前段时间,有一个很火的视频。 南京,新街口地铁站,晚上10点多,一位男子,西装革履,醉如烂泥,身边就是他的呕吐物,路过的人帮忙叫了警察。 看到警察,小伙开始诉苦: “我和老婆...
前段时间,有一个很火的视频。 南京,新街口地铁站,晚上10点多,一位男子,西装革履,醉如烂泥,身边就是他的呕吐物,路过的人帮忙叫了警察。 看到警察,小伙开始诉苦: “我和老婆...
图片发自简书App 懂你英语Level 6学习笔记 Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 懂你英语Level 6 Unit 1 Part 1 Listening 懂你英...
1>> In this course, we have tried to prepare you to understand and discuss important to...
1>> Machu Picchu is one of the world's most impressive historical sites. It was built a...
Talking about Modals 1 Now that you're studying English at a high level, let's get a be...
1>> A fair maiden is guarded by a dragon. A handsome prince must slay the dragon to sav...
Vacation Plans W: So, where should we go on a vacation? What about Africa? M: Africa? N...
1>> A large international study has found that ten risk factors account for 90 percent ...
Sports Injury 1>> Exercise and a certain amount of strenuous physical activity are impo...
掌控时间就等于掌控了人生 上班前—— 5:50——6:00 【 清晨5步骤 、清肠水】 6:00——6:20 【 起床、洗漱 】 6:20——6:40 【 化妆、听樊登读书会...
再过不久,就要过春节了,在我看来就是需要在这个假期里弥补自己的不足,而且提升自己,所以都不要忘了为自己填充一下知识哦! 1.网易公开课 网易公开课不仅有收费的精品课程,还有T...
1>>> Once up a time, there was a mischievous young boy who was given the task of tendin...
Lover's Quarrel W: Hey, what do you think? Do you like it? M: No, it's too short. You c...
Argument over Investment W: I just heard what you did. You did it without consulting me...
Scientists now believe that the Earth's magnetic field is about to reverse. This is cal...
There are several fundamental forces that hold our universe together. One of these, of ...
Winning a Lottery A: Guess what? I've just won the lottery, 50 million dollars. B: You ...
Verbs About Problems Maintain: to preserve or keep things as they are. Our quality is e...