从此之后, 孟轲变了. 他再也没有逃过学, 日夜苦读, 钻研各家学说, 终于成为我国封建时期的一位大思想家.
比较自己的翻译和庄绎传先生的, 学习差异所在.
-: 我的翻译
+: 庄先生的参考翻译
从此之后, 孟轲变了. 他再也没有逃过学, 日夜苦读, 钻研各家学说, 终于成为我国封建时期的一位大思想家.
-: Thereafter, Meng Ke had changed greatly. He had never played traunt again, instead he studied various theories day and night, and finally he became a great scholoar of ancient China.
-: From that time on, Meng Ke was quite another person. He never played traunt again. Instead, he worked day and night, studying the doctrines of the various schools, and finally became one of the great thinkers of feudal China.
我译的时候直接想到 change
, 但后面接什么呢, 就觉得怪怪的, 便加了个副词 greatly
. 看到庄先生译的后, 豁然开朗, 可不是嘛, 变了一个人嘛
, be another person
庄先生直接用了个形容词, 简单明了, feudal
我因为不会译, 直接以'理论'代替了. 庄先生用了 Doctrine
, 很贴切了.
Doctrine suggests a particular stand that may be briefly summarized but which usually can involve complex or extensive theological discussion for full treatment:
the easily affirmed doctrine of the Trinity to which so many church fathers devoted at least a volume of explanation.
下一篇是英汉翻译练习, 题目是 England before the industrial revolution
工业革命前的中国 第一部分
England Before the Industrial Revolution
The country was a place where men worked from dawn to dark, and the labourer lived not in the sun, but in poverty and darkness.
What aids there were to lighten labour were immemorial, like the mill, which was already ancient in Chaucer's time.
The industrial Revolution began with such machines; the millwrights were the engineers of the coming age.