20220427听了Englishpod的episode48 一、内容总结 The couple got the tickets to Sambadrome from a t...
20220427听了Englishpod的episode48 一、内容总结 The couple got the tickets to Sambadrome from a t...
20220426听了Englishpod的episode47 一、内容总结 It’s a dialogue in the business settings. It disc...
20220422听了Englishpod的episode 46 一、内容总结 A girl brought her pet, a little hamster, to the...
今天早上早起了十五分钟,所以有时间煮了饺子当午饭带到公司,还有时间刷碗。 大概是前面看到某个公众号发的文章名——985高校的人都是为了房子,车子,票子。印象深刻到进入潜意识了...
20220420听了Englishpod的episode44 一、内容总结 The daily talk between the old man and the young ...
20220420听了Englishpod的episode 45 一、内容总结 太喜欢今天这个情景对话了,感觉这个女主和我一毛一样。又作又放不下,还不肯迈出第一步去求和。不过幸...
20220419听了Englishpod的episode42 一、内容总结 This is a visa interview. The person who applied ...
今天早上,上班路上公交车上看到这样一幕。 我从前门上来往后走,迎面看到一位上了年纪的大爷,大概七八十岁的样子,大概是从后门上来的,他正在向前门这边走。后来一个在我前面的姑娘坐...
20220418听了Englishpod的episode 42 elementary (跳过了41,41是电影预告片(movie trailer),太吵了,带着耳机听耳朵疼;...
20220415听了Englishpod的episode 40 一、内容总结 It’s a kind of easy dialogue, the content of whi...
20220414听了Englishpod的episode39 一、内容总结 A girl heard her friend were dating with a man, o...
20220413听了Englishpod的episode 38 一、内容总结 It’s a really interesting dialogue. You never gu...
20220412听了Englishpod的episode 37 一、内容总结 The major character of today’s dialogue is a lit...
20220411听了Englishpod36 1,内容总结 It’s also very common to see an argument between the coup...
20220410听了Englishpod 35 1,内容总结 The dialogue talked about something very common in our l...
20220408听了Englishpod的episode 34 一、内容总结 Madeline reported live from Washington D.C. abou...
20220407听了Englishpod的episode 33 一、内容总结 Two friends sit together watching a baskeball ga...
20220407晚听了Englishpod的episode 31 一、内容总结: A man came to the bank. With the help of the b...
20220406听了Englishpod的episode 31 一、内容总结 Angela called to reschedule an appointment with ...