5. 副词关系
5.1 规则八——副词修饰动词,形容词,或另一个副词。
I. 用于回应对方的“yes”和“no”是独立用法:例如,“Is he at home?” “yes”(=He is at home.)
II. 情态副词通常用于修饰整个主题:例如,“truly,the world does move.”
解析示例(以以下第一例为例示例:按照片规则八,副词“very”修饰形容词“fairest”;副词“usually”和“most quickly”修饰动词“wither”):
1. The very fairest flowers usually wither the most quickly.
2. Slowly and sadly we laid him down.—Wolfe.
3. And now a bubble bursts, and now a world.—Pope.
4. For them no more the blazing hearth shall burn.—Gray.
5. Ill blows the wind that profits nobody. —Shakespeare.
6. Freely we serve because we freely love.—Milton.
7. When here, but three days since I came,
Bewildered in pursuit of game,
All seemed as peaceful and as still
As the mist slumbering on yon hill.—Scott.
5.2.1 在句法规则八下的特别规则。
I. 特别规则一:副词必须放置到最清晰最一致的渲染句子的位置。
(1) We cannot deprive them of merit wholly .
副词“wholly”不是一个明智的放置位置。意味着与动词“deprive”有关,位于副词和动词之间的词组“them of merit”的介入是令人混淆的。应当改成“We cannot wholly deprive them of merit”
(2) I hope not much to tire those I shall not happen to please.——Doctor Johnson.
Doctor Johnson并不是想说“他不很想累” ,而是说“他不想太累”,这个句子应当转换为这样:“I hope I shall not much tire those whom I shall [or may] not happen to please.”
(3)This mode of expression rather suits familiar than grave style.—Murray's Grammar.
更好的表达,例如:“This mode of expression suits [a] familiar rather than [a] grave style.”
(4) A master-mind was equally wanting in the cabinet and in the field.
应当改为这样,“Was wanting equally in the cabinet,” 等等。在这个例子中,和上面第(3)个例子一样,副词有“混合引用”(mixed reference)。“equally”修饰“wanting”,但是,它也涉及短语“in the cabinet and in the field”。这种情况的主要规则是,副词应当放置到它所涉及的两个词或表达式之间。
(5) I have been disappointed greatly at your conduct.
副词“greatly”位置放置不正确,应当改为这样:“I have been greatly disappointed,”等等。这种情况的主要原则是,在复合时态中,副词应当插入辅助动词和分词之间。
(6) He used to often come.
I wished to really know.
对于简单不定式,副词永远不要将不定式标识“to”与动词拆分开;必须是,要么在不定式之前,要么放在整个不定式短语之后。例如,改成,“He used often to come”或者“to come often.” “I wished really to know.”或 “to know really.” 对于复合不定式,同样的规则也适用于复合时态中。我们说,“It is believed to have often happened;”“He is thought to be well informed on that subject.”
Only用法。——英语副词中最麻烦的副词是“only”(注:实例中无数的错误是“only”的位置误用。确实,这是如此常见,绝对的常见,读者可能几乎都会说,在英语整个文学界的任何书中,很难发现“only”的恰当位置。——Gould 的<<好的英语>>(Good English)),按照这个词在句子的不同放置位置,表达的可能是几个不同的含义。
(1) “Only he mourned for his brother.” 这儿的“Only”表示恰恰相反的关系,相当于“but”。表示“他通常是一个冷酷无情的男人,他仅哀悼他的兄弟(但是,作为他平常特征的例外情况) 。”
(2) “He-only [alone] mourned for his brother.” 这里的“only”,表示“没有别人陪他一起哀悼他的兄弟”。
(3) “He only-mourned for his brother.” 表示“他没做别的事情。”
(4) “He mourned only for his brother.” 表示“没有别的理由。”
(5) “He mourned for his only brother.” 表示“他的唯一兄弟”,“only”是形容词。
(6) “He mourned for his brother only.” 表示“没有别的人”,“only”=“alone”。
(1) A term which only implies the idea of persons.
“only”用在这里,表示要排除的不是“implies”,而是“persons”,应当是,“which implies the idea of persons only.”
(2) I can only regard them as Scotticisms.
“only”用在这里,表示要排除的不是“regard”,而是“Scotticisms”,应当是,“I can regard them only as Scotticisms.”
(3) “When the article stands only before the first of two or more connected nouns.”
这个句子,应当是这样,“When the article stands before only the first,” 等等。
II. 特别规则二:一个副词,不应当与表语形容词混用:
(1) The rose smells sweet—not sweetly.
(2) Gutturals sound harsh—not harshly.
(3) Mary looks cold—not coldly.
我们说,“Mary looks cold”[=she is cold in look or appearance],我们本意不是想标识“看起来的样子”,而是想表示“Mary的一个特征”。如果我们通过加入前置词的方式,将不及物的结构改为及物的结构,我们说,“Mary looks on John coldly”,那么这个副词的用法就是正确的,因为在这个例子中,我们的本意是表示“她看起来的样子”,而不是“Mary的一个特征”。
III. 特别规则三:两个否定词永远不要用来表达一个否定含义:
(1) I have not done nothing.
这个句子表示我做了一些事情,假如我们想表达一个否定含义,我们可以说,“I have done nothing.”或者,“I have not done anything.”
(2) He has eaten no bread nor drunk no water these two days.
否定词“nor”(=not or),在“water”前与“no”连在一起,起着双重否定的作用。纠正为这样:“He has eaten no bread and he has drunk no water these two days;”或者,“He has neither eaten any bread nor has drunk any water,”等等。
注意事项。——双重否定是一种优雅的间接表达肯定含义的方式。代替这种说法,“I am somewhat acquainted with his virtues,”我们可以改换成这样,“I am not unacquainted with his virtues.”
IV. 特别规则四:表示时间,距离,价值等度量的名词,可以直接作为副词性的形容词,而无需使用前置词:
(1) The man is seventy years old.
(2) Our school is three miles from the church.
(3) You are paid twenty dollars a week.
1. We always should prefer our duty to our pleasure.
2. They seemed to be nearly dressed alike.
3. The heavenly bodies are in motion perpetually.
4. The colon may be properly applied in the following case.
5. By greatness I not only mean the bulk of any single object, but the largeness of the whole view.
6. Thales was not only famous for his knowledge of nature, but for his moral wisdom.
7. The apple tastes sweetly.
8. The dog smells disagreeably.
9. Velvet feels smoothly.
10. I have not had no dinner.
11. I will not take that course by no means.
12 He spoke the piece clear and distinct.
来源:<<英语文法和写作>> William Swinton,1879 年版。