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  • 英语阅读☞17

    (5)Some people think that good judgment is innate. Sir Andrew accepts th...

  • 英语阅读☞16

    (5)The degree of judgment required tends to increase as people take on m...

  • 英语阅读☞15

    (3)It is, of course, possible to follow all these steps and still make t...

  • 英语阅读☞14

    (2) Expertise can be useful in making judgments. But it is not the same ...

  • 英语阅读☞13

    如何拥有绝佳的判断力(1) Sir Andrew Likierman of the London Business School has spe...

  • 英语阅读☞12

    宇宙中的另一个“太阳系”已被发现 Stars are so luminous that they block our view of plane...

  • 英语阅读☞11

    长久的友谊需要经营 Friendship needs to be nurtured with sincere heart and some sk...

  • 英语阅读☞10

    站在起点,面向未来 “We are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book...

  • 英语阅读☞9

    如何获得真正的幸福 Many people think that when they become rich and successful, h...