? | - 没有的事- 真没有吗 |
Eww. No, I'm dating my daughters. | 没有 我忙着和女儿们约会 |
They're my love life. The whole day. | 她们一天到晚就是我的爱情生活 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
All right. Focus. Focus. | 好了 集中精神 |
Listen, Jack. | 听着 杰克 |
I started this firm, and you're not... | 这事务所是老娘创办的 你是不能... |
I mean, who writes this shit? | 我想问 这狗屎剧本是谁写的 |
I don't know. I don't understand. | 我不知道 我也不理解 |
I mean, who is... | 我的意思是 谁是... |
- Oh, my God.- Thank you. | - 哦 天啊- 谢谢你了 |
- I know.- It is so good to see you. | - 我知道- 见到你很高兴 |
Oh, it's so good to see you, too. | 见到你也很高兴 |
I'm glad you're back. I mean, this is gonna be great. | 我很开心你能回来 我是说 这样真好 |
Are you kidding me? | 这是在开玩笑吗 |
- Yeah.- Are you gonna go? | - 是啊- 你要走了吗 |
Yeah. It's Julie Bowen. | 嗯 那是朱莉·鲍温 |
Yeah, you're right. | 没错 |
Bye. | 拜拜 |
Wait! Don't go in there. | 等等 不要去那里 |
The wizard will see us, | 巫师会发现我们 |
and he'll try to rez us down. | 然后赶走我们的 |
Hello? | 喂喂 |
Hi, Miss Jacobs. | 嗨 雅各小姐 |
Yes. I'm sorry. Duke had her homework, | 抱歉 杜克的作业做完了 |
but I forgot it in my van. | 但我把它忘在车里了 |
I took her to the dentist today. | 今天我带她去看牙医了 |
Yeah. | 对 |
Yeah, I understand that. | 对 我明白 |
Yes. I know. | 我知道 |
Amanda, will you give me a break? | 阿曼达 饶了我吧 |
I have three of them, and you know I work. | 我有三个娃呢 而且我还要工作 |
No. No, he doesn't help. | 不 他爸也没帮忙 |
They haven't seen him in, like, a month. | 她们大概有一个月没见过他了 |
I didn't say that was your problem. | 我没说怪你 |
I... | 我 |
Okay. All right. | 好吧 好吧 |
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Amanda... | 阿曼达 |
And I'm so sorry. | 真的很抱歉 |
Thank you. | 谢谢你啦 |
Okay, Vernon. I am so sorry. | 弗农 真不好意思 |
One more time. Almost done. | 再来一次 就要搞定了 |
Adrenaline. | 燥起来吧 |
Wait! Don't go in there. | 等等 别进去 |
The wizard will see us, and he'll try to... God damn it. | 巫师会看见我们 他会 真要命 |
That woman is pure shit on a stick. | 那死女人就是个搅屎棍 |
I cannot wait 'til my daughter leaves that school, | 我实在等不及让我女儿离开那破学校了 |
so I can tell her | 这样我就能告诉她 |
what a cockfighting douche her fucking teacher was. | 她老师有多婊 |
Oh, Vernon. | 弗农 |
Okay. | 好吧 |
One more for the wizard. | 巫师那段再来一遍 |
Where is the freakin' graph paper? | 该死的坐标纸到底在哪里 |
I mean, this place is like a pre-apocalyptic nightmare. | 我是说 这地方有如世界末日的噩梦 |
Oh, calm down, mom. | 拜托了老妈 镇静点 |
Okay, graph paper, journal notebook, | 好吧 坐标纸 记事本 |
dictionary... | 词典 |
That woman smelled like my dad's girlfriend. | 那个女人闻着像我爸的女朋友 |
What? | 什么嘛 |
What? | 怎么了 |
Oh, headphones. That's great. And speakers, | 耳机 太好了 还有音箱 |
and where's the freakin' graph paper? | 所以该死的坐标纸到底在哪儿 |
I don't know, Mom. | 我不知道 妈妈 |
I'll get the binders and the rest of the stuff. | 我去找活页夹还有剩下的东西 |
Does anyone actually work here? | 这儿到底有没有人管 |
Hello! | 有人吗 |
Does anybody actually work here? | 到底有人负责这里吗 |
Yes, I do! | 有啊 我啊 |
But I'm with customers right now. | 但我现在正忙着帮顾客 |
Wait. But can you tell me at least | 那你至少能告诉我 |
where I can find the graph paper? | 在哪儿能找着坐标纸吧 |
Aisle eight. | 八号过道 |
This is aisle eight. | 我就在八号过道啊 |
Oh, here it is. | 噢 在这儿呢 |
That was great, Mom. | 真行啊 妈妈 |
Just freak out in a store, why don't you. | 直接在商店发飙 |
I didn't freak out, just nobody works there. | 我没发飙啊 谁让他们没人管 |
I wish you smoked pot, Mom. | 我倒是希望你吸大麻 妈妈 |
What? | 什么 |
It would be good for you. | 对你有好处 |
Stoners aren't losers, Mom. | 拜托妈妈 吸毒又不意味着失败 |
And it would mellow you out. | 吸毒能让你放松 |
I'm perfectly mellow. | 我相当放松了 |
Can I ask you something? | 我能问你点事吗 |
You know what? Never mind. | 还是算了 |
You'll just freak out. | 你肯定又要发飙 |
Okay, you don't have to, | 好吧 你不说我也知道 |
but now you know you're going to. | 但你现在还是说吧 |
Could you get pot for me? | 你能帮我搞到大麻吗 |
What? | 你说什么 |
Gabby Shuster's mom told her | 加比·舒斯特的妈妈跟她说 |
if she ever wanted to smoke pot, | 如果她想吸大麻 |
she'd get it for her. | 她就会给她 |
Like, don't you want me to have clean organic pot? | 就好比 你不想让我抽纯净有机的大麻吗 |
You should want me to have good nugs. | 你应该想让我抽上好的大麻才对 |
Good nugs? | 上好的大麻 |
I don't even know what to say? | 我真不知道该说啥 |
That's amazing. | 简直神奇 |
I don't know how to get pot. | 我都不知道怎么弄到大麻 |
I don't even know where to get... | 甚至不知道该去哪儿弄 |
Gabby Shuster's mom | 加比·舒斯特的妈妈 |
said that to you? | 是那么跟你们说的吗 |
Okay. That's great. | 好吧 真好 |
I can't even get Gran pot for her arthritis. | 格兰抽大麻抽到有关节炎 |
How about this? How about this? | 不如这样 |
No. No, Max, I'm not gonna get you pot. | 不行 麦克斯 我是不会给你弄大麻的 |
- It's so easy, Mom.- Sorry. | - 超简单的 妈妈- 抱歉不行 |
You get a prescription, | 你有处方 |
you just have to be 18. | 你只要有颗18岁的心就好了 |
Max, honey, can we just | 麦克斯 宝贝 咱们还是 |
go back to the regular hard things, | 聊聊常规的东西吧 |
like school supplies? | 比方说 学习用品 |
You should be happy I'm honest with you. | 你该庆幸我这么诚实 |