一束微光照进阴冷的铁塔,铁塔里的肮脏龌龊顿时显形,于是这束光便有了罪,被无数蛆虫围追堵截。 微光未必是绝对的真理,但至少可以指引另一个方向。 蛆虫未必都自甘堕落,也可能破茧成...
如今重看,柳宗元的《蝜蝂传》,觉得柳大诗人对过程以及人情世故看得太通透了[社会社会] 蝜蝂传 作者:柳宗元 蝜蝂者,善负小虫也。行遇物,辄持取,卬其首负之。背愈重,虽困剧不止...
流萤集46-50(自译感悟)46、They expect thanks for the banished nest because their cage is shapely and secure.旧巢...
@六铺炕日出 👍才疏学薄,谢谢指正;
流萤集116-120(自译感悟)116、The earth's scarifical fire flames up in her trees, scattering sparks in flowers.大地...
116、The earth's scarifical fire flames up in her trees, scattering sparks in flowers.大地...
116、The earth's scarifical fire flames up in her trees, scattering sparks in flowers.大地...
111、The dew-drop knows the sun only within its own tiny orb. 露珠知道太阳仅仅在它自己的小水晶球里。 112、Fo...
106、Though the thorn in thy flower pricked me, O Beauty, i am greatful. 虽然那花间的荆棘刺痛了我,哦,...
101、I leave no trace of wings in the air, but i am glad I have had my flight. 在空中没有留下我翅...
@致那些坐井观天,自以为是的~~~!~~~ 朵朵白云天上飘, 只只青蛙井底座。 翘首遥指方寸间, 那就是我们的天。 一只小鸟落井缘, 外面世界更精彩; 诺!~~~ 为啥要翻我...
96、The fire of pain traces for my soul a luminous path across her sorrow.追寻我灵魂的痛楚之焰是穿越她...
91、The glow worm while exploring the dust never knows that stars are in the sky.在泥土中探索的...
86、The sea of danger, doubt and denial around man’s little isComnd of certainty challen...
此文谨献给所有善良的、为梦想坚持不懈小朋友们。 在河流的下游生活着一群小鱼。它们有时在水草从中举办游泳障碍比赛,看谁游得又快又好?有时又一起钻进河底的淤泥里去寻找贝壳,看谁找...